Horror and Thriller Fiction posted November 27, 2023 | Chapters: |
Prologue -2- 3... ![]() |
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some background
A chapter in the book Sandra's Lover
Sandras Lover 2
The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.
The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.
Background The story opens to a grotesque murder - methodical and precise. The murderer believes its sexual. |
It's a cool winter night, 2 women are sitting at a table in a darkly lit bar. At the Crystal bar, music thrums around them with colored lights flashing on random surfaces.
A few scattered couples are dancing on the floor, in the center of the room. The girls are wearing jeans with white men's dress shirts. Intentionally dressing the same for their night out. These shirts are collar up, sleeves are turned and pulled back and there is an elastic belt around their waists, a butterfly clasp holding the belts closed. The shirt is mildly draped over the belt, and it hang down past the waist of the skin tight jeans. Both women have back combed hair and blue eye shadow. Geometric neon earrings complete the look. The height of fashion in 1987.
They have carefully chosen the table. The bar is rectangular, and they sit at the far-left corner from the entrance. There are 2 fruity drinks in front of them and an overfull ashtray between them. Best friends since high school they chatter and giggle randomly behind their hands.
Across the bar in the opposite corner are 2 handsome young men. One seemingly either Hispanic or maybe even Indian. The other a light brunette. They wear jeans, t-shirts and suit jackets, the sleeves pulled back. One has a beer the other a dark liquid in a glass. Each randomly sipping on their drinks between comments.
"Do you see those guys over there?" Aliss whispers to Janice behind her hand.
Janice, the bolder of the two says, "Yup, the tanned one is so hot".
"I prefer the other one, he is so handsome and way out of my league. So, why bother."
"You shouldn't't be so down on yourself, you're pretty. You just lack confidence and all guys like confidence. I'll show you, let's go!"
She stands and grabs her friends hand pulling her up and away from the table.
Aliss was always the plainer one of the two. Average height, average looks. Blonde hair just passed her shoulders, bright blue eyes and just a few pounds past her goal weight. All those annoying pounds huddling between her breasts and thighs, creating a pear shape. Luckily her face, arms and calves always remained trim. She had a full mouth and there was something about her that took her looks from just past plain to almost pretty. She has had very little experience with romance and men. She is awkward and sometimes clumsy. How she got a friend like Janice always puzzled her.
Janice, a bolder brunette is classically beautiful with long brown hair, beautiful doe eyes and pouty lips. She is petite in every way except her personality. She is outspoken and opinionated, direct and confident. Men would follow her with their eyes every where she went and some even followed her, hoping to get to know her more. She is selective on those who get her attention.
She always felt like Aliss was a bit of a project. She loves her in an older sister kind of way. She knows Aliss is shy at first but once you get to know her, she opens up and is quite funny. She is a fiercely protective and dedicated friend. Non-judgmental. Lord knows Janice needs non-judgmental. She hasn't always made the right choices in life.
Aliss follows her friend, stumbling at first then carefully by her side. Aliss always makes sure that Janice is on the viewing side of any walk. Trying to use Janice as a shield of sorts. The two saunter past the men, pretending not to notice them. Their chosen course taking them to the ladies room on the opposite corner of the bar and their table. The two rush into the bathroom giggling.
"Aliss, he looked at you! He was checking you out!" Exclaimed Janice excitedly.
"No way, Jose he was totally looking at you! They always look at you."
"Jeez he totally was gawking at you. I saw him."
"Who? The brown guy or the other one?"
"The other one. Remember, the brown one is mine!"
"Really? What do I do now? Do I ignore him? Do I smile? Dare I walk past him again? Do we leave? Oh, let's leave. I can't, oh God, I don't know what to do!" Aliss, very nervous, washes her hands.
"Aliss, chill. We just walk back to our table, going the other way. Sit down and pretend we saw nothing. Guys want to chase girls, not the other way around." Janice takes a moment to reapply her lip gloss, accentuating her perfect mouth.
