Romance Fiction posted December 15, 2024 | Chapters: |
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Noah and Sami visit Myra.
A chapter in the book Willing Hearts
Chapter 28 B Willing Hearts
by barbara.wilkey
Background Can Noah rescue Myra, shut down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him. |

Noah and Sami met 33 days ago.
After saying goodbye, they started to leave. From the hallway, Bob said, "Boss, I forgot." He handed Noah a folded paper.
"Thank you." Noah held the paper. "Sami, I have Amber Mills address. Would you like to visit her?"
"Really? I can do that?"
"We can, if you'd like."
"Of course. When?"
"How about right now?"
Chapter 28 B
Noah parked at an independent senior living community. "Amber's apartment should be right in front of us. It's on the ground floor."
"Is she expecting us?"
"Bob set it up for this afternoon but wasn't sure of the time."
They stood at the door, and Noah knocked. "Sami, breathe."
Her eyes met his and she smiled. "I wonder if not breathing is really a thing."
Moments later the door opened. "Hello, Ms. Mills?" Sami held out her hand. "I'm Sami Martinez." She nodded toward Noah. "This is Noah Taylor. I think Bob Swanson called and asked if we could visit with you this afternoon."
Amber stepped aside and pointed to the couch. "Yes, please come in and have a seat. I'll get some iced tea."
Sami followed. "Let me help."
The tea was served, and Amber asked, "When Bob called, he explained some, but I didn't understand all of it. How do you know me?"
Sami explained they spent about a month in the house where she grew up and found her puzzle box in the attic. After she figured out the code, she found the diary and letters."
Noah stood. "Excuse me a minute. I left something in the car."
When Noah returned, he handed Amber the puzzle box and contents.
Moisture welled in Amber's eyes. "I thought I'd never see these again. Thank you."
Moisture filled Sami's eyes. "I hope you don't mind, but your story was heartwarming. I had to know more. I researched," she glanced at Noah, "with help, and discovered you had a baby girl, Christina Erin."
"I did. Christina lives about five miles from here."
"She teaches and is married, right? Are you a grandma?"
Amber smiled. "I am. I have three grandchildren, two boys and one girl."
Sami's smile lit the room. "Wonderful."
"I guess you know Jesse was killed in Vietnam."
"I do. That had to be hard."
Ms. Mills took Jesse's high school photograph from the table next to her and hugged it. "It was, but I was blessed with a wonderful daughter. She has her daddy's eyes and smile."
Sami dabbed her eyes.
Noah held Sami's hand. "You have a nursing degree, right?"
"I do. Working at the Texas Children's Hospital was rewarding. I retired from there a few years back."
"It sounds as if you were happy."
Amber smiled. "I was. Life was good to me."
Noah's wrist communicator buzzed. He covered it with his hand attempting to ignore it. Eventually, he got an emergency warning. He exhaled. "Sorry, I need to get this," and stepped outside.
Sami watched him leave.
Amber took both of Sami's hands in hers. "You two are a couple, aren't you?"
"We are, but life tends to get in our way. Like now."
Tears welled in Amber's eyes. "It's none of my business, but one thing life has taught me is never allow anything to interfere with love. Love is too precious. True love only comes once in a lifetime."
Sami stood, hugged Amber, and tears fell.
Noah walked in. "Sami, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." Sami dried her tears. "Ms. Mills just shared a life lesson she's learned."
Amber took Noah's hand. "True love only comes once in life. Young man, don't let anything stand in its way."
Noah's hand covered Amber's. "I'm working on making sure nothing gets in our way." His eyes met Sami's. "I'm sorry, but we have another appointment."
"Okay." Sami hugged Amber. "Would you mind if I come for another visit?"
"I'll look forward to it. You have my number, right?"
Noah said, "I do. I'll see that Sami gets it." He took Amber's hand. "Thank you for your hospitality."
"Thank you for visiting. Please come again."
Amber and Sami shared an extended hug before they parted.
Inside the car, Noah said, "Sorry to cut that short, but we have a small window to be able to visit Myra. I thought you'd want to take advantage of that."
"I do, thank you."
"I need to warn you. Myra remains in critical condition. Healing's going to be long and hard. She may never completely recover."
"I'll be there for her."
The rest of the way to the hospital was silent as Sami stared out the passenger window.
Inside the hospital Noah put his hand on the small of Sami's back and led her toward Myra's room. Myra's doctor and her caseworker stood outside her door talking.
Noah offered his hand to the caseworker. "Ms. Castillo, how are you today? I understand Myra's having a good day and we can see her."
