Fantasy Fiction posted August 25, 2024 | Chapters: |
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A time for love.
A chapter in the book Return To Concorde Valley
Finale Part 2
by davisr (Rhonda)
Book of the Month Contest Winner
Background Years after a fire took her parents' lives, Echo worked at a small town newspaper. She was rescued from danger by her old friend, Theo, who took her to live in his world, one full of its own danger. |

End of Last Chapter:
Hades nodded and then took Persephone by the hand. "Apollo, Hermes, let's go free Mount Olympus before Thanatos takes another shot at me.
"I'll be happy to do that, if you mess up again," Thanatos stated, giving everyone around a chill. "I will remember this day forever, Hades. I will always watch over your shoulder for you to mess up. I'm not as forgiving as the others here. Don't forget that."
"I won't," Hades said. "I understand your power more than anyone else here, and I respect it."
"See you always do. Apollo, we'll be watching you as well. We don't want to have to return for any of you."
Apollo smiled with his usual warmth and nodded. "I would expect no less."
Thanatos and Hypnos nodded to all, then faded away.
"I'll be happy to do that, if you mess up again," Thanatos stated, giving everyone around a chill. "I will remember this day forever, Hades. I will always watch over your shoulder for you to mess up. I'm not as forgiving as the others here. Don't forget that."
"I won't," Hades said. "I understand your power more than anyone else here, and I respect it."
"See you always do. Apollo, we'll be watching you as well. We don't want to have to return for any of you."
Apollo smiled with his usual warmth and nodded. "I would expect no less."
Thanatos and Hypnos nodded to all, then faded away.
New Chapter Begins:
Echo strolled before the crowd of wedding guests with poise and grace. Her arm was held gently by her old boss Claude Baker, or Apollo as he was known on Mount Olympus. He gave her a warm smile, then squeezed her arm as he left her beside Theo. She smiled nervously back.
She was wearing a long flowing white dress loaned to her by Theo's mother, Diantha. She said it was the one she had gotten married in, and had been given to her by Hera. At her feet strode Sunny, his feline head held high and proud.
"Go get 'em reporter," the new god of the dead whispered. He retreated to stand between his twin sister and younger brother Hermes. Mary stood on the other side of Hermes and smiled her approval.
"Come forward," Phoebus said. His green eyes glowed with paternal pride, though his face betrayed no other emotion.
Theo took Echo's hand and guided her to the foot of his father's garden throne. It had been a week since the war's end and his parents' return to Concorde Valley. The two had wasted no time planning to marry.

They knelt together on a lace embossed cushion before the son of Poseidon. Echo's beautiful golden necklace sparkled in the light of the December sun. Phoebus' eyes fell on the necklace, drawing his raised eyebrows.
"Where did you get the pendant?" he asked.
Echo touched the golden piece. "Theo found it in the rubble of my house after it burned. Rebecca kept it safe and gave it to me the other day when I was at your house."
"He never told me about it," Phoebus said quietly. "I wish he had."
"Why?" Echo asked. "Do you know something about it?"
Phoebus nodded. "Yes, Diantha has one very much like it. It was given to her by Hera right after I made her immortal."
"Why would the goddess queen give me one?" Echo asked.
"I can address that," Hermes said. "Hera asked Aphrodite to make Echo a gift after her encounter with Theo in the woods. She knew, even then, that he had made her immortal with his child's kiss, even if none of you were certain of it. It's her job to keep up with such things."
Echo cut her eyes over at the messenger god. "You knew, too? Why didn't you say anything?"
Hermes gave her a tender look. "Some events have to unfold on their own, my dear. The love of Immortals must be tested by more than mere time."
King Phoebus nodded in agreement, and then stood up. He motioned Theo and Echo to do the same. They rose slowly and reverently.
Phoebus folded his arms across his chest, adopting an official air. "Anthos, Echo, what have you two come to this throne to request?"
"We seek your permission to join as husband and wife," Theo said, "and we request your authority to bind us as such."
"Is this what you both desire?" he asked. He looked at Echo and Theo, each in turn.
"It is," Echo replied. She lifted her chin with pride. The king and his son could be intimidating, but she knew a different side to both. She had seen them at war and in play. Once an outsider, she was now one of them.