When they get back to the table there are 2 fresh drinks and a napkin with writing on it. Aliss sees it first. When she reaches for the note, Janice snatches it out of her hand.
"No! You're not supposed to notice it at first, it makes you look desperate." Janice turns and then starts to read the note.
"I thought you said not to notice it?" says Aliss a little perturbed.
"Too late now. OMG Aliss, its for you!" Janice has her and on her mouth with a look of astonishment on her face. She starts to jump up and down.
Janice chants, "Aliss has a hottie, Aliss has a hottie!"
Aliss loudly whispers, "Janice stop, please stop, they are looking at us." She then buries her face in her hands.
"Ok, Ok. But look!" She shoves the note towards her friend. Aliss nervously takes the wrinkled napkin and reads, 'The brunette is pretty, but I always preferred blondes, Mike.'
Shocked Aliss slowly looks up at her friend. Her hand shakes as she puts the note down. Sheepishly she looks past her friend and sees Mike smiling at her. Her heart drops into her stomach and she quickly closes her eyes, disbelieving what she sees.
Mike and his companion walk over to their table. Aliss doesn't notice as she is still sitting with her eyes closed and now has her hands on her face. The whole while Janice is going on and on with advice and excitement, talking non-stop.
Soon enough the 2 men are at the table, Janice with her back to them doesn't notice until a hand touches her on her right shoulder.
"Hello ladies, may we join you?" A sweet Hispanic accent melodically inquires.
Janice spins around, looks into the eyes of the man who spoke and quickly moves back to her seat to sit next to her friend.
"Please sit down, I'm Janice and this is my friend Aliss."
"I am pleased to meet you, mi querida, I am Manuel." He says, his hand on his heart slightly tilting his head with a small nod, without taking his eyes off of Janice.
Mike sits beside a flustered Aliss. Her face is very red and she seems unable to speak. Janice is occupied in conversation with Manuel.
Mike gently takes Aliss's hand in his and says, "don't worry, I won't bite."
She doesn't miss a beat and says, "shame" before realizing that her tongue got away with her. Impossible, but she got even redder.
This comment made Mike burst out in laughter beside her. Somehow this calmed her down enough to look at his face and into his eyes. Smiling at him she mumbles, "Sorry, I don't know what I said or why".
"Don't ever change that about you. I like it." Mike smiles, the sparkle in his blue eyes flash for a moment as if timed perfectly.
Mike is just over 6ft tall, light brown short hair, blue eyes and in good shape. Fitness is an important part of his day. He was raised in a middle-class neighborhood by white collar parents. Dad is a lawyer and mom an executive in an advertising agency. He met Manuel at school. He learned that Manuel was from Argentina and was awarded a medical school scholarship by some unknown benefactor. It wasn't easy for Manuel to get the student visa and therefore he is a couple of years older than Mike. They are both brilliant students, top of their classes. Manuel is only an inch shorter than Mike and also enjoys the gym, they are often working out together. Going to a bar was a rare event for them, with long study sessions consuming most of their nights. However, they had just completed mid-terms and were taking a break.
The couples exchange pleasantries, light conversations about where they grew up, what they did, and how they all knew each other. Janice reveals that she is a jazzercise instructor at a local fitness center, with dreams of being an actress or a singer, remarking how people often compare her to Chrystal Gale. Manuel and Mike are both medical students at Montana State University. Aliss is a bookkeeper for a construction company.
As the night moves on it becomes apparent that soon the bar will close and everyone will have to make their way outside and leave. Janice by this time has snuggled right up to Manuel. They converse looking at each other, inches from kissing. She fits perfectly under his arm and looks quite comfortable being there. It wouldn't surprise Aliss if they left together.
Aliss then realizes that Janice is her ride home. She mentally prepares to take a taxi, not wanting to disturb her friend and her obvious plans. Many years ago, Aliss stopped warning Janice about going home with strange men, it was fruitless as Janice kept assuring her, she could take care of herself.
