Romance Fiction posted December 8, 2024 | Chapters: |
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Sami gets jealous.
A chapter in the book Willing Hearts
Chapter 28 A Willing Hearts
by barbara.wilkey
Background Can Noah rescue Myra, shut down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him. |

Noah and Sami met 33 days ago.
Sami went to the kitchen and checked the refrigerator. "I'll cook dinner tomorrow night. Any ideas what I should fix?"
"I thought I'd take you to dinner and maybe a play. I'll check the theater district and make reservations."
"You don't need to. I can cook."
"If I'm not mistaken, couples go out on dates. I've never taken you on one."
"But nothing. I know you had dates with Marc and Mateo."
She remained quiet.
"Good. That's settled. We're going on a date tomorrow evening." Noah took Sami in his arms and his kiss lingered. A few more followed. "Goodnight, Sunshine. I'll be back as soon as I finish my errands."
He kissed her again. "Goodnight," and left.
Sami leaned against the door. "Why didn't he stay? I guess he needed to check on his place."
Chapter 28 A
Early Friday morning, Sami answered the door. Bob stood and held her car keys. "You're almost back in the real world. I should have your wrist communicator ready around noon."
"I can't wait. Sarah and I have a lot to talk about."
"I'm sure that's true." Bob glanced over his shoulder. "Jose's waiting in the car. We'll be back in a few hours."
"Wait." Sami went to the table and retrieved a phone. "Last night Noah ordered dinner and left this on my table. If you give me his address, I'll take it to him. He might need it."
"Sorry, can't do that. Boss lives only two blocks from Big T's territory. He'd be furious. We'll take you. How's that?"
"Great." She removed her house key from a hook on the wall and locked her door.
Inside the car, Jose tried to contact Noah through his wrist communicator. "I guess
he's in the shower."
In Noah's parking lot, Jose pointed. "His lights are on. Sami, want us to wait?"
"No, I'm sure Noah will bring me home." She paused. "His place is that one on the third floor, right?"
"Yep." Bob studied it. "I saw a silhouette. We'll see you around noon."
"Okay, thank you for the ride." Bob opened her car door, as she continued, "I can't wait to be in touch with everybody."
"I think we're creating a monster," teased Jose.
Sami giggled. "Probably. See you guys later." She walked across the parking lot and climbed the stairs.
In the third-floor stairwell, Sami stared at Noah, who wore sweat bottoms, bare chested, and bare feet. He embraced a woman.
"Noah?" She tossed his phone to the ground, turned, and left.
"Sami?" Noah started after her. "Sami! Wait!"
At the bottom of the stairs, a taxi had just dropped somebody off. Sami crawled inside. Between sobs, she managed to state her address.
"This isn't good," snapped Noah. He turned toward his apartment. "Sorry, Deloris. I need to repair the damage."
"Is she the young lady you were telling me about?" After he nodded, she added, "I'm sure once you explain, she'll understand."
"Sami's already forgiven me once, and for a lot worse."
"Yep, are there limits on forgiveness?"
"Good question. You'd better get going."
"My attire didn't help. I'll finish dressing."
"You have a point. When you two make up, bring her by for dinner."
"That might help. Talk with you later." Noah entered his apartment and closed the door.
On his way to Sami's, Noah called Bob, "What's going on? How'd Sami get to my apartment?"
"You didn't talk to her?"
Noah relayed what happened, and then Bob explained how and why she was there, before he said, "Sami's probably furious."
"Her eyes told me she's hurt."
"Good luck."
The taxi driver pulled into Sami's apartment complex parking area. The driver said, "Ma'am, that'll be eighteen dollars."
Sami searched around her seat. "Darn! I forgot my purse." She opened the door. "Sir, I'll go upstairs, get my bank card, and be right back."
"Ma'am, no. You won't come back. I can't let you leave without paying."
"I don't have my purse. I can't pay." She thought a moment. "Come to my apartment, and I'll pay you."
"I can't leave my cab." He held his phone and called the police. As the phone rang, he said, "You're not stiffing me for the fare."
