Romance Poetry posted March 14, 2025

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Better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all

A Love not meant to be


We both gave each other another chance
but our love was not meant to be
Life laid its hurdles before us
and we decided to set ourselves free.
Tears broke out now and then
my heart had lost its key
Dreams of a beautiful tomorrow 
was lost in the deep blue sea.
My heart cried out aloud
of the pain that was in me.
I heard a whisper within me say-
Maybe this is not that world
where your love was meant to be
Perhaps another world and time
is where you would together be.
The memories of golden sunsets
and times spent with you in glee
 will always be in my chest of treasure
reminding how much you had loved me.

Unrequited love writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about a love that failed.
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