"It is," Theo repeated. He made eye contact with his father. He stood tall and proud... a young man who had used resourcefulness and courage to save his parents and people from oppression.
Phoebus nodded, his eyes betraying, now, pride and gratitude. "Do you understand that the ordinance will be legally and morally binding for eternity? You two are Immortals, and this decision must not be made lightly. Can your love last through all the trials of raising a family and dealing with the problems of both the mortal and immortal worlds?"
"It can," Theo and Echo stated together.
"Echo, can you serve as a goddess beside your husband, who has just been ordained a member of the Olympian Twelve?"
"I can," Echo promised.
"Theo, my son, can you serve as Olympian god, husband, and father without neglecting any of the three positions?"
"I can."
"Do you two pledge love and fidelity to each other, no matter how trying life together might become?"
"We do," they agreed.

"Then, by the authority granted me by Concorde Valley and the Council of the Olympian Twelve, I declare you husband and wife. Son, you may kiss your bride."
Theo swept Echo into his arms and kissed her passionately. Long had he waited for the time when he could embrace with abandon the woman he had loved since childhood. No longer did he have to stand and watch her from the distance, bound by the conditions of his vision. No longer would he have to hide behind trees while she poured her heart out to him in despair. Their love had been tested in the most strenuous way, and it had endured. Sadness had given way to joy, and all the people standing around them could see the glow on their faces.
A cheer went up from the huge crowd of well-wishers, as rose petals rained down from the sky. Music began to pulse out of the air itself as Apollo waved his hands like a conductor before an orchestra. Everyone found a partner and joined the wedding couple in a romantic dance across the rose bedecked garden.
There is nothing like a wedding when your friends have supernatural powers. Echo smiled to herself when she thought about how, just weeks ago, her main ambition had been to get a job as a writer on an Atlanta newspaper. Now, she was a princess and the wife of the new sun god. How was that for getting a promotion?
At one point, they all stopped and headed over to a long, food covered table. In the center was the most splendid cake Echo had ever seen. It was decorated with tiny pink horses made of sugar. On the top were two rearing horses, their hooves forming a heart where they touched. One was a red stallion and the other a black mare.
Echo touched the one that represented Nifty. She turned her head to Theo. "I'm sorry you had to give him away."
Theo took her hand in his and kissed it. "He was a ransome for my people, my darling, a sacrifice for those I love. I'm sorry you had to kiss Hades."
Echo cocked her head to the side, her eyebrows raised playfully. "It wasn't that bad."
"What?" Theo gasped for just a moment, then noticed the tease in her voice. He took a piece of cake and shoved it in her face.
Echo retaliated with red punch poured down the front of his white robes.
"Food fight," Adam cried out. He threw a cocktail weenie at his little sister, Hannah, who ordered her rabbits to chase after him.
"Oh my gosh!" Mary exclaimed. She turned to the messenger god who stood beside her. "Hermes, please tell me you aren't going to join in."
"Actually, not this time." He took her by the hand and headed to a garden bench. "I need to talk to you."
"What about?" she asked, sitting beside him. "You look awfully grim for someone who has recently won a war and defeated an evil enemy."
"Something has been bothering me," he replied.
"Well you know you've come to the right person to talk to, Hermes."
"I know," Hermes said.
"Then what's bothering you?"
"It's all this stuff with Theo and Echo," he began hesitantly.
"What, the wedding?"
"Yes, that and all the kids and stuff. You know I've always been a sort of rolling stone."
"You're well known for it."
"Yeah, well, after my quest with Theo, and being part of his family for awhile; it's made me think."
"Good," Mary said patting his hand. "So you're finally considering growing up."
"Well, I don't know if I'd go that far, but I am thinking about getting married myself."
"I think that's a wonderful idea," Mary said. "I'm a bit of a matchmaker, you know. Just give me a list of hopefuls, and I'll help you sort them out."
"My dear Mary, the list of who all I've been involved with would be exhaustive."
"You've got to give me something to work with, sweetheart." Her voice betrayed a hint of frustration.

"Close your eyes," Hermes said, "and hold your breath. You are about to go on the journey of your life."