The lights come up and the 4 head outside. Janice takes Aliss aside, "hey hun, the guys asked us back to their place to have another drink. Are you coming?"
"Oh no, I can't." She was terrified and just wanted to get away from it all. Mike was very nice, courteous, and respectful. But she didn't know what else to do. Distance was always her friend.
"Come on, take a chance, you might have some fun." Janice pleads. Deep inside she kind of hopes that Aliss says no so she can be alone with Manuel and at the same time genuinely wants her friend to risk it all and join them.
"Uhm, I don't think so, but thanks."
"Ok are you going to be okay getting home? Or do you want to take my car?" Janice offers.
"It's better you take your car, for when you need to leave. I'm ok with a taxi." Aliss as usual putting everyone else first before herself.
"I feel shitty leaving you here, making you take a taxi. I can go home with you, its ok." A look of disappointment is on her face.
"Don't worry about it. You go and have some fun." Aliss responds.
"Ok, but only if you're sure." Janice is happy again.
During this time Mike and Manuel were in another part of the parking lot retrieving Mike's car, a black 1984 Audi. They soon pull up to the girls. Janice approaches the car, "good news, I'm coming!"
Mike looks disappointed. He puts the car in park, gets out and stands in front of Aliss, "why won't you come with us? I promised not to bite, remember?"
"Uhm I, I'm ok with a taxi, really. I, I'm just tired, it's been a long day." She stammers looking at her feet.
Mike gently puts his finger under her chin and pulls it up. "Look at me" he whispers. Slowly she looks up and into his eyes. Her heart pounding in her chest, she is terrified, excited and nervous all at once. What is happening here?
"You are so beautiful to me. I see you completely." He leans down and places a gently kiss on her lips. He knows not to push her. He stands back slightly and says, "here is my number, you call me Monday, after 7. I'll be home from school then. Now get into that taxi and get home safely, ok?"
She can't move. Her legs wont work. She can't breathe, what did he say? In the background Janice whoops at her chanting, "Aliss got a hottie!" She barely registers the sound. Mike gently takes her hand and walks her over to the taxi, putting her inside.
He says to the driver, "make sure she gets home safely" he pays the driver and walks back to his car and leaves.
A few scattered couples are dancing on the floor, in the center of the room. The girls are wearing jeans with white men's dress shirts. Intentionally dressing the same for their night out. These shirts are collar up, sleeves are turned and pulled back and there is an elastic belt around their waists, a butterfly clasp holding the belts closed. The shirt is mildly draped over the belt, and it hang down past the waist of the skin tight jeans. Both women have back combed hair and blue eye shadow. Geometric neon earrings complete the look. The height of fashion in 1987.
They have carefully chosen the table. The bar is rectangular, and they sit at the far-left corner from the entrance. There are 2 fruity drinks in front of them and an overfull ashtray between them. Best friends since high school they chatter and giggle randomly behind their hands.
Across the bar in the opposite corner are 2 handsome young men. One seemingly either Hispanic or maybe even Indian. The other a light brunette. They wear jeans, t-shirts and suit jackets, the sleeves pulled back. One has a beer the other a dark liquid in a glass. Each randomly sipping on their drinks between comments.
"Do you see those guys over there?" Aliss whispers to Janice behind her hand.
Janice, the bolder of the two says, "Yup, the tanned one is so hot".
"I prefer the other one, he is so handsome and way out of my league. So, why bother."
"You shouldn't't be so down on yourself, you're pretty. You just lack confidence and all guys like confidence. I'll show you, let's go!"
She stands and grabs her friends hand pulling her up and away from the table.
Aliss was always the plainer one of the two. Average height, average looks. Blonde hair just passed her shoulders, bright blue eyes and just a few pounds past her goal weight. All those annoying pounds huddling between her breasts and thighs, creating a pear shape. Luckily her face, arms and calves always remained trim. She had a full mouth and there was something about her that took her looks from just past plain to almost pretty. She has had very little experience with romance and men. She is awkward and sometimes clumsy. How she got a friend like Janice always puzzled her.
