Biographical Non-Fiction posted November 13, 2023 | Chapters: |
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The wake, shake and run...
A chapter in the book Ghost
The Journey
by Lea Tonin1
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.
Deep in creeping woods and gloom I painted.
My brush glides through living color in waves. Blandness slides away with every stroke.
A new sky born of canvas and powder blue.
The velvety bright image beckons a welcome.
Come to my world the passage is clear.
My fingers descended to painted skies and whisper...
Do speak to me of quiet things or shout and ask indifferently.
Into their world I slipped.
***Lea Tonin***
The hardest parts to write are now past.
But there will be no funeral for it like you would have when a loved one passes. Just a strong imprint of what shouldn't be.
There is yet one more task.
We must bring her out of the woods and into safety.
With a deep shuddering sigh knowing the difficulty is over, I remained at my PC reflecting. Now my fingers gently type with none of the aggressive clacking I'd been doing in earlier writes.
Sitting down to write does seems much more comfortable...
Soon I can let her go, my younger self, knowing she'll be okay.
Knowing she will come out of this.
With some scars and not on unscathed but...
She comes out none the less....
The smell of pine and the sound of songbirds warbling woke me slowly and gently like the rhythmic drift of a rocking chair.
So unlike the last few nights of rude awakenings.
I lifted my head to a deep throbbing pain in my scalp and on my forehead where I took the punch. Needles, twigs and leaves stuck to the side of my face and the right side of my body. It seems I didn't move while I was asleep or out cold, whichever the case may be.
Slowly. I lifted myself back up onto the stump. I sat there for a few minutes, while I slowly gathered myself.
First thing I noticed, other than the pain, was being extremely thirsty. I don't know how long I was asleep but, I needed to get some water quick. I decided to take a quick peek out of the forest to see what I could see.
With a throbbing head, I slowly and methodically made my way to the edge of the bush. I could see my house. I looked toward the driveway and noticed my stepfather's car was gone. At work, I'm sure.
My mother's car was gone too. She most likely went bowling or met with one of her friends. Whatever it was, she did.
It was usually just a, "I'm going out" statement. Not a lot of concern when I disappeared too I saw but, that was no surprise.
I stayed inside the line of the bush as best as I could and looked around some more.
To make sure no one was staring in my direction, I scanned the area as best as I could.
It was early morning although I couldn't be 100% positive. I was sure I slept more than a couple hours.
One last scan of the area told me that all was quiet. I took the chance and sprinted across the street and down toward the house.
I leaned against the side of the house close to the living room window to listen for sounds of anyone inside.
All was silent. I moved down the carport to the back door where I knew a tap was. Like in forest days past, I guzzled the water. I drank until I practically drowned myself.
Gingerly I put my head underneath the tap to wash out the back of my head. A tangled mess of pine needles, dirt, leaves and blood.
The Sting was excruciating when the water hit. I couldn't help but let out a quiet yelp. I stopped to listen for more noise.
Nothing. Still clear.
I tried the knob on the back door and of course, it was locked which I expected. I also tried the back windows. Sealed as I knew they would be too. I did have one way and that was my bedroom window which I had recently kept unlocked for a an occasion just like this.
I put my palms gently on the window for a skin to glass seal and slid it down enough to put my fingers in which I used to slide it the rest of the way open. I stopped to listen for sounds in the house.
I heard none. All was silent. I put one leg through the window, then my torso and my other leg which landed me on my bed. Listening all the while I creaked my bedroom door open and looked around the corner.
No lights were on. No TV's were running. I could hear no footfalls on the floor. On the door my jacket hung still which I grabbed right away. Inside sat that all important bus fare, my main reason for coming. That and my sisters flip flops. Listening for sounds I took a peek up the stairwell. No lights on up there either.
I flew up the stairs lightfooted and as quiet as I could be and into the kitchen. Opening the fridge I just grabbed what was handy. Buns and jam. I scooped a thermos from the cupboard. A quick dash into the bathroom saw my tooth brush and hair brush in my pocket. I put the jar of jam in my other pocket and carried the bread under my arm. A quick bee line back to my room and out the wwindow.
I stopped only to fill my thermos with water and scan the area again. I was so scared my parents or someone would see me that I shook. So much so my thermos took twice as long to fill. Quickly. I ran across the road back into the line of the Bush and to the small fort we had built.
I prayed that would be the last time I had to enter that house or deal with my parents. I also knew though, that prayer had to be accompanied with action.
I've acted. At great cost....
I've written this chapter in the very small hours of the day. The quiet of the morning showed just the tips of the sun peaking over the horizon as I sip my coffee and witness the miracle.
We all need moments of peace. Sometimes we just get to grab little snippets of it along the way.
I Keep thinking of my younger self, she must have been nuts!
Perhaps I was, perhaps I still am.
Whatever it kept me alive....
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This chapter is from an auto bio called ghost. It can be found in my portfolio. If he were shred, please note; Some chapters are hard to digest. Reader discretion is advised.
one point
and 2 member cents. 

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