"What?" Mary asked. "Are you crazy?"
Mary gasped as she felt Hermes' lips touch hers. The gesture was accompanied by a whirlwind of energy that cascaded around them. Her body responded immediately to his powerful one as she began to yield to his kiss, but then pulled back. How could she betray a lifetime of love with the deceased father of her children.
"Stop fighting it," Hermes whispered tenderly. "Release the love you feel for me and let it restore youth to your body."
"But what about Burke?"
"He's not here and hasn't been for a very long time." Hermes smothered her face with kisses. "Let yourself love again and give me the only woman I've ever truly desired."
"Hermes," Mary protested, "don't be silly. I'm an old woman."
Hermes gazed into her soft brown eyes and touched his chest. "Not nearly as old as I."
He moved his mouth to her lips again, and this time she melted into the energy that surrounded her. The years began to slowly peel off her body and the vigor of youth rush in. She was surrounded by life restoring energy, and let it flow through her body as she yielded to the touch of the strong handsome god.
"Aren't you going to get in trouble for this?" She finally managed to choke out words inbetween kisses. She could definitely tell why Hermes was famous for love.
"I stay in trouble," he replied. He leaned away and pulled her to her feet. "Come with me by the pond. I want you to see yourself now before the others do.
Mary smiled and followed Hermes deep into Phoebus' garden. Once at a still pond, she gasped in amazement. There, looking up at her out of the glass-like surface of the water, was a young lady she had once known as a teen. She had soft firm skin, and long blonde hair that graced an attractive figure.
"Is that me?" she asked. Her hands flew to her face.
Hermes stepped into the reflection with her. "Yes, just as I saw you when I came to visit your parents' garden. I fell in love with you that moment, something I wasn't used to doing, and have let it grow ever since. Why do you think I have always come to you to talk over the years?"
"I guessed you thought of me as a mother, like everyone else."
"I have a mother," Hermes explained, "and she lives on Mount Olympus with all the other women Zeus once loved and later pushed aside. No, I've kept an eye on you because you haunted my heart all these years. Now, I'm doing what I should have long ago. Please marry me and be the goddess I've never had."

"This is all kind of sudden," Mary said, trying to find a place to sit down.
"Not really," Hermes took her in his arms again. "If you hadn't loved me, the transformation could never have worked."
"I believe you," Mary felt his lips on her neck again, and her body trembled in response. "But what about my kids? They're mortal."
Hermes shrugged. "About them, I can do nothing, except to allow you to make one of them like you. Even I have been only allotted one. The main three gods are the only ones allowed unlimited numbers."
"This is a hard choice," Mary said. "How will I decide?"
"I don't know." Hermes guided her back towards the wedding party. "It's taken me thousands of years just to figure out who I was going to give the gift to. So, before we get back to the others, please tell me you'll marry me."
"Yes," Mary said. She allowed him to sweep her into another kiss, "but, you're going to have to stop doing that."
"Why?" he asked. "You're a beautiful lady and I'm finally going to be your groom."
"That's an idea that may take me a while to get used to."
"Take all the time you need," Hermes said. "We have at least until nightfall before the party breaks up."
"You want to get married today?"
"You have anything better to do with your time?"
Mary shook her head. "I have no idea."
"Then let's go talk to the others." Hermes pulled her behind him like a toy.
The couple broke out of the garden foliage and into the light of the wedding party. Everyone gasped in amazement as Hermes guided her to the throne of his cousin. Phoebus stood as they approached.
"What brings you before me," he asked in his official voice, which was difficult since he was totally shocked. He was one of the only people in Concorde Valley who still remembered Mary as she appeared now.
"We wish to be joined in marriage," Hermes said.
Mary stared straight ahead, afraid to catch any of the surprised eyes watching her.
"When?" Phoebus was still trying not to look stunned.
"As soon as you have time available," Hermes responded. "I mean, we're all dressed up and there's a cake and everything."
"Oh my gosh," Diantha cried out, approaching from behind. She had been with Echo and Theo enjoying the party. They walked up with her. "Mary, is that you?"

"Yes," Mary said, hugging her old friend. "Hermes made me young again."