Janice, a bolder brunette is classically beautiful with long brown hair, beautiful doe eyes and pouty lips. She is petite in every way except her personality. She is outspoken and opinionated, direct and confident. Men would follow her with their eyes every where she went and some even followed her, hoping to get to know her more. She is selective on those who get her attention.
She always felt like Aliss was a bit of a project. She loves her in an older sister kind of way. She knows Aliss is shy at first but once you get to know her, she opens up and is quite funny. She is a fiercely protective and dedicated friend. Non-judgmental. Lord knows Janice needs non-judgmental. She hasn't always made the right choices in life.
Aliss follows her friend, stumbling at first then carefully by her side. Aliss always makes sure that Janice is on the viewing side of any walk. Trying to use Janice as a shield of sorts. The two saunter past the men, pretending not to notice them. Their chosen course taking them to the ladies room on the opposite corner of the bar and their table. The two rush into the bathroom giggling.
"Aliss, he looked at you! He was checking you out!" Exclaimed Janice excitedly.
"No way, Jose he was totally looking at you! They always look at you."
"Jeez he totally was gawking at you. I saw him."
"Who? The brown guy or the other one?"
"The other one. Remember, the brown one is mine!"
"Really? What do I do now? Do I ignore him? Do I smile? Dare I walk past him again? Do we leave? Oh, let's leave. I can't, oh God, I don't know what to do!" Aliss, very nervous, washes her hands.
"Aliss, chill. We just walk back to our table, going the other way. Sit down and pretend we saw nothing. Guys want to chase girls, not the other way around." Janice takes a moment to reapply her lip gloss, accentuating her perfect mouth.
When they get back to the table there are 2 fresh drinks and a napkin with writing on it. Aliss sees it first. When she reaches for the note, Janice snatches it out of her hand.
"No! You're not supposed to notice it at first, it makes you look desperate." Janice turns and then starts to read the note.
"I thought you said not to notice it?" says Aliss a little perturbed.
"Too late now. OMG Aliss, its for you!" Janice has her and on her mouth with a look of astonishment on her face. She starts to jump up and down.
Janice chants, "Aliss has a hottie, Aliss has a hottie!"
Aliss loudly whispers, "Janice stop, please stop, they are looking at us." She then buries her face in her hands.
"Ok, Ok. But look!" She shoves the note towards her friend. Aliss nervously takes the wrinkled napkin and reads, 'The brunette is pretty, but I always preferred blondes, Mike.'
Shocked Aliss slowly looks up at her friend. Her hand shakes as she puts the note down. Sheepishly she looks past her friend and sees Mike smiling at her. Her heart drops into her stomach and she quickly closes her eyes, disbelieving what she sees.
Mike and his companion walk over to their table. Aliss doesn't notice as she is still sitting with her eyes closed and now has her hands on her face. The whole while Janice is going on and on with advice and excitement, talking non-stop.
Soon enough the 2 men are at the table, Janice with her back to them doesn't notice until a hand touches her on her right shoulder.
"Hello ladies, may we join you?" A sweet Hispanic accent melodically inquires.
Janice spins around, looks into the eyes of the man who spoke and quickly moves back to her seat to sit next to her friend.
"Please sit down, I'm Janice and this is my friend Aliss."
"I am pleased to meet you, mi querida, I am Manuel." He says, his hand on his heart slightly tilting his head with a small nod, without taking his eyes off of Janice.
Mike sits beside a flustered Aliss. Her face is very red and she seems unable to speak. Janice is occupied in conversation with Manuel.
Mike gently takes Aliss's hand in his and says, "don't worry, I won't bite."
She doesn't miss a beat and says, "shame" before realizing that her tongue got away with her. Impossible, but she got even redder.
This comment made Mike burst out in laughter beside her. Somehow this calmed her down enough to look at his face and into his eyes. Smiling at him she mumbles, "Sorry, I don't know what I said or why".