"Sir, you don't need to do that. I want to pay you. I forgot my purse. Just come upstairs. I'll pay."
As he spoke to the police, Sami sat on the curb.
Almost thirty minutes later, Noah and two officers arrived within minutes of each other.
Sami glared at Noah. "Why are you here?"
He ignored her question and walked to the officers. "What's the problem?"
After the problem was explained, Noah took out his billfold and paid. He glanced toward Sami. "I'm sure this was a misunderstanding."
An officer and Noah walked toward her. Noah asked, "Sami, what happened?"
"You left your phone last night. Bob and Jose drove me to your place so I could return it. I forgot my purse. I saw you with another woman, dropped your phone in the stairwell, and took a taxi home. I told the driver if he came to my apartment, I'd pay him. He refused. You know the rest."
The officer attempted to hide his grin as he faced Noah. "Sir, I don't see an intentional crime here. Good luck." He left.
Sami stood and turned toward the apartment complex. Over her shoulder she said, "I'll get the money to you."
"Sami, we need to talk. It wasn't what it looked like."
She faced him. "You weren't half dressed holding a woman in your arms? Now I know why you didn't stay last night and were in a hurry to leave." She continued to walk away.
Noah stepped in front of her and tried to kiss her. Sami raised her hand to slap. He grabbed it. "You slapped me once. I deserved it. This time I'm innocent. It's not going to happen." He took her in his arms and kissed her. The kiss lingered and additional ones followed. "Those emotions we're both feeling is why I left last night. Can we go inside and have this discussion? Nobody else needs to hear."
"I don't see any reason to continue. Goodbye."
Noah took his keys from his pocket.
"You have a key to my place?"
"I do. Don't look at me like that." He picked her up. "You're not getting it back. Since you won't agree to go inside with me, we'll do it my way."
"You can't always get your way."
"True. But neither can you. We have things to discuss. After we talk if you want me to leave, I will but not until then."
At her door, Noah asked, "Are you unlocking it, or am I?"
"You have to put me down, so I can reach my keys."
"If I do, you'll probably try to run. I don't feel like chasing you. I'll use mine."
"I doubt that's a fair assessment of this situation."
Inside Sami's apartment, Noah walked to the couch and sat, still holding her.
"You can set me down anytime."
"Not going to happen. I've had experience with you. Instead of talking you'll go into your room and slam the door." When she glared at him, he asked, "Can you deny it?" He glanced at her bedroom door. "That one probably has a lock. I'd have to break it down to have a conversation. Not going to happen. We're talking here."
"You're bossy."
"You got that right. As I see it, we have two things we need to address. First, Deloris."
"The woman you spent last night with."
"I spent last night by myself, sleeping. This morning, I was in the shower when Deloris knocked on the door. That's why I wasn't fully dressed. Deloris is the widow of my best friend and mentor. When I joined the department, Doug mentored me and became my best friend. He helped me get the apartment across from his. The three of us were close. Four years ago, Doug lost the battle to stomach cancer."
Noah paused for a breath, before he continued, "Deloris noticed I hadn't been home for a while. When she saw the lights, she came over to check on me. Nothing more than that. I understand how it looked. Either trust me or don't."
Sami cuddled into his chest. "What about leaving last night?"
"The time I accused you of being pregnant, you said you haven't had sex since Marc and regretted it. If for any reason we go our separate ways, I never want you to tell another man that you regret even a second of our time together. You also said you weren't having sex unless that man puts a ring on your finger. I haven't done that."
When Noah kissed her, she returned it. "I see you're softening towards me." Another kiss followed. "With the chemistry between us it's safer if I leave before we have too much alone time. Since you and Marc split a few years ago, I'm guessing you're not using birth control."
"You're right."
"How would your dad take it if during family Sunday dinner, we announced you're pregnant?"
"Not good." Sami took a moment. "Thank you for looking after me."
"Always." The next kiss lingered. "Are we okay?"
"What else is there?"
"I need to apologize for jumping to conclusions and not trusting you. You've never given me a reason not to."
"Thank you for saying that. I've fallen victim to jealousy myself."
