General Poetry posted October 24, 2012

This work has reached the exceptional level
A Tetrabreve

The Busybody

by rosehill (Wendy)

Try Something New! A Tetrabreve Contest Winner 

The  reverend's  busybody wife
has shown up just in time for tea.
Her thirst for gossip rules her life.
Well, we'll just see.

She's here, it seems, to "comfort" me.
She prattles on of this and that.
Her sympathy is hardly free.
The nosey bat.

In fact, I think she's come to gloat,
though now she's speaking of her cat.
I smile and nod, my thoughts remote.
I hate her hat.

She wonders if I'd plans as yet,
my husband gone without a word.
The congregation's quite upset.
My fault inferred.

"The organist has left us stunned,"
she wondered if I'd heard the news.
"She's run off with the building fund!"
Such ugly shoes.

I don't accuse, look shocked instead.
As rector's wife, of course she'd care.
She looks at me and cocks her head.
Her perfect hair.

"You're not surprised? I thought you'd be.
An odd coincidence." she smirks.
She shakes her head, then sips more tea.
Her manner irks.

"An epidemic it would seem,"
I say. She crumples, drops her plate.
"Your souls the Lord will not redeem"
It's far too late.

So much for morbid sympathy
The visit really had to end
My husband also loved that tea.
My special blend

Writing Prompt
The tetrabreve uses a four line stanza with an abbreviated fourth line. The required meter is 8-8-8-4. The rhyme scheme can be Aaaa, AaBb, ABab, ABCb, or ABba, but it MUST RHYME. A minimum of two stanzas is required but there is no maximum number.

Try Something New! A Tetrabreve
Contest Winner


Thank you to GoogleArt for the artwork
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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