"Don't ever change that about you. I like it." Mike smiles, the sparkle in his blue eyes flash for a moment as if timed perfectly.
Mike is just over 6ft tall, light brown short hair, blue eyes and in good shape. Fitness is an important part of his day. He was raised in a middle-class neighborhood by white collar parents. Dad is a lawyer and mom an executive in an advertising agency. He met Manuel at school. He learned that Manuel was from Argentina and was awarded a medical school scholarship by some unknown benefactor. It wasn't easy for Manuel to get the student visa and therefore he is a couple of years older than Mike. They are both brilliant students, top of their classes. Manuel is only an inch shorter than Mike and also enjoys the gym, they are often working out together. Going to a bar was a rare event for them, with long study sessions consuming most of their nights. However, they had just completed mid-terms and were taking a break.
The couples exchange pleasantries, light conversations about where they grew up, what they did, and how they all knew each other. Janice reveals that she is a jazzercise instructor at a local fitness center, with dreams of being an actress or a singer, remarking how people often compare her to Chrystal Gale. Manuel and Mike are both medical students at Montana State University. Aliss is a bookkeeper for a construction company.
As the night moves on it becomes apparent that soon the bar will close and everyone will have to make their way outside and leave. Janice by this time has snuggled right up to Manuel. They converse looking at each other, inches from kissing. She fits perfectly under his arm and looks quite comfortable being there. It wouldn't surprise Aliss if they left together.
Aliss then realizes that Janice is her ride home. She mentally prepares to take a taxi, not wanting to disturb her friend and her obvious plans. Many years ago, Aliss stopped warning Janice about going home with strange men, it was fruitless as Janice kept assuring her, she could take care of herself.
The lights come up and the 4 head outside. Janice takes Aliss aside, "hey hun, the guys asked us back to their place to have another drink. Are you coming?"
"Oh no, I can't." She was terrified and just wanted to get away from it all. Mike was very nice, courteous, and respectful. But she didn't know what else to do. Distance was always her friend.
"Come on, take a chance, you might have some fun." Janice pleads. Deep inside she kind of hopes that Aliss says no so she can be alone with Manuel and at the same time genuinely wants her friend to risk it all and join them.
"Uhm, I don't think so, but thanks."
"Ok are you going to be okay getting home? Or do you want to take my car?" Janice offers.
"It's better you take your car, for when you need to leave. I'm ok with a taxi." Aliss as usual putting everyone else first before herself.
"I feel shitty leaving you here, making you take a taxi. I can go home with you, its ok." A look of disappointment is on her face.
"Don't worry about it. You go and have some fun." Aliss responds.
"Ok, but only if you're sure." Janice is happy again.
During this time Mike and Manuel were in another part of the parking lot retrieving Mike's car, a black 1984 Audi. They soon pull up to the girls. Janice approaches the car, "good news, I'm coming!"
Mike looks disappointed. He puts the car in park, gets out and stands in front of Aliss, "why won't you come with us? I promised not to bite, remember?"
"Uhm I, I'm ok with a taxi, really. I, I'm just tired, it's been a long day." She stammers looking at her feet.
Mike gently puts his finger under her chin and pulls it up. "Look at me" he whispers. Slowly she looks up and into his eyes. Her heart pounding in her chest, she is terrified, excited and nervous all at once. What is happening here?
"You are so beautiful to me. I see you completely." He leans down and places a gently kiss on her lips. He knows not to push her. He stands back slightly and says, "here is my number, you call me Monday, after 7. I'll be home from school then. Now get into that taxi and get home safely, ok?"
She can't move. Her legs wont work. She can't breathe, what did he say? In the background Janice whoops at her chanting, "Aliss got a hottie!" She barely registers the sound. Mike gently takes her hand and walks her over to the taxi, putting her inside.
He says to the driver, "make sure she gets home safely" he pays the driver and walks back to his car and leaves.
This will start the introduction of main characters in the story. Keep reading to see how it all ties together.
one point
and 2 member cents. Enjoy!

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