"And immortal," Hermes said. He was holding her hand tightly like he was afraid she was going to bolt and run off.
"And we're going to get married," she said. Tears began to flow down her face.
"Is that what you want?" Diantha asked. She glanced skeptically at Hermes.
"It must be," Mary said smiling, "although I didn't realize it until Hermes kissed me."
"Then my blessings go with you," Diantha responded. She let her eyes glance at Hermes. "Good luck with that one."
"She won't need it," Hermes insisted. "I'm a changed man."
"I guess if Hades could reform, so can you," Diantha said. "Well, congratulations. It looks like there's more to celebrate today than Echo and Theo."
"Indeed," Mary agreed. "Diantha, have you seen Hank?"
"Yes, he's with Rebecca and the baby."
"Ask him to come here, would you? I have a gift to give him."
Diantha nodded and slipped off to go talk to Hank.
"So you've decided, then?" Hermes asked.
"It makes the most sense," she replied. "His life is already entwined with the immortals, and I understand how Rebecca feels watching the man she loves age before her. If I only have one gift of immortality to give, then let it be to them."
"Excellent choice," Phoebus agreed. He cleared his throat dramatically. "Now if you two would join hands and face me, we can get this wedding over with before anyone else decides to get married. Theo, Echo, would you please witness the proceedings?"
The newly married pair joined their friends, wiping food off their clothes at the same time.
Theo clapped his cousin on the shoulder. "Hermes, you old dog, have you finally decided to become an honest man?"
Hermes grinned. "She was my pony in the race."
"Yes," Theo said. "I remember. She was the reason you went through the trials with me to get the help of Thanatos and Hypnos."
Hermes nodded. "She's the one."
Then, for the second time in one day, Phoebus was honored to perform a wedding ceremony between two people he loved deeply. It was good for him, and the valley he ruled over, to finally have something to smile about. Peace had come upon his land, and for once he had very little to do with it. His children and their friends had done what he taught them, and for a father, that was a comforting thought.
![]() Book of the Month Contest Winner |
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AI Images from IZEA
Thanks so much for being such loyal readers and reviewers!!! This is only the second book I've actually completed on this site. There are several of you who have been onboard since the very first chapter, and others who joined along the way. I appreciate you all. Much love!!!
Book Summary so far:
Young Echo Jones is overlooked by First Responders as she hides in a wheat field during a house fire. Both parents killed in the fire, she escapes into an ancient forest behind her home. Alone and afraid, she meets up with a young boy, Anthos, nicknamed Theo, from mysterious origins that tends to her while searching for help.
20 years later, Echo is working for a newspaper called the Taylorville Sun. Among other duties, she investigates a serial killer who has now struck in her small town.
After being stalked by enemies intent on stopping her investigation, Theo, now a man, returns to rescue her from a demonic force. After a battle outside Echo's apartment complex, Echo and Theo fled through the trees toward his homeland, Concorde Valley, an undisclosed place near or within the Great Forests of Southern United States.
Theo takes Echo into Concorde Valley where she is tended to by Phoebus, Theo's father of many roles. He patches her up and sends her with Theo to meet the family.
Theo receives a missive from the 12 gods, via the rascally Hermes, instructing him to free the gods being held captive on Mount Olympus and defeat the enemy Hades.
With the help of family members, some of Greek Mythological fame, Theo sets out to save the world.
Echo Jones: Young girl left stranded by a fire that took her home and parents in the first part of the book, then as an adult, she's an investigative reporter for a small town newspaper.
Theo: Named Anthos by his parents. Protagonist of the book, and Echo's love interest..
Specters/men in dark clothing: Minions of the Enemy. Have eyes that turn red when they're angry. Can appear as normal humans, serve the Enemy.
Kitty Sunshine, aka Sunny: Echo's Russian Blue cat
Theo, A nickname for Anthos: An 8-year-old, of mysterious origins, who finds young Echo in the forest and tends to her needs. We see him later as a grown man who rescues Echo once again.
Georgios: One of Phoebus' Captains. Theo's half brother
Phoebus: King of Concorde Valley, Theo's father
Diantha: Queen of Concorde Valley, Theo's mother
Poseidon: god of the Sea, Theo's grandfather
Hermes: messenger god, warrior, boyish charm; Theo's 2nd cousin, one of the ruling 12.