"True, but Mateo gave you plenty of ammunition."
"He did. He proposed to you. I can understand from what you saw how it looked." He kissed her. "I promise I'll never give you cause to doubt my love for you."
Tears welled in her eyes. "Thank you."
Noah lifted Sami from his lap, set her on the couch, and placed his hand over her heart. "I do need to make sure." He studied her eyes. "I know you know I love you, but do you believe in here, your heart will always be safe with me?"
Sami stared at Noah.
When she didn't answer, he said, "Sunshine, you're making me nervous. If you're not sure, I need to know."
Sami kissed him. "Yes, I believe my heart is safe with you. I took time to think through what you're asking. I could never trust my heart to anyone else. Sometimes our future seems hopeless. Then I remember if our love is true, then our love is strong. We, together, can conquer anything."
A few more kisses lingered, before Noah checked this watch. "I really do have a few errands. I want to be here when Jose and Bob bring your wrist communicator. I need to get going."
"Okay. Dinner tonight?"
"I'm taking you out. Remember?" He pecked her cheek. "I'll be back around noon with lunch."
A few minutes before noon, Sami answered her door and there stood Jose and Bob.
Once greetings were over, Sami checked her watch. "Noah said he'd be here around noon and will bring lunch."
Jose grinned. "He called. He's on his way."
Sami directed them to the living room. "Have a seat. I'm sure he won't be long."
Bob sat on the couch. "I take it you and Boss settled things."
"I misread the scene."
Jose chuckled. "When Boss called and wondered how you got there, he explained what happened. Most females would've reacted the same way."
"Probably, but I should've trusted him."
All heads turned as Jasper walked toward the door.
Sami smiled. "Noah must be coming up the stairs. Jasper always knows when he's around." She opened the door as Noah reached the last step. "I hope you finished your errands."
They kissed and then Noah held up a sack. "I think I have everybody's favorite." He studied Sami. "I'm not sure about yours." He opened the sack. "Bob, your grilled chicken. Jose, French Dip. Sami, I'm guessing, BLT. You ordered it at the diner."
"I did. Thank you. It's my favorite. What's yours?"
"Today pulled pork. Mine changes."
Bob grinned. "Let's eat, then we can show Sami how the wrist communicator works."
Lunch was over, and Noah held out his hand. "Let me look at it." Jose handed him the wrist communicator. Noah studied it. "Good. It'll work." He glanced at Bob. "Will you explain it?"
"Sure, Boss." Bob told Sami that all she needed to do was say the first letter of each of their names. That's the only numbers it's programmed to call.
Noah explained, "The reason for this. If something happens to any of us and they see your name and number, you could be in danger. My priority is to keep you safe. We'll contact you the same way, only inputting S. I understand the need to be able to contact us."
Jose nodded. "Sami, try it."
"Wait!" Sami tilted her head. "What about Sarah? Her name also begins with an S."
Bob answered, "True, but you won't be calling yourself. So, on your link, Sarah is S. On ours you're S, Sarah is something else."
She nodded. "I hold it up and say 'N'." The three men nodded. Sami held it up. "N"
Moments later Noah's wrist communicator buzzed. "Sami, very good."
"This will be fun."
Jose teased, "I'm not sure this is good."
Sami's eyes sparkled. "You're right. I'll try to control it but make no promises."
Bob glanced at the door. "I think we're finished. I need to get home. Jose, what about you?"
"There's only a few days left of freedom before we get back to work."
After saying goodbye, they started to leave. From the hallway, Bob said, "Boss, I forgot." He handed Noah a folded paper.
"Thank you." Noah held the paper. "Sami, I have Amber Mills address. Would you like to visit her?"
"Really? I can do that?"
"We can, if you'd like."
"Of course. When?"
"How about right now?"
Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.
Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan
Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.
Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.
Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.
Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.
Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person
Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.
Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.
Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.
Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy
Sami went to the kitchen and checked the refrigerator. "I'll cook dinner tomorrow night. Any ideas what I should fix?"
"I thought I'd take you to dinner and maybe a play. I'll check the theater district and make reservations."
