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Vote For 2-4-2 Poetry

Write a 2-4-2 syllable poem. It has three lines. The first line has 2 syllables, the second line has 4 syllables and the last line has 2 syllables again. The subject can be anything.

Voting booth selections shown in a random order.

Voting booth closes Monday, December 16th. You have -32 days left to vote.

Lovely by Bill Schott
Merry Christmas by Chrissy710
Fading Spotlight by Patty Mazzurco
Self-Kind by Amelie Johns
Dreams by Sim Smailes
Life's Journey by faye wright
options by SimianSavant
Fine Line by Mia Twysted
Preparing for Winter by Peter Jarvis
Sometimes by Shirley E Kennedy
Snow Pictures by Carol Clark2
The Pier by Kahlani
There's A Reason by pookietoo
Rainstorm by jaded831
Chosen Family by Kayte Ray
Better Laughter Lines Than Botox by tld100
Take Steps by Katiemae1977
Sealed by Jewell Hermann
Life Is by June Sargent
Motherhood Moment by Lindsey Pabst
Ravens by Gypsy Blue Rose
Midnight Mass by HarryT
Through Winter's Blast by Father Flaps
Worship by Erika Whittle
Concern by Monica Chaddick
That's Bananas! by jim vecchio
Too Much by Michele Harber
Trash by amy barnes1
Please! don't neglect me by kahpot
Spring Fever by Terry Reilly
Prayer by harmony13
Super Market Visit by NanaGaye
Dreaming by 1Dreamer
Blight by Lordinajamjar
Children by Sallyo
Smile!!! by Carol Hillebrenner
Two Girls by Alexandra Trovato
Sunset at 5:30 by elainec4
Fresh air. by G. R. Wolf
Curiosity by Rick Gardner
Forever Friends by Lana Marie
Tomorrow by K.O. Wilson
The Word by DonandVicki
Sitting Alone by Teri7
Shh, it's a secret by Peter Mac
imagine if everyone would by lyenochka
All right! by Julie G1
Long Sleeves by AP Apgar
Squirreling Away Knowledge by judiverse
Snowfall by dovemarie
At Christmas by Debbie Pope
The Witness Will Answer by Gerard F Keogh
Keep Hope Alive by Raul1
His Spirit by Cindy Decker 3
Tattered Vision by Y. M. Roger
Laundry by XinaD
The Act by Nicki Nance
Stargaze by zanya
At Twilight by Mark D. R.
In The Air Tonight by Marilyn Hamilton
Night Flowers by fm wright
Atmosphere Shifting by Tiara L Hawthorne
The Ice Queen by Keely Fiedorowicz
Babbling Brook by Lobber
Faithful by mrsmajor
God's Gift by Nicki.B
Controlling by Darlene BoClair
Taking a Dig by tempeste
Reading while drinking coffee by jake cosmos aller
Spoonbill by Susan Boyd
Feline Philosophies by Trina Layne
Cremation by Lea Tonin1
Relentless by Charlotte Morse

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