Fantasy Fiction posted March 2, 2025 |
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survivor of alien abduction?
The Watcher
by Terry Reilly

It amuses me to watch them. The Apes.
They aren’t me. I’m different. I know what they are, so that puts me one step ahead.
They see me as an outsider. In one way they are right, but they don’t get it.
I see myself inside, at the centre. The hub of the spinning wheel. Some of them are
fragments of the innumerable radii. Some constitute tiny segments of the circumference.
Bit players. Geometric fragments in Euclidean chaos.
They conceptualise themselves self-importantly. Doctors, nurses, psychologists. Pillars of
society. Society? What is that? An artificial construct. They are ants in a dystopian
formicary. Less than ants. Those hexapods have an innate sense of mutuality. Ants are
interlocking pieces of a functional biosphere. Interdependent. The Apes are self-serving
psychopaths who create their own self-aggrandising mythology to obscure the miserable
reality of their pointless, self-destructive gavotte to Gehenna.
They marginalise me. I am an observer, not a participant. They view that as a weakness,
a frailty. They label me with pseudoscientific descriptors, like “autistic” and “paranoid
schizophrenic”, so they can isolate me and disguise their discrimination as some kind of
medicalised altruism. They have no idea I know the truth about their origins. That’s the way I
like it.
I used be one of them. Before the abduction. Before I became a “Watcher.” I don’t
remember much about it. The memories are blurred, perhaps deliberately by the Velosians.
That’s when they implanted the microchip. You can see the tiny scar behind my left ear. The
Apes dismiss it as the residuum of a long forgotten minor injury.
The Velosians don’t mind me talking about the abduction or the implant. They know the
arrogant fools won’t believe a word of it. The implant is a tiny sophisticated electronic device
lodged in my sensory cortex, receiving input from my eyes and ears so the Velosians can
continually monitor what’s happening in my immediate environment. It’s bidirectional. They
can communicate with me. I can hear the monitoring personnel relaying the received
audiovisual information to their superiors. It’s like a continuous broadcast loop of my
thoughts and sensory experiences. A running commentary. They talk to me, and about me.
They describe my actions. Sometimes they tell me to do things. Give me commands.
I always comply. It was scary at first, not now. I feel honoured to be selected by such an
advanced civilisation to be their eyes and ears and do their bidding. One day I will receive
the command to unleash Armageddon. I’m so looking forward to what they call
XS – the extermination scenario.
The abduction experience was transformative. Literally and metaphorically. I have
learned that my DNA was purified. Restored to pure Velosian. The Apes know that their
species originated in The Great Rift Valley a quarter of a million years ago. They view it as a
linear evolutionary event. In fact, it was a form of cladogenesis. Desperation matings
between the survivors of a crashed Velosian vessel and the resident anthropoid apes. The
resultant hybrid species combined the physical strength of the apes with the super-
intelligence of the humanoid Velosians. They started from scratch technologically but the
cladogenesis enabled a more rapid evolution to ensue. The Velosians have continued to
monitor their hybrid offspring from a distance, using purified abductees like me – other
Watchers – to amplify their information gathering. I suspect a sizeable percentage of the
half-million humans world-wide who have been “diagnosed” “schizophrenic” are fellow
The Velosians have become increasingly concerned about the destructive potential of the
Apes. Their capacity to manufacture megadeath weapons has escalated, and their
ability to voyage beyond this planet may be on the verge of exponential acceleration. The
Velosians have concluded that, for the protection of other species, the human
race will have to be annihilated. The Watchers will play a key role in effecting
this, although the details have not yet been shared with me. I have been promised, as a
reclaimed Velosian, I will be spared.
The doorbell. Drat! Who is it? I see two familiar figures through the window, standing
on my doorstep. Community Psychiatric Nurses here to administer the monthly depot
injection of antipsychotic “medication” which keeps me acceptably “well” and out
of “hospital”. Prison for alternative thinkers in my opinion. They don’t know, of course, that
my DNA purification modified my neurotransmitter systems rendering their drugs
ineffective. Nevertheless, I resent the assault and the humiliation to which the “Community
Treatment Order “ obliges me to submit. I am required to lower my trousers and
underpants, presenting one or other buttock to be penetrated by a large syringe containing
toxic chemicals. The usual surge of anger builds within. Soars. Stronger
than ever. This time I’m going to rebel. I’ve dreamed about this. Planned for it. I
have the weapon. The “freedom blade”. A gleaming scimitar. I’m going to hack them to
shreds and desecrate the fragmented remains.
I hear the calm Velosian voice say, “no. It’s not the right time. You’ll ruin the grand plan.” For
the first time I feel like making my own decision. Does anyone respect my sensitivities,
my autonomy, my right to independent action? Maybe the Apes are just one of two
faceless, amorphous juggernauts crushing me beneath their wheels. This is “me” time. I heft
the sword in my right hand. Its weight, its strength, its potential excite me. When the
assailants walk through my door they are in for a big surprise.
Soliloquy contest entry
The reader is invited to form an opinion as to which version of reality is more likely to be correct. Is the soliloquist mentally ill, or a survivor of alien abduction? For guidance:
(a) the soliloquist*s experiences, as described, are absolutely typical of the classical First Rank Symptoms of Schizophrenia, at one time thought to be diagnostic of the disorder.
(Of course, bizarre idiosyncratic beliefs are only delusional if they be false!)
(b) a Roper Poll in 1991 concluded that 3.7 million US citizens might have been abducted by aliens.

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