Fantasy Fiction posted October 15, 2024 Chapters:  ...5 6 -7- 

Diantha arrives in Concorde Valley

A chapter in the book Body of a Horse, Heart of a Man

A Sacred Valley

by davisr (Rhonda)

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

A fanciful tale of adventure. Phoebus, son of Poseidon, is a god turned Centaur by Zeus. Diantha, is a young lady in peril. Together, they must face an evil foe, and make some difficult choices.
End of last chapter:
"Remember your feelings," he urged. "When you couldn't see all of me, you felt I was your friend, remember?"

"It's sort of hard to remember what I thought a few minutes ago." Diantha said. "I think I'm in shock."

"You'll have to get over it. We're out of time."

In one swift movement, he put his large hands around her waist. Turning quickly, he eased her bruised body onto his back. He had a soft blanket slung across him like a saddle and it was soothing to her aches and pains. Without giving her a chance to protest, he galloped into a crevice behind them in the mountain.
The New Chapter Begins:
The strange beast carried her deep into the rocky catacombs, their way lit only by a small torch he picked up as they entered. She wondered what had made him decide to leave his realm and be waiting in just the right spot when she needed rescuing. Had he, in fact, come for her? Or was it just luck he found her when he did?
Shaking her head, she decided she wasn't going to try and make sense of anything until she rested. Exhausted, she leaned against the man's back and fell asleep in spite of her danger and distress. There is only so much a person can take before they collapse, and she had reached that point.

Diantha was vaguely aware of the long ride, her second in as many days. She remembered bumps, turns, and the never ending clapping of hooves against stone.
She remembered, as well, the scent of leather and sweat. But the sweat of what? Horse? Human? No, something else, something unfamiliar, but not unpleasant.
Mostly, she remembered the comfort of leaning against someone warm, someone she could trust.
Finally, she was aware of being placed on a bed of straw. She was relieved as it eased her aching body. Sweet tea was pressed against her lips and she drank deeply. She looked into tender green eyes that mesmerized and intrigued her. Finally, overcome by weariness and whatever was in her tea, she fell into a deep sleep.
She didn't know how long she slumbered before she awoke to the aroma of food cooking.

"Where am I?" Diantha asked. She spoke loud enough to be heard as she sat slowly and painfully in the straw bed.

Later, she thought how silly she must have sounded to ask so obvious a question, but it really was the first thing that came to mind.
She listened carefully for a response, but heard only the sound of a horse's hooves clicking on wood and something sizzling in a pan. She could also hear the tip-tap of rain on a metal roof.
Now, she really did wonder where she was. 

"Is there anyone here?" she asked again. "Please, someone answer me."

"Relax, Diantha." The resonant voice of Atrius spoke from what must have been a kitchen area to her right. "I'm here. Just making you something to eat."

"But, where are we?"

"At my house in the woods." His voice was calm and reassuring.

"I know your name, but who exactly, are you?"

"A friend." He leaned around the corner of the kitchen. His green eyes danced in the light of a fire burning somewhere to his right. His beautiful black hair fell in waves around powerful shoulders.

Diantha squinted her eyes as she tried to focus. "My mind is so foggy, I don't know how much of what I remember is real, and how much is images I dreamt during the night."

"That's a typical response to the level of trauma you went through. I also gave you some chamomile tea to help you relax. Rest and sleep are absolutely necessary to the healing process."
Atrius placed a plate of food on the bar and motioned with a wave of his hand for her to sit on a chair and eat.

"How long was I asleep?"

Atrius tilted his head to the side in thought. "We got here from the tunnels around midday yesterday. You slept through the rest of the day and night."

"Is it morning, then?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Diantha smiled grimly and tried to stand. Her legs were wobbly and threatened to give out when she tried to put weight on them, so she lowered herself back to the straw covered bed.
Atrius watched patiently, his mouth silent, but his green eyes following her with alert compassion. He seemed to feel it was important for her to try to get up on her own.
After a few more attempts, she managed to stand. She leaned forward and grabbed the edge of the counter and worked her way to the large wooden chair situated in front of her food.
"This looks amazing." She began to eat the bacon and eggs he'd prepared with relish.
Atrius smiled and turned to clean his cooking area. When he did, Diantha noticed that his handsome torso, dressed as any other man, was connected to a large black horse. She had forgotten that detail about her new friend.

"Are you really a Centaur?" Diantha asked. "I thought that was one of the weird dreams I was having."

"I'm afraid I am," Atrius said. "but don't worry, I came to terms with my condition many years ago. You're the patient, now. How are you feeling?"

"Not well. I'm still sore and feverish."

"That's to be expected," Atrius said. He returned and leaned over the counter to feel her head. "It's part of the trauma response I told you about. You rode a long way under extreme conditions. Your body is fighting back. I'll give you some more herbal tea with honey. That will help you sleep again."

"Are you a doctor or something?"

"Yes, among other things."

"Like what?"

Atrius chuckled as he put dirty dishes in the sink. "Like a gardener, a father, a warrior and, well, a king."
"A king? Whew...that's a lot of hats to wear."
"This is a small community, and I've been alive for a very long time. We can talk later." Atrius poured fragrant tea into a mug. "You rest again, and then we'll take a walk in my garden. Maybe by then the rain will have stopped. It'll be a great setting for questions and answers."

"That's fair, but can you tell me how my horse, White Lightning, is doing?"

Atrius nodded his large head as though approving of her concern. "Much the same as you, godflower. She's sick and sore, but will be fine in a few days. She's with a group of other horses in my care."

