Spiritual Fiction posted March 15, 2015

This work has reached the exceptional level
Joe has to make a choice about a woman he wants to marry.

Joe's Choice

by davisr (Rhonda)

Joe looked at his hands and sighed. They were strong hands he used to make a living in woodworking. He wasn't rich, but was quite capable of supporting a family. That's why he had asked Marium to be his wife, but she was pregnant and he wasn't the father.

"Joseph, son of David," an Angel said, "do not be afraid..."

60 WORD DASH writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Tell a complete story using 60 words or under.


A very old story told in a very new and concise way.
Thank you to suenethery for the artwork, "Always Loving Hands".
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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