A poem about Immigrant hatred.42 total reviews
Comment from Angel Debbie
I understand what you are saying about the hatred, there are so many who come into a country thinking they own it this is where the hate begins. In the news every day we hear about the bad and never the good. God says to love thy neighbor as yourself as it is hard when yourself is not destructive like that neighbor. I hope you understand. Great write and I pray I understood it the way you meant it.
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reply by the author on 26-Dec-2024
I understand what you are saying about the hatred, there are so many who come into a country thinking they own it this is where the hate begins. In the news every day we hear about the bad and never the good. God says to love thy neighbor as yourself as it is hard when yourself is not destructive like that neighbor. I hope you understand. Great write and I pray I understood it the way you meant it.
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Comment Written 25-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 26-Dec-2024
Again, I will say, a possible way to fix the problem of too many immigrants is for the world to put pressure on some of these countries that are making life there so difficult that people are willing to risk everything to get away. Many of the immigrants already know that life here will be difficult, but still better than the places they are fleeing.
Yes that fix could be done if only people would listen. Thanks again for a great write.
Comment from lancellot
Ah, but God also separated people, encouraged and helped armies and kings to conquer people and nations. God also mixed language as punishment to divide people. I could go on about that, but I agree hatred is destructive, but just as a lock our doors at night, build homes to keep our families safe and deny entry to others or a least screen who enters our homes. Does not a Sovreign nation have the same right? And if it doesn't what does the free migration of people across borders to the economy, jobs, voting, crime, safety, national security, terrorism, laws of republic, and a thousand other things. You are right. Immigration (illegal) is a hot button topic and always has been, because it far exceeds a simple (no insult) but simple explanation such as hate or lack of compassion or any emotion. Immigration and illegal immigration is a rational and logistical issue more than an emotional one. Which is why all nations across the globe have borders and enforce them. Ask the Native Americans, native Australians, Africans, Indians, native Hawaiians, Maori of New Zealand and so on about the historic tragedies of immigration.
Your poem is well constructed and has a nice sentiment of love. And I mean no harm, but in the real world we live in... you know. Bottom line to blame our immigration problems on hatred or any incoming President is wrong, and denies statistical and historic facts.
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reply by the author on 26-Dec-2024
Ah, but God also separated people, encouraged and helped armies and kings to conquer people and nations. God also mixed language as punishment to divide people. I could go on about that, but I agree hatred is destructive, but just as a lock our doors at night, build homes to keep our families safe and deny entry to others or a least screen who enters our homes. Does not a Sovreign nation have the same right? And if it doesn't what does the free migration of people across borders to the economy, jobs, voting, crime, safety, national security, terrorism, laws of republic, and a thousand other things. You are right. Immigration (illegal) is a hot button topic and always has been, because it far exceeds a simple (no insult) but simple explanation such as hate or lack of compassion or any emotion. Immigration and illegal immigration is a rational and logistical issue more than an emotional one. Which is why all nations across the globe have borders and enforce them. Ask the Native Americans, native Australians, Africans, Indians, native Hawaiians, Maori of New Zealand and so on about the historic tragedies of immigration.
Your poem is well constructed and has a nice sentiment of love. And I mean no harm, but in the real world we live in... you know. Bottom line to blame our immigration problems on hatred or any incoming President is wrong, and denies statistical and historic facts.
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Comment Written 25-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 26-Dec-2024
I grant you the wisdom of your argument. So please help me understand why the governments of the countries being invaded by immigrants not do something about making the countries these people are fleeing from do more for them so that they may be happy and content to stay put?
Do you mean conquer them? Think about it, why the UN no longer goes to Haiti after the last time. Ask yourself why the US or the UN didn't send troops into Nigeria to fight Boko Harem when they kidnapped hundreds of girls and sold them into slavery. Why did the Obamas only do a Twitter hashtag. Now, image the cover of Time magazine or the CNN or BBC headline that shows a thick redheaded white man from Kansas shooting down a skinny black African teen or thin brown skin boy from Honduras, or hunting them down in the jungle, like animals. What would half the world scream? And even, then they managed to topple the corrupt governments, then what? They would have to occupy those countries. Then fight the resistance that would naturally spring up. How many decades of war would ensue? How many millions would die?
A better question is: Whose responsibility is it to bring prosperity to your life, mine, your neighbors, Canada, or yours?
The answer may not taste good, but often the most bitter medicine is the one we need.