A chapter in the book Odds and Ends
Alpha and
gifted life blessed
raptures epic echo
epoch chiseled in magnificence
siren song swept away so long sojourn
charismatic love declared
known world more than wrong
yesterday's mistakes wrought by choice
watched Peter's faith walk on water
defeat washed by Jesus clean as childike truth
still treasure hunters seek already won
procuring sweet butter and coming sun
sets in Solomon's acknowledged Cornerstone
go run through mans wheat fields if you've time
empty wealth honors snows melt and nothing left
assuring wisdom's baptism soon reborn
where human harps make theremin music worships flute
soul weightless are waves spilled over oceans spiritual
vast as God said
epoch chiseled in magnificence
raptures epic echos on
gifted life blessed
one point
and 2 member cents.
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