"You don't need to. I can cook."
"If I'm not mistaken, couples go out on dates. I've never taken you on one."
"But nothing. I know you had dates with Marc and Mateo."
She remained quiet.
"Good. That's settled. We're going on a date tomorrow evening." Noah took Sami in his arms and his kiss lingered. A few more followed. "Goodnight, Sunshine. I'll be back as soon as I finish my errands."
He kissed her again. "Goodnight," and left.
Sami leaned against the door. "Why didn't he stay? I guess he needed to check on his place."
Chapter 28 A
Early Friday morning, Sami answered the door. Bob stood and held her car keys. "You're almost back in the real world. I should have your wrist communicator ready around noon."
"I can't wait. Sarah and I have a lot to talk about."
"I'm sure that's true." Bob glanced over his shoulder. "Jose's waiting in the car. We'll be back in a few hours."
"Wait." Sami went to the table and retrieved a phone. "Last night Noah ordered dinner and left this on my table. If you give me his address, I'll take it to him. He might need it."
"Sorry, can't do that. Boss lives only two blocks from Big T's territory. He'd be furious. We'll take you. How's that?"
"Great." She removed her house key from a hook on the wall and locked her door.
Inside the car, Jose tried to contact Noah through his wrist communicator. "I guess
he's in the shower."
In Noah's parking lot, Jose pointed. "His lights are on. Sami, want us to wait?"
"No, I'm sure Noah will bring me home." She paused. "His place is that one on the third floor, right?"
"Yep." Bob studied it. "I saw a silhouette. We'll see you around noon."
"Okay, thank you for the ride." Bob opened her car door, as she continued, "I can't wait to be in touch with everybody."
"I think we're creating a monster," teased Jose.
Sami giggled. "Probably. See you guys later." She walked across the parking lot and climbed the stairs.
In the third-floor stairwell, Sami stared at Noah, who wore sweat bottoms, bare chested, and bare feet. He embraced a woman.
"Noah?" She tossed his phone to the ground, turned, and left.
"Sami?" Noah started after her. "Sami! Wait!"
At the bottom of the stairs, a taxi had just dropped somebody off. Sami crawled inside. Between sobs, she managed to state her address.
"This isn't good," snapped Noah. He turned toward his apartment. "Sorry, Deloris. I need to repair the damage."
"Is she the young lady you were telling me about?" After he nodded, she added, "I'm sure once you explain, she'll understand."
"Sami's already forgiven me once, and for a lot worse."
"Yep, are there limits on forgiveness?"
"Good question. You'd better get going."
"My attire didn't help. I'll finish dressing."
"You have a point. When you two make up, bring her by for dinner."
"That might help. Talk with you later." Noah entered his apartment and closed the door.
On his way to Sami's, Noah called Bob, "What's going on? How'd Sami get to my apartment?"
"You didn't talk to her?"
Noah relayed what happened, and then Bob explained how and why she was there, before he said, "Sami's probably furious."
"Her eyes told me she's hurt."
"Good luck."
The taxi driver pulled into Sami's apartment complex parking area. The driver said, "Ma'am, that'll be eighteen dollars."
Sami searched around her seat. "Darn! I forgot my purse." She opened the door. "Sir, I'll go upstairs, get my bank card, and be right back."
"Ma'am, no. You won't come back. I can't let you leave without paying."
"I don't have my purse. I can't pay." She thought a moment. "Come to my apartment, and I'll pay you."
"I can't leave my cab." He held his phone and called the police. As the phone rang, he said, "You're not stiffing me for the fare."
"Sir, you don't need to do that. I want to pay you. I forgot my purse. Just come upstairs. I'll pay."
As he spoke to the police, Sami sat on the curb.
Almost thirty minutes later, Noah and two officers arrived within minutes of each other.
Sami glared at Noah. "Why are you here?"
He ignored her question and walked to the officers. "What's the problem?"
After the problem was explained, Noah took out his billfold and paid. He glanced toward Sami. "I'm sure this was a misunderstanding."
An officer and Noah walked toward her. Noah asked, "Sami, what happened?"
