hfriscia: With the CLANK of treads and the RUMBLE of motors, out rolls an Army tank body on which is mounted a large laser tube -- a one-foot diameter, six-foot long clear glass column with a GLOWING RED, wrist-thick beam of light inside, on a swiveling turret. Curious question, is "swiveling" a noun or adjective? |
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hfriscia: A quick question, does "mumbling" go with the noun "kids" or "home" ? A group of kids walk by the ordinary home which rests near a few tall trees and a fence that separates the houses, mumbling to each other. I think it goes with kids, but I'm not sure. |
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The whole sentence is confusing. The home rests? Is it tired? A fence separates the houses? What houses? A group of mumbling kids walk by an ordinary home near a few tall trees. A fence separates the houses in the area. I can't help but think there is too much unnecessary information here that the reader doesn't need to know. A group of mumbling kids walk by an ordinary home near a few tall trees. You have to ask yourself what is needed for the story. I'm guessing the mumbling kids are. They must be mumbling about something to do with the story. Are the trees important? Is the ordinary house important? Maybe the house is but it doesn't matter that it is ordinary. How about the other houses? Do they matter? Is the fence that separates them important? Maybe all that matters is this: "A group of mumbling kids walk down the street." See, if that is all that is important then you've tightened your story considerably. The reader is moving right along. Just blathering here, but that is how you want to look at it. Not that I do with my own wordy rambling work. HAhahah!! - | ||
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I thought since kids is plural, the word has to have a "s" at the end. - | ||
hfriscia: Is this sentence past tense? Then, suddenly, a light momentarily danced into my room, grabbing my attention and disappearing moments later. OR, after room, "which grabbed my attention and disappeared moments later". Thank you for the help. |
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"A light danced into my room. I blinked and it disappeared." Just illustrating that you're using a lot of words to describe something that happens in a moment. - | ||
hfriscia: Okay, I'm looking for a word (the antonyms) for , "peer", that's a verb. Here is the sentence, He peers out and looks around the corner. I can't think of a word (verb) that describes in "leaning, or going back into cover." Thank you for you time. |
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"He sneaks a peek down the corner." You don't need all of the detail to describe such a simple act. Short and sweet unless you're looking for it to be more dramatic. "He leers out and gazes around the corner." It's difficult out of context like this. You should take this to the writing section of the forum and put the sentences that surround this there. It gives us more time to consider it. "With a leering gaze, he peeks around the corner." It depends on the character and what is actually happening. - | ||
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hfriscia: Thank you for all help, I appreciate it. For this animation spec script I'm writing as of right now, I'm drawing a blank. I'm trying to find a word to replace, "whimpering". It's a rechargeable gun with a sound that indicates it's out of ammo or empty. And, every time the character pulls the trigger it "fizzles with a fading sound". It has to be a word the describes a sound. Here is the sentence, Moments later, Duke's gun clicks and clicks again with whimpering hum every time. |
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Maybe it buzzes or ratchets as it searches for another shot - or it rasps in mechanical frustration, or it hums helplessly. Stutters, hisses, grinds, etc - | ||
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One of the main reasons why people struggle to find fitting words is because the descriptive structure is piss poor. - | ||
hfriscia: Do I need a comma after, "Then". Then, he raises his arm and points at the incoming plane. |
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hfriscia: I definitely need more help. I can't find the proper word to replace "grasp", giving the image of the hand barely missing the grenade. His arm enters frame as his hand grasps at the dipping grenade, barely missing it. |
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It's clear he has to use his hand to grab for something. Don't need to say hand. - | ||
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"Barely" takes up room to me. "Swipes" has a lot of quick desperate action I think. Nor is on the money about "hand". - | ||
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"His arm enters the frame as he swipes at the falling grenade." That says it all. - | ||
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hfriscia: Do I need the comma after, "rubber". Ripcord rears his arm back and thrusts the arm forward as the viper-like limb stretches out like rubber, towards the grenade. |
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hfriscia: The plasma fire hits the bio-vipers' upper body in various places, soaring through the gelatin, leaving holes. Then, almost instinctively the goo refill the openings seconds later. Does anybody know if the second sentence is correct? |
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Seconds later, almost instinctively, the goo refills the opening. if you want to keep almost instinctively there. I think that if it takes seconds, it is instinctive and not a response that was pondered. Soooo, since you asked: Seconds later the goo refills the openings. My choice. followed by another Yuuuuuk! - | ||
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You realize that we're writer's picking this to death, right? :) I'm going off the deep end maybe... - | ||
First, you have two conflicting times in your sentence: "then" and "seconds later". So, you have to chose one. Second, it would be "refills" not "refill". So, without considering anything else, your sentence would read: Seconds later, almost instinctively, the goo refills the openings. But, you can't refill something later, you refill it now. So, it would be: Seconds later, almost instinctively, the goo refilled the openings. By putting it in the past, even by seconds, you've made it boring. So, "then" is clearly better as it keeps the action flowing. "Then, almost instinctively, the goo refills the openings." Like I said before, a bodily function is not an instinct not to mention an instinct either is or isn't, it is not "almost". "Then, the goo refills the openings." Boring, right? "Before their horrified eyes, foul smelling goo oozed into the gaping wounds healing them." I'm somewhat blathering to myself, trying to learn how to look at my own work with a more critical eye. In any case, the final version is painting a picture in the reader's mind of what is going on. That is what you are aiming at. Aren't you glad you asked? Hahaha!! - | ||
I think.... Help Nor!!!!! - | ||
The plasma fire hits the bio-viper's upper body, searing through the gelatin, leaving holes. The snake's goo refills the openings seconds later. >>>and then I'd describe that process a little for true Yuck. Hope this helps. - | ||
hfriscia: Is this sentence below correct? As Tunnel Rat trudges through the waste, he raises his hand and taps on the device in his ear. |
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"As Tunnel Rat trudges through the waste, he taps the device in his ear." "Tunnel Rat trudges through waste tapping the device in his ear." It depends on what comes before and after the sentence. In general, action like this should be crisp and quick. You don't want to bog it down with too many words. - | ||
hfriscia: I am not sure if the next sentence grammatically correct. She stops and reaches into her pocket, pulling out a two-way viewing device to the front of her. Thank you in advance. |
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She stops, reaches in her pocket and pulls our a two-way viewing device to the front of her. "to the front of her" isn't very clear. I'd suggest that you end the first sentence at "device", and begin a new sentence to more clearly describe what she is doing with the device. She stops, reaches in her pocket and pulls our a two-way viewing device. She holds it in front of herself. It could be written more concisely, but that is an improvement I think. - | ||
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hfriscia: I was wondering if this sentence correct also? The jet veers off, right before the disaster, barely missing the satellite. |
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hfriscia: Not entirely sure I need the comma after, "by". SLOWLY PUSH IN on the vehicle disguised as a small camping truck, while a few people casually walk by, along the pavement in the background, going about their daily routine. Thank you... |
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hfriscia: I'm having trouble with the grammar. After the comma, does the rest of words refer to the plane or the a blazed contraption? I'm kind of confused. Thank you Falling diagonally, the a blazed contraption barely misses a commerical plane soaring by, which veers off to avoid a disaster. |
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