Ms. Castillo accepted his hand. "Agent Taylor, good to see you again. I'd like to introduce Dr. Dodd. He's Myra's primary doctor."
They shook hands, before Noah said, "We've already met. I need to introduce Sami Martinez. She's close to Myra."
Ms. Castillo offered her hand. "You were Myra's coach. I'm glad to finally meet you. She spoke of you often."
"Myra and I are close."
"You work with quite of few of our at-risk girls, don't you?"
"I do." Sami studied Myra's hospital door.
Dr. Dodd said, "I'm sure you'd like to see her. Please understand. You may be shocked at her appearance. She needs you to remain positive. Don't show how worried you are."
Sami swallowed. "I can do that."
Noah took her hand, but asked the doctor, "Is there any way Sami can view Myra before she goes in? I think it'll help minimize the shock."
"Good idea. I'll have a nurse take her vitals and pull the curtain. You can peek around the curtain without Myra knowing. When the nurse leaves, you can go in."
"Sounds like a good idea." Noah faced Sami. "You all right with this?"
"I am."
Everything was in place before Noah pushed the curtain aside so Sami could view Myra. One look at Myra's bruised and swollen face, and the stitches across her left cheek caused Sami to squeeze Noah's arm. He caressed her hand and whispered, "You all right?"
She shook her head and left the room.
Noah followed.
Sami leaned into his chest. "I expected bruises, but not this bad. Both eyes are almost swollen shut. A broken arm and leg? Those are only the injuries I could see. What did they do to her?"
"They tortured her."
Sami stepped back from Noah, as Dr. Dodd walked up. "The nurse is almost finished." His eyes met Sami's. "Are you ready?"
"I have a question. Was she raped?"
"I can't answer that. There's evidence she engaged in rough sex. Most girls at gentlemen's club engaged in sex."
"Not willingly. Did she have drugs in her system?" asked Sami.
"She did; cocaine. She's going through withdrawal. Since she's a new user, it shouldn't be that bad, but with everybody it's different." The doctor scanned the hallway. "Myra's recovery will be long and hard."
"I understand. I'll..." Sami glanced at Noah. "We'll be there for her."
Noah slipped his arm around Sami's waist. "We'll do everything we can."
Sami watched the nurse leave Myra's room and exhaled. "I can do this. I'm ready."
"Are you sure?" asked Noah.
She nodded. "You'll be with me, right?"
"Always." He took her hand, and they walked into Myra's room.
Sami stood at Myra's bed and watched. When Myra's eyelids fluttered, Sami held her hand.
Soon Myra's eyes opened. "Coach?"
"I'm here. They wouldn't let me see you until today."
"I might miss this year's basketball season." Myra quieted. "I may never play again."
"That's not true. You and I will always shoot hoops." Sami squeezed Myra's hand. "As often as the doctors will allow, I'll be by your side through your recovery. You're not going through this alone." Sami touched Noah's arm. "This man will help you too."
Myra studied Noah. "You and this other guy rescued me. You..."
"Yes, Mateo carried you out, and I ensured both your safety as you left." Sami studied Noah as he continued, "You really don't want to know what happened, trust me."
She inhaled. "Okay."
Dr. Dodd walked in. "Myra needs to rest."
"When can I come again?" asked Sami.
"We'll go day by day. We'll contact Agent Taylor when she's having a good day."
They went into the hallway, and Sami asked, "I'm not going to be allowed to visit her alone, am I? I'll need to wait until you have time, right?"
"You're right. This hospital's too close to Big T's territory. I'll make sure you see Myra."
"Just a minute. I have a question for Ms. Castillo." Sami walked up to Myra's caseworker. "I'd like to know what the process is for becoming a foster parent. I want to foster parent Myra."
"Ms. Martinez, I know Myra thinks the world of you and you do great work with the girls, but you're single, correct? This is too much for a single person. You'll need help."
"Noah and I are a couple. He'll be there to help."
"I know Agent Taylor's a wonderful man. I've worked with him on several occasions. Unfortunately, I'm aware of his work schedule and know he won't be around very often."
"So, you're saying I don't have a chance?"
"I wouldn't say that, but there are a few strikes against you."
"Thank you." Sami started walking away.
"Sami, I'll be right there." Noah glanced at Ms. Castillo. "Before long, I'm proposing to Sami. If she accepts, we'll be married. I'm committed to working on my schedule, so I'll be available to assist Sami with Myra's care. It's important not only to Sami, but to me. I grew up in the system and want the best for Myra. Sami's what's best for her." He held out his hand. "We'll fill out the necessary paperwork and get it back to you."