"At the animal hospital you told me about?"


"She isn't permanently damaged is she?"

"No. She gave a lot to get you here, and is lucky to be alive, but she's young and strong and will be better before you know it."
Diantha was quiet while she contemplated his words.

"Why did she do it, Atrius? She barely knows me."

"Love isn't measured by time, Diantha, and animals love with an abandon humans find hard to understand. Still, I understand your question. There was something more to this rescue than getting you away from your attacker. I don't think she liked her life's path any more than you liked yours."
"You mean she didn't want to be a racehorse?"
"I think she wanted something more out of life.

Diantha looked at Atrius and shook her head. What he said sounded absurd. "You act like she actually talked to you."

Atrius stood perfectly still and met her eyes. "Do you find that difficult to believe?"

Diantha returned the gaze. "Well, it does seem unlikely."

"As unlikely as being a Centaur?"

Diantha paused, then tilted her head to the side and chuckled. "You got me there. What else did she say?"

"She told me about a large man with a gun and that he shot your horse, Courage."

"Courage? Her name was Nutmeg."

Atrius raised an eyebrow. "You named your horse after a spice?"

"She coat was the color of nutmeg."

"Well, her real name is Courage. Horses have their own names that have to do with their strongest character trait."



"Then what's White Lightning's real name?"

"What do you think it is?"

"I don't know."

Atrius leaned against the counter and touched her face. "Close your eyes, and think about her true essense... the thing that makes her unique. What comes to mind?"

Diantha took a deep breath and concentrated before anwering. "Well, she's fast and pretty."

"Those are physical, not character, traits. Go deeper."

"Determination, then? She was determined to get us here."

"You're pretty close."

Diantha concentrated again. She thought about her horse's persistent nature, and of her enduring run for freedom. She opened her eyes and nodded. "I know. Her name is Champion. She was bred for speed and she used it to rescue me."

"You got it. Very good. The race she ran bringing you here may have been the most important one of her life.To bear the name Champion means you're a brave defender of those you love or who are less fortunate than you. In the horse world, it is a great and rare honor to have that name."
"Then I'm proud of her. Yesterday you said Champion, brought me here on purpose."

"She did."

"Why? She could've just gotten me out of harm's way and then taken me home."

"Because home wasn't safe," Atrius answered carefully. "Champion said the man who came after you was no stranger to her. She said he worked for her former master, the man who gave her to you."

"Who? Wilson, my finace? Are you serious?"

"Quite, and she also said you told your friend Cassie you didn't want to marry him. It seems he didn't want to marry you even more. He didn't plan to kidnap you."
"Then what, kill me?"
Atrius glanced away as he dried a clean pot. His lack of response was her answer.

"Champion told you all that?"

"Yes Ma'am. You can ask her yourself when you're both better."

"I don't speak horse."

"Not a bad time to start learning. She could have saved you a lot of trouble if you had listened to her.

"I can't argue with that," Diantha said. "So, when will we being going home?"

"When you're well enough, and when you ask to go. Champion seems to think you're better off here."
"She's a pretty talkative horse."
"Just like her mistress. My dear, take all the time you need to make decisions that affect your life. For now, rest, heal, meet the people of this valley, and then decide. Consider this a vacation until then. Champion's sacrifice earned that much."

Diantha pursed her lips thoughtfully. "It's a deal."
Atrius held out a hand to shake, and Diantha grasped it in return. Was that a spark she felt at his touch, or just the shudder of her tired body? The sparkle in the Centaur's green eyes told her it might have been the former, but it evaporated almost the moment it appeared, so she couldn't be sure.

Diantha yawned and moved back onto the straw mattress. As she closed her eyes, she could still hear the gentle tapping of the rain on the roof, the movement of Atrius cleaning, and the distant sound of birds singing in the trees. Soon, she was fast asleep and even the aches and pains in her body didn't bother her dreams.

AI images are from IZEA. The Centaur at the end is from NightCafe Creator.

Several people have sent me Centaur images, but they wouldn't fit in the middle of the text. I can use them later as the first image.

Later, I will add a Centaur as the beginning image, which this format does allow. I just didn't want it yet. I'll use it next post.

Diantha is portrayed here as submissive and indecisive. It is intentional. She is a flawed character that is growing throughout the story and dealing with a growing knowledge that she has choices and a voice.

All AI Images from IZEA.

Diantha: Female protagonist. Born and raised in Tennessee. Her father is the Governor of Tennessee. She is going to college to study pediatrics.

Cassie: Diantha's childhood best friend. Tries to talk her out of making a bad choice marrying someone she doesn't love.

Wilson: Diantha's fiance. Rich, well connected, but doesn't love Diantha. The feeling is mutual.

White Lightning: Diantha's new filly... a gift from Wilson's family

Nutmeg: Diantha's childhood horse and Cassie's ride for the morning walk.

Large Stranger: Man hunting Diantha for some reason, currently unknown.


Phoebus: Young son of Poseidon. He works for Apollo as a horse tender and has started a line of horses of his own.

Atrius: Pseudonym of Phoebus. He has amnesia from his youth and was renamed by a caretaker. Now lives in Concorde Valley.

Eudora: Youngest daughter of Zeus and Hera - She's spoiled and petulant and purely made up on my part. She's also the indirect reason Phoebus is turned into a Centaur.

Eternal: Phoebus' favorite black stallion. A gift from Poseidon to get his youngest son started in horse breeding. He's an immortal and hopefully the father of Phoebus' planned bloodline.

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