Apollo: Hermes' elder brother, sun God, and more. One of the ruling 12. Currently on sabbatical.
Rebecca: Theo's 25-year-old sister. She's married to Henry and has a baby Caitlyn
Henry: Rebecca's husband.
Adam: Theo's 21-year-old brother
Phillip: Theo's 17-year-old brother
Helen: Theo's 10-year-old sister
Hannah: Theo's 7-year-old sister who loves animals and can talk to them in their own language.
Mary: Rebecca's mother-in-law and a woman who is like a grandmother to the kids.
Mageia: Old Sorcerer who lives in Carack Valley. Used to work for Hades.
Thanatos: One of Nix's twin sons. He supersedes Hades as controller of death.
Hypnos: One of the twin sons. He lulls people to sleep
Nyx: Female personification of the night. Mother to many primordial beings, feared even by Zeus.
one point
and 2 member cents. Thanks so much for being such loyal readers and reviewers!!! This is only the second book I've actually completed on this site. There are several of you who have been onboard since the very first chapter, and others who joined along the way. I appreciate you all. Much love!!!
Book Summary so far:
Young Echo Jones is overlooked by First Responders as she hides in a wheat field during a house fire. Both parents killed in the fire, she escapes into an ancient forest behind her home. Alone and afraid, she meets up with a young boy, Anthos, nicknamed Theo, from mysterious origins that tends to her while searching for help.
20 years later, Echo is working for a newspaper called the Taylorville Sun. Among other duties, she investigates a serial killer who has now struck in her small town.
After being stalked by enemies intent on stopping her investigation, Theo, now a man, returns to rescue her from a demonic force. After a battle outside Echo's apartment complex, Echo and Theo fled through the trees toward his homeland, Concorde Valley, an undisclosed place near or within the Great Forests of Southern United States.
Theo takes Echo into Concorde Valley where she is tended to by Phoebus, Theo's father of many roles. He patches her up and sends her with Theo to meet the family.
Theo receives a missive from the 12 gods, via the rascally Hermes, instructing him to free the gods being held captive on Mount Olympus and defeat the enemy Hades.
With the help of family members, some of Greek Mythological fame, Theo sets out to save the world.
Echo Jones: Young girl left stranded by a fire that took her home and parents in the first part of the book, then as an adult, she's an investigative reporter for a small town newspaper.
Theo: Named Anthos by his parents. Protagonist of the book, and Echo's love interest..
Specters/men in dark clothing: Minions of the Enemy. Have eyes that turn red when they're angry. Can appear as normal humans, serve the Enemy.
Kitty Sunshine, aka Sunny: Echo's Russian Blue cat
Theo, A nickname for Anthos: An 8-year-old, of mysterious origins, who finds young Echo in the forest and tends to her needs. We see him later as a grown man who rescues Echo once again.
Georgios: One of Phoebus' Captains. Theo's half brother
Phoebus: King of Concorde Valley, Theo's father
Diantha: Queen of Concorde Valley, Theo's mother
Poseidon: god of the Sea, Theo's grandfather
Hermes: messenger god, warrior, boyish charm; Theo's 2nd cousin, one of the ruling 12.
Apollo: Hermes' elder brother, sun God, and more. One of the ruling 12. Currently on sabbatical.
Rebecca: Theo's 25-year-old sister. She's married to Henry and has a baby Caitlyn
Henry: Rebecca's husband.
Adam: Theo's 21-year-old brother
Phillip: Theo's 17-year-old brother
Helen: Theo's 10-year-old sister
Hannah: Theo's 7-year-old sister who loves animals and can talk to them in their own language.
Mary: Rebecca's mother-in-law and a woman who is like a grandmother to the kids.
Mageia: Old Sorcerer who lives in Carack Valley. Used to work for Hades.
Thanatos: One of Nix's twin sons. He supersedes Hades as controller of death.
Hypnos: One of the twin sons. He lulls people to sleep
Nyx: Female personification of the night. Mother to many primordial beings, feared even by Zeus.

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