Noah caught up with Sami and waved the papers. "Here's the paperwork. We'll fill them out together."
Sami hugged Noah. "Thank you."
As they walked down the hallway, a young girl walked to Noah. "You're the man who brought us here, aren't you? You rescued us, didn't you?"
Noah knelt to her level. "I did. You're a girl scout, right?"
"Yes. I'm Alison."
"That's right."
"Mom and I are here to visit with Ms. Castillo. We visit with her three times a week."
"She's a nice lady."
"She is." Alison smiled at Sami. "Hi."
Sami offered her hand. "I'm Sami. I'm happy to meet you." She pointed to a lady on the phone. "Is that your mom?"
"It is. She's always on her phone."
Before Sami could comment, Ms. Castillo walked up. "Alison, are you ready?"
Alison took Ms. Castillo's offered hand. "Come on, Mom, it's time."
Noah and Sami watched Alison leave, as Sami said, "She's friendly."
"That she is." Noah glanced toward Myra's room, then at Alison as she walked away. "She's one of the lucky ones."
At Sami's apartment, Noah petted Jasper. "Let's take this guy for a walk, and then I'd better go so you can get ready for our evening out."
They walked and held hands. Noah said, "You're quiet. Is everything all right?"
"I was just thinking about Myra. She has a long recovery ahead of her."
"She does. She's strong and has both of us in her corner, helping along the way."
Sami leaned her head against Noah's arm. "You're right. Thank you for reminding me."
He kissed the top of her head. "Anytime."
After Jasper's long walk, Noah said, "I'll pick you up around five-thirty. We have six o'clock dinner reservations at Turner's and then theater reservations at the Alley Theater. We're watching 'Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily'. I hope you enjoy it." He kissed her before he shut the door and left.
Sami opened the door. "Noah, wait. You don't need to do this. I'm happy with cheeseburgers and an evening walk."
"I know. Just be ready."
Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.
Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan
Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.
Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.
Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.
Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.
Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person
Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.
Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.
Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.
Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy
After saying goodbye, they started to leave. From the hallway, Bob said, "Boss, I forgot." He handed Noah a folded paper.
"Thank you." Noah held the paper. "Sami, I have Amber Mills address. Would you like to visit her?"
"Really? I can do that?"
"We can, if you'd like."
"Of course. When?"
"How about right now?"
Chapter 28 B
Noah parked at an independent senior living community. "Amber's apartment should be right in front of us. It's on the ground floor."
"Is she expecting us?"
"Bob set it up for this afternoon but wasn't sure of the time."
They stood at the door, and Noah knocked. "Sami, breathe."
Her eyes met his and she smiled. "I wonder if not breathing is really a thing."
Moments later the door opened. "Hello, Ms. Mills?" Sami held out her hand. "I'm Sami Martinez." She nodded toward Noah. "This is Noah Taylor. I think Bob Swanson called and asked if we could visit with you this afternoon."
Amber stepped aside and pointed to the couch. "Yes, please come in and have a seat. I'll get some iced tea."
Sami followed. "Let me help."
The tea was served, and Amber asked, "When Bob called, he explained some, but I didn't understand all of it. How do you know me?"
Sami explained they spent about a month in the house where she grew up and found her puzzle box in the attic. After she figured out the code, she found the diary and letters."
Noah stood. "Excuse me a minute. I left something in the car."
When Noah returned, he handed Amber the puzzle box and contents.
Moisture welled in Amber's eyes. "I thought I'd never see these again. Thank you."
Moisture filled Sami's eyes. "I hope you don't mind, but your story was heartwarming. I had to know more. I researched," she glanced at Noah, "with help, and discovered you had a baby girl, Christina Erin."
"I did. Christina lives about five miles from here."
"She teaches and is married, right? Are you a grandma?"
Amber smiled. "I am. I have three grandchildren, two boys and one girl."
Sami's smile lit the room. "Wonderful."
"I guess you know Jesse was killed in Vietnam."
"I do. That had to be hard."
Ms. Mills took Jesse's high school photograph from the table next to her and hugged it. "It was, but I was blessed with a wonderful daughter. She has her daddy's eyes and smile."
Sami dabbed her eyes.
Noah held Sami's hand. "You have a nursing degree, right?"
"I do. Working at the Texas Children's Hospital was rewarding. I retired from there a few years back."
"It sounds as if you were happy."
Amber smiled. "I was. Life was good to me."
Noah's wrist communicator buzzed. He covered it with his hand attempting to ignore it. Eventually, he got an emergency warning. He exhaled. "Sorry, I need to get this," and stepped outside.