"You left your phone last night. Bob and Jose drove me to your place so I could return it. I forgot my purse. I saw you with another woman, dropped your phone in the stairwell, and took a taxi home. I told the driver if he came to my apartment, I'd pay him. He refused. You know the rest."
The officer attempted to hide his grin as he faced Noah. "Sir, I don't see an intentional crime here. Good luck." He left.
Sami stood and turned toward the apartment complex. Over her shoulder she said, "I'll get the money to you."
"Sami, we need to talk. It wasn't what it looked like."
She faced him. "You weren't half dressed holding a woman in your arms? Now I know why you didn't stay last night and were in a hurry to leave." She continued to walk away.
Noah stepped in front of her and tried to kiss her. Sami raised her hand to slap. He grabbed it. "You slapped me once. I deserved it. This time I'm innocent. It's not going to happen." He took her in his arms and kissed her. The kiss lingered and additional ones followed. "Those emotions we're both feeling is why I left last night. Can we go inside and have this discussion? Nobody else needs to hear."
"I don't see any reason to continue. Goodbye."
Noah took his keys from his pocket.
"You have a key to my place?"
"I do. Don't look at me like that." He picked her up. "You're not getting it back. Since you won't agree to go inside with me, we'll do it my way."
"You can't always get your way."
"True. But neither can you. We have things to discuss. After we talk if you want me to leave, I will but not until then."
At her door, Noah asked, "Are you unlocking it, or am I?"
"You have to put me down, so I can reach my keys."
"If I do, you'll probably try to run. I don't feel like chasing you. I'll use mine."
"I doubt that's a fair assessment of this situation."
Inside Sami's apartment, Noah walked to the couch and sat, still holding her.
"You can set me down anytime."
"Not going to happen. I've had experience with you. Instead of talking you'll go into your room and slam the door." When she glared at him, he asked, "Can you deny it?" He glanced at her bedroom door. "That one probably has a lock. I'd have to break it down to have a conversation. Not going to happen. We're talking here."
"You're bossy."
"You got that right. As I see it, we have two things we need to address. First, Deloris."
"The woman you spent last night with."
"I spent last night by myself, sleeping. This morning, I was in the shower when Deloris knocked on the door. That's why I wasn't fully dressed. Deloris is the widow of my best friend and mentor. When I joined the department, Doug mentored me and became my best friend. He helped me get the apartment across from his. The three of us were close. Four years ago, Doug lost the battle to stomach cancer."
Noah paused for a breath, before he continued, "Deloris noticed I hadn't been home for a while. When she saw the lights, she came over to check on me. Nothing more than that. I understand how it looked. Either trust me or don't."
Sami cuddled into his chest. "What about leaving last night?"
"The time I accused you of being pregnant, you said you haven't had sex since Marc and regretted it. If for any reason we go our separate ways, I never want you to tell another man that you regret even a second of our time together. You also said you weren't having sex unless that man puts a ring on your finger. I haven't done that."
When Noah kissed her, she returned it. "I see you're softening towards me." Another kiss followed. "With the chemistry between us it's safer if I leave before we have too much alone time. Since you and Marc split a few years ago, I'm guessing you're not using birth control."
"You're right."
"How would your dad take it if during family Sunday dinner, we announced you're pregnant?"
"Not good." Sami took a moment. "Thank you for looking after me."
"Always." The next kiss lingered. "Are we okay?"
"What else is there?"
"I need to apologize for jumping to conclusions and not trusting you. You've never given me a reason not to."
"Thank you for saying that. I've fallen victim to jealousy myself."
"True, but Mateo gave you plenty of ammunition."
"He did. He proposed to you. I can understand from what you saw how it looked." He kissed her. "I promise I'll never give you cause to doubt my love for you."
Tears welled in her eyes. "Thank you."
Noah lifted Sami from his lap, set her on the couch, and placed his hand over her heart. "I do need to make sure." He studied her eyes. "I know you know I love you, but do you believe in here, your heart will always be safe with me?"
Sami stared at Noah.
