General Fiction posted February 12, 2022 Chapters:  ...10 11 -12- 13... 

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It Dwells in the Believer's Heart

A chapter in the book Contest Entry and Winners

The Magic of Love

by Begin Again

Love, Love, Love Contest Winner 

"Once upon a time—"
Cari squealed. "Oh Nana, tell us a story, not a fairy tale."
Her six-year-old sister, Camryn, snickered, "Yeah, Nana, we're too old for silly fairytales. Tell us a grownup story."
Nana's head rested against the back of her rocker. Her eyes were closed, but a faint smile tugged at the corner of her lips.
"Nana, did you fall asleep?" Camryn stood near the rocker, peering into her grandmother's face. "She's not snoring, Cari."
"Oh, gosh, she's pretty old. She didn't die, did she?" Cari touched her grandmother's shriveled hand. "Nana, please don't be dead."
"Boo!" Nana sat straight up in her rocker, eyes flared open, and laughed. The girls screamed and ran into the house.
The screen door scraped across the floorboards as Carissa stood in the doorway. "Nana, are you scaring the girls?"
Nana could see the girls peeking from beneath Carissa's arm. "They said I was old and wondered if I was dead. I just let them know I am not." Nana laughed at the girls. "Come on. I promised a story, so let's get started."
After the girls settled around her feet, she gazed at the stars for a moment and sighed. "Do you believe in magic?"
"Sure, I saw Uncle Ty do magic tricks. He made a watch disappear." Camryn nudged her sister. "You remember those tricks, right?"
"Of course I do, but they're not real. That's why they're called tricks. You believe everything, Cam."
"This magic is different. It can get tricky, but it's the only magic you'll ever want to see if you believe."
"Tell us, Nana. I want to believe."
"Me, too."
"It's called the magic of love. If you love someone and truly believe, someday you'll find yourself dancing under the stars in your own fairy tale. Your Prince Charming will be better than Cinderella could ever imagine. His lips will taste like cotton candy, and his eyes will sparkle when he looks at you. You will be a Princess, a beautiful woman only he can see."
"Did you and Papa share magic?"
"Oh, yes. Papa will always be my Prince Charming."
"Even though he's gone?"
"Gone? Honey, Papa is right here." Nana touched her heart. "That's the magic of love."
"How do you know he's here?"
Tears glistened in Nana's eyes. "I just know. Besides, every night I sit on the porch, close my eyes, and he dances with me beneath the stars."
The girls squeezed their eyes tight and then peaked at the hill. As they squealed, the clouds drifted past the moon, "I can't see him, Nana."
"He's there. And when you fall in love, you'll find your Prince waiting for you, too."


Writing Prompt
Fiction ~ Fiction ~ Fiction
Write a fictional love story with humans of 400-450 words.
No vulgar words, profanity, or sex.

Love, Love, Love
Contest Winner


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