Sami watched him leave.
Amber took both of Sami's hands in hers. "You two are a couple, aren't you?"
"We are, but life tends to get in our way. Like now."
Tears welled in Amber's eyes. "It's none of my business, but one thing life has taught me is never allow anything to interfere with love. Love is too precious. True love only comes once in a lifetime."
Sami stood, hugged Amber, and tears fell.
Noah walked in. "Sami, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." Sami dried her tears. "Ms. Mills just shared a life lesson she's learned."
Amber took Noah's hand. "True love only comes once in life. Young man, don't let anything stand in its way."
Noah's hand covered Amber's. "I'm working on making sure nothing gets in our way." His eyes met Sami's. "I'm sorry, but we have another appointment."
"Okay." Sami hugged Amber. "Would you mind if I come for another visit?"
"I'll look forward to it. You have my number, right?"
Noah said, "I do. I'll see that Sami gets it." He took Amber's hand. "Thank you for your hospitality."
"Thank you for visiting. Please come again."
Amber and Sami shared an extended hug before they parted.
Inside the car, Noah said, "Sorry to cut that short, but we have a small window to be able to visit Myra. I thought you'd want to take advantage of that."
"I do, thank you."
"I need to warn you. Myra remains in critical condition. Healing's going to be long and hard. She may never completely recover."
"I'll be there for her."
The rest of the way to the hospital was silent as Sami stared out the passenger window.
Inside the hospital Noah put his hand on the small of Sami's back and led her toward Myra's room. Myra's doctor and her caseworker stood outside her door talking.
Noah offered his hand to the caseworker. "Ms. Castillo, how are you today? I understand Myra's having a good day and we can see her."
Ms. Castillo accepted his hand. "Agent Taylor, good to see you again. I'd like to introduce Dr. Dodd. He's Myra's primary doctor."
They shook hands, before Noah said, "We've already met. I need to introduce Sami Martinez. She's close to Myra."
Ms. Castillo offered her hand. "You were Myra's coach. I'm glad to finally meet you. She spoke of you often."
"Myra and I are close."
"You work with quite of few of our at-risk girls, don't you?"
"I do." Sami studied Myra's hospital door.
Dr. Dodd said, "I'm sure you'd like to see her. Please understand. You may be shocked at her appearance. She needs you to remain positive. Don't show how worried you are."
Sami swallowed. "I can do that."
Noah took her hand, but asked the doctor, "Is there any way Sami can view Myra before she goes in? I think it'll help minimize the shock."
"Good idea. I'll have a nurse take her vitals and pull the curtain. You can peek around the curtain without Myra knowing. When the nurse leaves, you can go in."
"Sounds like a good idea." Noah faced Sami. "You all right with this?"
"I am."
Everything was in place before Noah pushed the curtain aside so Sami could view Myra. One look at Myra's bruised and swollen face, and the stitches across her left cheek caused Sami to squeeze Noah's arm. He caressed her hand and whispered, "You all right?"
She shook her head and left the room.
Noah followed.
Sami leaned into his chest. "I expected bruises, but not this bad. Both eyes are almost swollen shut. A broken arm and leg? Those are only the injuries I could see. What did they do to her?"
"They tortured her."
Sami stepped back from Noah, as Dr. Dodd walked up. "The nurse is almost finished." His eyes met Sami's. "Are you ready?"
"I have a question. Was she raped?"
"I can't answer that. There's evidence she engaged in rough sex. Most girls at gentlemen's club engaged in sex."
"Not willingly. Did she have drugs in her system?" asked Sami.
"She did; cocaine. She's going through withdrawal. Since she's a new user, it shouldn't be that bad, but with everybody it's different." The doctor scanned the hallway. "Myra's recovery will be long and hard."
"I understand. I'll..." Sami glanced at Noah. "We'll be there for her."
Noah slipped his arm around Sami's waist. "We'll do everything we can."
Sami watched the nurse leave Myra's room and exhaled. "I can do this. I'm ready."
"Are you sure?" asked Noah.
She nodded. "You'll be with me, right?"
"Always." He took her hand, and they walked into Myra's room.
Sami stood at Myra's bed and watched. When Myra's eyelids fluttered, Sami held her hand.
Soon Myra's eyes opened. "Coach?"
"I'm here. They wouldn't let me see you until today."
"I might miss this year's basketball season." Myra quieted. "I may never play again."
"That's not true. You and I will always shoot hoops." Sami squeezed Myra's hand. "As often as the doctors will allow, I'll be by your side through your recovery. You're not going through this alone." Sami touched Noah's arm. "This man will help you too."
