Satire Fiction posted March 6, 2025

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Red brings down the big, bad, blond wolf.

Red Riding Hood Elected

by HarryT

Worlds Collide: A Character Mashup Contest Winner 

Once upon a time, in Mericaland, there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood because she loved to where a red cape and hood. From the time she was a girl, she cared about justice and fairness for others. She would be a peace maker, settling playground disputes. She was a caring person offering her companionship when she thought a boy or girl might need a friend. 
One day after her graduation from high school, she was on her way to her grandmother’s house. She liked to take a shortcut through a shady park. As she skipped around a curve in the path, a wolf jumped out and blocked her way. He was big, bad and blond. He had a smirk on his lupus-face and growled, “Well, my girl, what a nice bosom you have.” Red tried to step back but the wolf held her arm. Mr. Wolf reached under her red cape and fondled her breast. Having taken self-defense classes, Red gave the big, bad, blond wolf a kick in an area she cared not to mention in mixed company. The big, bad, blond wolf cursed at her, and limped back into the forest. 
Red reported the incident, but the authorities never arrested the wolf. Red worked hard to put the incident behind her and went on to college where she majored in political science, with a minor in criminal justice. After graduation, she worked for a non-profit organization which focus was helping poor women in need of medical assistance. Several years later, her interested in politics was peaked because the big, bad, blond Mr. Wolf who had sexually abused her was elected the President of Mericaland. 
Now in office, he was wreaking havoc throughout the government and the country by eliminating entire departments and safety-net programs designed to help the poor. Why? Because he needed to find money in order to give tax cuts to the rich. His unconscionable orders were a call to her to fight against the injustices being perpetrated by this fascistic character now ruling the county. The big, bad, blond, Mr. Wolf was indeed a reverse Robin Hood. He was proud of his favoritism to the rich, after all belonging to their club was a major need of his. He even offered a five million dollar pass to citizenship, hoping to attract rich immigrants to Mericaland so there might be more people to admire him.
Red felt she had to fight this monster. She ran for her district’s seat in the House of Representatives. She was known as Red by her friends because of her affinity for the color in her wardrobe and every so often she would put on her red riding hood which became her brandmark. She built her campaign on a platform the trinity of honesty, accountability, and protecting the rights of all citizens, regardless of wealth. She traveled from town to town in her district, speaking about the need to rid the country of an autocratic president and the plutocracy that had gain control of Mericaland.
Her message resonated with good people of both parties. On election day, Red won her district with a bi-partisan landslide. She took the oath of office as a new member of the House of Representatives. But as she settled into her new role, she realized that the challenges she faced were more than she expected.
Red went into shock when the big, bad, blond, Mr. Wolf had declared himself president for life. There was no resistance from his worshipers in the House and Senate. He had used his power to silence dissent by promising to visit retribution upon anyone who was no longer an unquestioning supporter.  He continued to demonstrate his skill as a master puppeteer successfully manipulating his worshipers to his advantage. Red and her followers knew democracy’s survival hinged on his downfall. 
By speaking with her constituents and fellow representatives, she launched a vigorous campaign to remove the big, bad, blond wolf as president. She organized meetings, delivered speeches, and worked to build a coalition dedicated to wolf removal and the restoring of democracy.

Her efforts began to bear fruit. Some of those who voted for the bad wolf were protesting his draconian measures. Townhall meetings of his party supporters turned into screaming sessions about his billionaire friend, Richie Rich firing government workers and claiming he and the big, bad, blond wolf had a mandate to do so from the people of Mericaland. However, as chaos grew, more and more representatives joined her cause. They saw the passion and determination in Red’s eyes and were inspired by her unwavering commitment to do what was right for Mericaland. A powerful alliance formed to take on the president and his loyalists.
Red and her supporters, working with whistleblowers and investigative journalists, uncovered a web of deceit and manipulation that Richie Rich and the president’s family and closest allies were engaged in. Red and her coalition presented their findings to the public on television and on social media. People took to the streets, demanding that the big, bad, blond, Mr. Wolf, regardless of the protection given him by his toadies on the Supreme Court, be held accountable for his actions.
The president, sensing that his grip on power was slipping, tried to arrest Red and her allies for committing treason against his rule. Red went into hiding, as the big, bad wolf used the military to arrest and confine Red’s followers. She hoped that good people of both parties would see through the president’s despicable tactics and take action against him.
As the pressure mounted, the president’s loyalists wavered. The question blared over social media and on signs held high during demonstrations, “Do you want a dictator to rule your life?”  Some of his cohorts, fearing for their own futures, distanced themselves from the big, bad, blond wolf. The tide was turning, protests were boiling in many parts of the country, even in states that overwhelmingly voted for him. Momentum for his ouster was building.
Finally, the day came when the House of Representatives voted on whether to impeach the big, bad, blond, Mr. Wolf. The votes were cast. Tension filled the chamber. When the final tally was announced, the wolf had been impeached.
The news spread like wildfire, but it was far from over. Still, much work had to be done to correct the wrongs that had been done.

Finally, for the good of the nation, justice was achieved as the big, bad, blond, Mr. Wolf was removed from office because of his extensive abuse of executive power. Now it was up to the people or Mericaland to rebuild democracy again.

Worlds Collide: A Character Mashup
Contest Winner

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