War and History Poetry posted March 12, 2025

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French Revolutionary Justice

*Let Them Eat Cake*

by Terry Reilly

Though we may want for bread, our Queen will lose her head!

Monostich Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
A monostich is a poem that is only one line.
The title often plays an important part in the poem since the poem itself is so short. Often used for humourous poems.


My Dogma
While I was in church last night, my dogma ate my homework.
- written by Kentucky Sweet Pea

The phrase *Qu*ils mangent de la brioche* is attributed, perhaps falsely, to Queen Marie-Antoinette who met her death beneath the Guillotine in 1793. The French Revolution was inspired by the American Revolution a few years earlier, and encouraged by Benjamin Franklin.
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