When she didn't answer, he said, "Sunshine, you're making me nervous. If you're not sure, I need to know."
Sami kissed him. "Yes, I believe my heart is safe with you. I took time to think through what you're asking. I could never trust my heart to anyone else. Sometimes our future seems hopeless. Then I remember if our love is true, then our love is strong. We, together, can conquer anything."
A few more kisses lingered, before Noah checked this watch. "I really do have a few errands. I want to be here when Jose and Bob bring your wrist communicator. I need to get going."
"Okay. Dinner tonight?"
"I'm taking you out. Remember?" He pecked her cheek. "I'll be back around noon with lunch."
A few minutes before noon, Sami answered her door and there stood Jose and Bob.
Once greetings were over, Sami checked her watch. "Noah said he'd be here around noon and will bring lunch."
Jose grinned. "He called. He's on his way."
Sami directed them to the living room. "Have a seat. I'm sure he won't be long."
Bob sat on the couch. "I take it you and Boss settled things."
"I misread the scene."
Jose chuckled. "When Boss called and wondered how you got there, he explained what happened. Most females would've reacted the same way."
"Probably, but I should've trusted him."
All heads turned as Jasper walked toward the door.
Sami smiled. "Noah must be coming up the stairs. Jasper always knows when he's around." She opened the door as Noah reached the last step. "I hope you finished your errands."
They kissed and then Noah held up a sack. "I think I have everybody's favorite." He studied Sami. "I'm not sure about yours." He opened the sack. "Bob, your grilled chicken. Jose, French Dip. Sami, I'm guessing, BLT. You ordered it at the diner."
"I did. Thank you. It's my favorite. What's yours?"
"Today pulled pork. Mine changes."
Bob grinned. "Let's eat, then we can show Sami how the wrist communicator works."
Lunch was over, and Noah held out his hand. "Let me look at it." Jose handed him the wrist communicator. Noah studied it. "Good. It'll work." He glanced at Bob. "Will you explain it?"
"Sure, Boss." Bob told Sami that all she needed to do was say the first letter of each of their names. That's the only numbers it's programmed to call.
Noah explained, "The reason for this. If something happens to any of us and they see your name and number, you could be in danger. My priority is to keep you safe. We'll contact you the same way, only inputting S. I understand the need to be able to contact us."
Jose nodded. "Sami, try it."
"Wait!" Sami tilted her head. "What about Sarah? Her name also begins with an S."
Bob answered, "True, but you won't be calling yourself. So, on your link, Sarah is S. On ours you're S, Sarah is something else."
She nodded. "I hold it up and say 'N'." The three men nodded. Sami held it up. "N"
Moments later Noah's wrist communicator buzzed. "Sami, very good."
"This will be fun."
Jose teased, "I'm not sure this is good."
Sami's eyes sparkled. "You're right. I'll try to control it but make no promises."
Bob glanced at the door. "I think we're finished. I need to get home. Jose, what about you?"
"There's only a few days left of freedom before we get back to work."
After saying goodbye, they started to leave. From the hallway, Bob said, "Boss, I forgot." He handed Noah a folded paper.
"Thank you." Noah held the paper. "Sami, I have Amber Mills address. Would you like to visit her?"
"Really? I can do that?"
"We can, if you'd like."
"Of course. When?"
"How about right now?"
Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.
Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan
Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.
Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.
Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.
Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.
Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person
Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.
Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.
Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.
Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy
![]() Recognized |
Thank you, Google Images for a photograph of a possible Noah.
Chapter 28 is a long chapter and is divided into three parts. A lot happens on Sami's second day back to normal life. This is the first part of Chapter 28. It's a little under 2200 words.
As I'm sure you already know, I made changes as I posted. I'm working on condensing words. I hope I did. Thank you for your help. I appreciate all reviews.
one point
and 2 member cents. Chapter 28 is a long chapter and is divided into three parts. A lot happens on Sami's second day back to normal life. This is the first part of Chapter 28. It's a little under 2200 words.
As I'm sure you already know, I made changes as I posted. I'm working on condensing words. I hope I did. Thank you for your help. I appreciate all reviews.

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