Myra studied Noah. "You and this other guy rescued me. You..."
"Yes, Mateo carried you out, and I ensured both your safety as you left." Sami studied Noah as he continued, "You really don't want to know what happened, trust me."
She inhaled. "Okay."
Dr. Dodd walked in. "Myra needs to rest."
"When can I come again?" asked Sami.
"We'll go day by day. We'll contact Agent Taylor when she's having a good day."
They went into the hallway, and Sami asked, "I'm not going to be allowed to visit her alone, am I? I'll need to wait until you have time, right?"
"You're right. This hospital's too close to Big T's territory. I'll make sure you see Myra."
"Just a minute. I have a question for Ms. Castillo." Sami walked up to Myra's caseworker. "I'd like to know what the process is for becoming a foster parent. I want to foster parent Myra."
"Ms. Martinez, I know Myra thinks the world of you and you do great work with the girls, but you're single, correct? This is too much for a single person. You'll need help."
"Noah and I are a couple. He'll be there to help."
"I know Agent Taylor's a wonderful man. I've worked with him on several occasions. Unfortunately, I'm aware of his work schedule and know he won't be around very often."
"So, you're saying I don't have a chance?"
"I wouldn't say that, but there are a few strikes against you."
"Thank you." Sami started walking away.
"Sami, I'll be right there." Noah glanced at Ms. Castillo. "Before long, I'm proposing to Sami. If she accepts, we'll be married. I'm committed to working on my schedule, so I'll be available to assist Sami with Myra's care. It's important not only to Sami, but to me. I grew up in the system and want the best for Myra. Sami's what's best for her." He held out his hand. "We'll fill out the necessary paperwork and get it back to you."
Noah caught up with Sami and waved the papers. "Here's the paperwork. We'll fill them out together."
Sami hugged Noah. "Thank you."
As they walked down the hallway, a young girl walked to Noah. "You're the man who brought us here, aren't you? You rescued us, didn't you?"
Noah knelt to her level. "I did. You're a girl scout, right?"
"Yes. I'm Alison."
"That's right."
"Mom and I are here to visit with Ms. Castillo. We visit with her three times a week."
"She's a nice lady."
"She is." Alison smiled at Sami. "Hi."
Sami offered her hand. "I'm Sami. I'm happy to meet you." She pointed to a lady on the phone. "Is that your mom?"
"It is. She's always on her phone."
Before Sami could comment, Ms. Castillo walked up. "Alison, are you ready?"
Alison took Ms. Castillo's offered hand. "Come on, Mom, it's time."
Noah and Sami watched Alison leave, as Sami said, "She's friendly."
"That she is." Noah glanced toward Myra's room, then at Alison as she walked away. "She's one of the lucky ones."
At Sami's apartment, Noah petted Jasper. "Let's take this guy for a walk, and then I'd better go so you can get ready for our evening out."
They walked and held hands. Noah said, "You're quiet. Is everything all right?"
"I was just thinking about Myra. She has a long recovery ahead of her."
"She does. She's strong and has both of us in her corner, helping along the way."
Sami leaned her head against Noah's arm. "You're right. Thank you for reminding me."
He kissed the top of her head. "Anytime."
After Jasper's long walk, Noah said, "I'll pick you up around five-thirty. We have six o'clock dinner reservations at Turner's and then theater reservations at the Alley Theater. We're watching 'Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily'. I hope you enjoy it." He kissed her before he shut the door and left.
Sami opened the door. "Noah, wait. You don't need to do this. I'm happy with cheeseburgers and an evening walk."
"I know. Just be ready."
Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.
Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan
Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.
Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.
Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.
Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.
Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person
Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.
Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.
Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.
Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy
![]() Recognized |
Thank you, Google Images for a map that shows how widespread human trafficking in the US.
Chapter 28 is a long chapter and is divided into three parts. A lot happens on Sami's second day back to normal life. This is the second part of Chapter 28. It's a little under 2000 words. After today's post there are only 5 more post. Almost done with this novel.
As I'm sure you already know, I made changes as I posted. I'm still working on condensing words. I hope I did. Thank you for your help. I appreciate all reviews.
one point
and 2 member cents. Chapter 28 is a long chapter and is divided into three parts. A lot happens on Sami's second day back to normal life. This is the second part of Chapter 28. It's a little under 2000 words. After today's post there are only 5 more post. Almost done with this novel.
As I'm sure you already know, I made changes as I posted. I'm still working on condensing words. I hope I did. Thank you for your help. I appreciate all reviews.

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