At Home in Mississippi

Growing up in the 40 and 50 in MIssissippi
by BethShelby
My life growing up in the 40's and 50's

Prologue: At Home in Mississippi

Posted February 7, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
170 views | 25 reviews

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A bit a about the family which I would be born into.
Chapter 1

Lead-In to an Humble Beginning

Posted January 28, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
176 views | 17 reviews

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Lucille and Glover struggle to pay off their debt.
Chapter 2

Crisis with the Mortgage Money

Posted January 29, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
171 views | 21 reviews

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Lucille's longing to start a family grows stronger.
Chapter 3

A Desire For Something More

Posted February 2, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
180 views | 17 reviews

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This is a sad time in Lucille;s life.
Chapter 4

Devastating News

Posted February 4, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
165 views | 17 reviews

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Lucille gets around to admitting, she pregnant.
Chapter 5

The News is Out

Posted March 3, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
169 views | 18 reviews

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The days lead toward the family additon.
Chapter 6

Countdown to Delivery

Posted March 15, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
163 views | 21 reviews

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The Weir family grows by one.
Chapter 7

Making a Grand Entrance

Posted March 27, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
160 views | 19 reviews

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Preeclampsia, formerly called toxemia
Chapter 8

Postpartum Crisis

Posted April 6, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
146 views | 21 reviews

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I heard our personalities start forming from birth.
Chapter 9

Little Things Which Shaped Me

Posted April 18, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
120 views | 21 reviews

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Getting acquainted with life and extended family.
Chapter 10

Exploring My New World

Posted April 22, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
108 views | 16 reviews

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My life in Mississippi before before WWII
Chapter 11

Potty Training

Posted May 5, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
104 views | 19 reviews

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Other things I'm remembering from my twos and threes.
Chapter 12

Tidbits, Cures and Other Kids

Posted May 6, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
129 views | 16 reviews

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The desire to get even sometimes starts young.
Chapter 13

The Doll

Posted January 7, 2022
Biographical / Non-Fiction
202 views | 37 reviews

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My experiences with trying to understand God.
Chapter 14

Communicating With God

Posted May 7, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
144 views | 23 reviews

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A Radio News Story and a Briar Patch
Chapter 15

The Radio and a Briar Patch

Posted May 9, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
121 views | 14 reviews

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More of my thinking at age three.
Chapter 16

Favorites, Fears, and Willpower

Posted May 16, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
123 views | 23 reviews

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More tales of life when I was three.
Chapter 17

Old Things and New Changes

Posted May 12, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
125 views | 18 reviews

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Events of December 1941
Chapter 18

War and a Peaceful Holiday

Posted May 19, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
116 views | 18 reviews

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A typical Mississippi man in preintergregation days.
Chapter 19

My Uncle Willie

Posted May 24, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
130 views | 17 reviews

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My life growing up in the 40s and 50s in Mississippi.
Chapter 20

Career Decision at Age Four

Posted May 27, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
128 views | 19 reviews

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Another look into my life around five.
Chapter 21

Up, Up, and Away

Posted May 30, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
115 views | 21 reviews

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An unusual character in my story.
Chapter 22

Our Neighbor, Joe Seay

Posted June 2, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
111 views | 20 reviews

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A mixture of things during 1942 and 1943
Chapter 23

War Years and Other Happenings

Posted June 9, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
115 views | 19 reviews

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The long awaited first day of school arrives.
Chapter 24

That Memorable First Day

Posted June 12, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
120 views | 25 reviews

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There are days when things go wrong.
Chapter 25

The Pros and Cons of School Days

Posted June 15, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
127 views | 18 reviews

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Early memories of my first year in school.
Chapter 26

School Days in the Forties

Posted June 23, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
102 views | 19 reviews

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My first train ride to Texas to visit relatives.
Chapter 27

All Aboard for Texas

Posted June 29, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
103 views | 18 reviews

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Life in 1944 in Mississippi
Chapter 28

Family Outings and Planned Trip

Posted June 27, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
97 views | 21 reviews

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This is my first time being away from Mississippi
Chapter 29

Texas Adventure

Posted July 6, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
101 views | 17 reviews

Post Number 1000
A Milestone Post

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A chapter in the book Growing Up in Mississippi
Chapter 30

Friends Come in all Colors

Posted July 9, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
88 views | 19 reviews

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The south still had it problems in the 40s.
Chapter 31

Trouble Erupts

Posted July 11, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
97 views | 18 reviews

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Various religious ideologies cause tension in my world.
Chapter 32

Tiptoeing on Holy Ground

Posted July 18, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
99 views | 21 reviews

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Chapter in Growing Up in MIssissippi
Chapter 33

Summer of 45 and Changing Events

Posted July 27, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
76 views | 22 reviews

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A chapter in the book,Growing up in Mississippi
Chapter 34

Lessons in Humility

Posted July 28, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
75 views | 18 reviews

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Highlight at age nine.
Chapter 35

Beginning of the Post War Years

Posted August 6, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
63 views | 18 reviews

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My dad tries to give me experiences he didn't have.
Chapter 36

The Greatest Show on Earth

Posted July 22, 2023
Biographical / Non-Fiction
107 views | 27 reviews

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My early and later experiences and thoughts about guns.
Chapter 37

The Gun and I

Posted July 24, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
67 views | 22 reviews

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A Mississippi summer and beginning of 5th grade
Chapter 38

Southern Heat and Back to School

Posted August 8, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
70 views | 20 reviews

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A 1948 tornado strikes a town in Mississippi.
Chapter 39

In the Clutches of a Tornado

Posted August 10, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
65 views | 20 reviews

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Mixed feelings and other traumas.
Chapter 40

The Days Following the Storm

Posted August 12, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
68 views | 17 reviews

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I found myself doing something I regretted.
Chapter 41

Summer of my Indiscretion

Posted August 31, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
59 views | 21 reviews

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Seventh grade was a mildstone and a stumbleing stone.
Chapter 42

Dealing with Changes

Posted September 3, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
47 views | 22 reviews

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A couple of other things happening the year of the storm.
Chapter 43

1948 Becomes History

Posted August 25, 2024
Biographical / Non-Fiction
48 views | 21 reviews

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