
Contest Vote For Free Verse

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

7 votes My Mother's Cross by Alexandra Trovato
4 votes Cooking Buddies by Michelle D. Carr
3 votes Cats by pookietoo
3 votes My Journal by BenThrone
3 votes Walk with me by jenintorre
2 votes Notebook by Raul1
2 votes My Piggy by HarryT
2 votes My Old Rocking Chair by BlueMarble
1 Vote iPad by Kristen Rose Ulrich
No Votes Mom's Lipstick by Karen Cherry Threadgill

Comments For My Mother's Cross by Alexandra Trovato

Beat poem as are many

Comments For Cooking Buddies by Michelle D. Carr

I almost read a book once. I ordered a book called "How To Scam An Idiot". It's been months now and I still haven't received it!


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