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Julie Helms

Poet Rating
Rank:  25

Short Works Rating

Rank:  9

Novel Rating
Rank:  21

Review Stars
Rank:  21

#9 Ranked Author

Paid contest suggestions

Is there a way to suggest topics for the paid contests?


Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Rank:  93 (+1)

Novel Rating
Rank:  25

Script Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  251

RE: Paid contest suggestions

Send to the Tom, the administrator, of post your own contest.

Terry Broxson

Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Rank:  10

Review Stars
Rank:  87

#10 Ranked Author

RE: Paid contest suggestions
I think the best way is to create a contest. If it proves popular, Tom has been known to adopt the contest for the paid site contests.

I know this from first-hand experience.

Julie Helms

Poet Rating
Rank:  25

Short Works Rating

Rank:  9

Novel Rating
Rank:  21

Review Stars
Rank:  21

#9 Ranked Author

RE: Paid contest suggestions
Thanks! Tom did answer me and said just to put it as a member contest. I was concerned it was a little more complex needing more time than a day or two. But he said I can put whatever deadline I want--which I didn't realize. As a long time veteran here (2 weeks--haha) I had only seen brief deadlines on the member made ones.


Level 4 Pro

Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  315

RE: Paid contest suggestions
a suggestion from someone who's been here since 2006 and has created many member contests: you can choose from many contest templates. You can also modify the wording on most of them, and for some, there are some options that you find by pulling down on the contest heading. Remember, once you post the contest and someone reserves the spot, you cannot make any changes to the rules you have written, so be very careful that your rules are clear and complete before you post the contest. Good luck.


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