Mature Fiction posted January 12, 2025

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Erotica about a housewife who's husband cheated on her.

Wrong In All The Right Ways

by Z.H.

The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.

I… I’m thirsty. 

With a sleep weighted hand I check the nightstand for one of the water bottles that Catalina likes to leave. Whenever she comes over, she puts them all over the house. She says she’s only doing it because Rob hired her to take care of me, but I know better. She’s doing it, for the same reason she looks at me like I’m a lost puppy, she pities me. 

I hate how she pities me, but it can be useful. 

Today there's nothing on my nightstand, not even my phone. Usually, in this situation, I’d lay back down and try to go back to sleep, but today, I can’t. Today someone keeps knocking on my door. 

After the second round of knocking, he yells. “Ella, I know you’re there! I just want to see that you’re okay, then I’ll leave.” It's Rob. He always does this.

I might not want to leave my comfy bed, but now I have to. I must have kicked off the blankets at some point during my nap because now they’re all piled on the other side of the bed. I wonder-

As I reach to the pile of blankets Rob shouts again. “You’re really worrying me this time!” He’s so annoying. I want to ignore him, but I know that won't work, so I slip on a robe and walk the ten steps it takes to get to the front door. 

“What?” That came out meaner than I meant it to.

He grabs my shoulders. “How are you feeling?” He always asks the same thing even though he already knows the answer.

I pull away from the hug. “Still hate you.” 

He slumps.

“Did you really think that'd change?” My words are filled with more poison than the Amazon.

“I just though, after so much time-”

His words grate so I interrupt. “What does time have to do with anything?”

He shifts uncomfortably. “You know what they say, time heals all wounds.”

“You cheated on me.” I can’t believe I loved him once.

“I know but-”

I don’t want to hear his nonsense. “Don’t spew that crap. It happened and I won't pretend it didn't.” 

“Ella-” is the only word he says before I start shouting.

“You're the one who cheated!” I stop myself before I add something really hurtful.

“We're still married, we can-” He reaches for me.

I slap his hands away, “We can't.”

“... I won't give up.” He looks so determined.

Sometimes, when he looks at me like this, I feel bad for using him, but then I remember what he did. “Just leave.”

“One day you'll love me again.” 

Part of me wants to shout that I won't, but the other part remembers that I need him to keep trying. With him trying to get back with me, I don't have to work or leave the house. Actually, if I had to, I'd be fine with those things going away, what I can't lose is Catalina. 

Speaking of Catalina, I walk back to my bedroom. That pile is way too big to just be blankets.

I pounce on her and start ripping the blankets away. I was right, she’s still here. My fingers graze her soft skin as I tear away the last blanket. I think she’s still sleeping soundly, but it’s too dark to tell. With a click I turn on the lamp beside the bed. 

She’s not looking at me with pity, but she’s not looking at me the way she does in bed either. She’s relaxed, sleeping, without a care in the world. 

Her muscles aren’t taught like they are when I touch them, they’re soft, almost as soft as her chest. 

Her chest! I can see the marks from what I did to it earlier. She’s like a painting. So beautiful. 

Rob hired her to take care of me, so I let her take care of me, in every way. Right now I need some taking care of, so I’ve got to wake her up. The question is, how? 

Waking her up is one of the funnest parts of sleeping with her, because she takes forever to wake up. While she’s waking up I can convince her to do all sorts of things, things she usually wouldn’t do. It’s how I convinced her to sleep with me the second time, and the third time. That first time it just kind of happened, but I wasn’t going to let her get away with doing it just once. 

I lightly brush a finger up her leg. 

She swats at my hand and mutters, “Damn bugs.”

I chuckle as I do it again. This time when she goes to swat me, I grab her hand. 

Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me. “Good morning,” she mutters with a smile. God, she’s adorable.

I bring her hand to my mouth. I learned this back in college. I start by kissing her fingers.

She makes a quiet sound.

“Good morning,” I whisper into her palm. 

Another sound.

I hold her hand up as I start tracing the spaces between her fingers with my tongue.

This time she’s a bit louder.

I run my tongue along her index finger before sucking that and her middle finger off.

You should see her face right now.

I run a hand from the back of her knee to the bottom of her thigh as I trail kisses along her arm.

“More,” she murmurs as she wraps her leg around my neck.

“Patience,” I whisper into her thigh. 

She shivers.

I start kissing a spot closer to her knee, but with every kiss I get closer to where she wants me. I can see her face, she needs it, but I’m gonna make her beg. 

She moans as I reach the part between her legs.

Not so fast. 

I smile as I bring her other leg up and start the same routine on it.

“Put it in.” Raspy desperation.

I grab her chest with my free hand. “No.”

“Please,” it’s half a moan, half a beg. 

I bring her leg down and take my attention fully to her chest. One, I twirl my finger around the center of, but the other I pinch and lick.

“Just do it!” Now she’s demanding. She’s grabbing me too, her hands are on my chest.

“No,” I repeat before I start nibbling.

Only using my mouth on one, I start squeezing and pinching the other. 

You should hear her moans. It’s almost like she’s singing.

Her hands move and start trying to push my head down. 

I can’t help but laugh. “You know that won’t work, I’m not done up here.”

“Ella,” she begs while looking at me like I’m the last drop of fresh water in the world.

“Stop pushing.” 

She does.

I pull back for a second.

She’s practically writhing. How flush her body is, is enticing, but it’s her face that sends me over the edge. She’s disheveled, almost drooling with this desperate look in her eyes.

I kiss her.

“But-” she manages between kisses. 

“Don’t worry.” I push two fingers between her thighs.

She gasps.

“I know what I’m doing,” I get closer and whisper into her neck. Once I’ve spoken I start kissing that too. 

As my fingers twirl, plunge and glide, she twitches and moans.

As I continue, going deeper every time, her fingers grub my back and tear away some skin.

I'm a hateful manipulative former house wife but I don't care, but as long as I get to do this, none of that matters.

She’s like an instrument only I know how to play. Only I can make her moan like… When did she stop moaning?

“Ella,” Catalina says. “What’s wrong?” She’s back to looking at me with pity. The first time we did this, I only did it because I wanted her to look at me differently.

Instead of saying anything I try to turn her on again.

Not half-asleep anymore, she stops me. “Did Rob show up?”

She always knows.

“... How about we have some food, then if you’re still feeling bad, we’ll do this again?”

Usually I’d just agree, but today…

“You know Rob would still pay you if you weren't so…?” I trail off.

She smiles. “I know.”

My head spins towards her. “Does that mean you do this because you want to?”

She’s still smiling. “Why else would I?”

I hug her.

Erotic Writing Contest contest entry

This is my first attempt at erotica. I don't think it's awful, but if you have suggestions for how to improve I'd be happy to hear them.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.


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