
Contest Vote For Dialogue Only Prompt

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

12 votes Her Idea by Mia Twysted
8 votes Discussing Recognition by jessizero
3 votes Recipe For Success by yaboiivy
3 votes Hello Goodbye by NanaGaye
No Votes Starting Over by Stuart V. Witt

Comments For Her Idea by Mia Twysted

Very dramatic.

"Her Idea" shows an imbalance in power within the workspace, which is heavily hinted to be due to misogyny. Rebecca is strong-willed and seems to be the type of woman to do anything to get her way. Peter and his colleagues come off as crude as well as power-hungry. Well done to the writer for these vivid characterizations!!

Sharp, believable dialog that made me root like crazy for the female.

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