Schizoid Poet: People receive a distinct pleasure from patting themselves on the backs over nothing. It is the pleasure of a pat on the back. |
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Schizoid Poet: With you dies the old ways and I can't wait. |
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Schizoid Poet: 'Kill Mulder and you risk turning one man's religion into a crusade.' - The Cigarette Smoking Man |
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Schizoid Poet: It's nice to know these feelings won't go away. It's nice to know that once I am not so busy I'll still want to write poems about the acidic hate I have for you. |
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Schizoid Poet: The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer, and this notion rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work, and that writing didn't require any. - Russell Baker Why do writers write? Because it isn't there. - Thomas Berger There is probably no hell for authors in the next world -- they suffer so much from critics and publishers in this. - C. N. Bovee Style has always been in my mind the author's Self, the creative expression of that Self. - Whit Burnett Finishing a book is just like you took a child out in the back yard and shot it. - Truman Capote Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don't see any. - Orson Scott Card Every great and original writer, in proportion as he is great or original, must himself create the taste by which he is to be relished. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge Books aren't written, they're rewritten. Including your own. It is one of the hardest things to accept, especially after the seventh rewrite hasn't quite done it... - Michael Crichton Writers are always selling somebody out. - Joan Didion Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way. - E. L. Doctorow Writing is turning one's worst moments into money. - J. P. Donleavy Writing is the hardest work in the world. I have been a bricklayer and a truck driver, and I tell you -- as if you haven't been told a million times already -- that writing is harder. Lonelier. And nobler and more enriching. - Harlan Ellison The work never matches the dream of perfection the artist has to start with. - William Faulkner When writing a novel, thatâ??s pretty much entirely what life turns into: 'House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day.' - Neil Gaiman All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you; the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer. - Ernest Hemingway Poets are interested mostly in death and commas. - Carolyn Kizer All writers are vain, selfish and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives lies a mystery. Writing a book is a long, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. - George Orwell Writing is an occupation in which you have to keep proving your talent to those who have none. - Jules Renard Every writer is a narcissist. This does not mean that he is vain; it only means that he is hopelessly self-absorbed. - Leo Rosten Pay no attention to what the critics say; no statue has ever been erected to a critic. - Jean Sibelius Writing is not a profession but a vocation of unhappiness. - Georges Simenon Reading and weeping opens the door to one's heart, but writing and weeping opens the window to one's soul. - M. K. Simmons There is no idea so stupid or hackneyed that a sufficiently-talented writer can't get a good story out of it. - Lawrence Watt-Evan There is no satisfactory explanation of style, no infallible guide to good writing, no assurance that a person who thinks clearly will be able to write clearly, no key that unlocks the door, no inflexible rules by which the young writer may steer his course. He will often find himself steering by stars that are disturbingly in motion. - E. B. White For me, writing [was] a question of survival...I could not trust anyone, even my family. The atmosphere was so poisoned. People even in your own family could turn you in. - Gao Xingjian, refering to writing during the Cultural Revolution of Mao Tse-Tung A young musician plays scales in his room and only bores his family. A beginning writer, on the other hand, sometimes has the misfortune of getting into print. - Marguerite Yourcenar |
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Schizoid Poet: I have to review 756 uses of the word " all" and edit out the errors. Burn. That's Minnesota & SoDak. This is what you get from putting " all" in sentences where it doesn't belong. |
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Schizoid Poet: ROSE EBOOK AUTHORS 2011(minus most repeats- eat your heart out Rice, Gold, & King): Janeah Rose, Lesley Anne Rose, Aaron Louis Rosa, Melody Rose, Rebecca Rose, Stephen J. Rose, Lesley Rosenthal, Amelie Rose, Robert Rose-CoutrÃ?©, Chris Rose, Richard Rosetta, Dr. . Joseph L. Rose, Holly Lynne Rose, Isabelle Rose, Jeffrey Rosen, Jessamine Rose, Michael R. Rosen, Marc Rose, Ishay Rosen-Zvi, Nicholas A. Rose, David Rosenthal, C. A. Rose, Paul Rosenberg, Crystal Rose, ROSENBLATT, Emilie Rose, J. Q. Rose, Larry D. Rosen, Barry Rosenfeld, Catherine M. Roze, Karen Rose, Rebecca Rosen, RenÃ?©e. Rose Relf, Marvin Rose, Ph.D. H. Rose, Thane Rosenbaum, Shirley Rose, A. Rose, Velvet Rose, Marc J. Rosenberg, Carolyn J. Rose, Dan Paul Rose, Jeremy Rosenblatt, Geraldine Rose, Jamie Rose, Mark I. Rosen, George W. Rosenfeld, LaVon Rose, Robert H. Rosen, Melissa Rose, David A. Rosenbaum, Sheri Rosenow, Ranae Rose, Melchor E Rosario, Arthur D Rosenberg, Stephen C Rose, Jerome Rosenberg, Ken S. Rosenthal, Amanda Rose, Susan Rose-Ackerman, Sarah S. Rosenthal, Charlie Rose!!!!, Garth Rosell, Susan Rosenberg, Doug Rose, Andrew G. Rosen, Arlan Rosenbloom, Gloria Rose, Fred Rosen, James Rosen, Chava Rosenfarb, Jerry Rose, Michael J. Rosen, Grzegorz Rozenberg, M. J. Rose, William Rosen, Natalia Rose, Joshua Rosenbaum, Ron Roszkiewicz, Riley Rose, David S Rosenberg, Carole Rosenthal, Tiger Rose, Helen Read Rivas-Rose, Beverly Rose, Nancy Rosenberg, Colin Rose, Emile Rose, Charley Rosen, J. L. Rose, Roze', Karen Rose, Martha L. Rose, Peter I. Rose, Rosato Rosato, Shiloh P. Rose, Valerie Rose, Caroline Rose, Phil Rosenzweig, Damon Rose, George Rose, Delia Rosen, Ron Rozelle, Kimberly Rose, Melanie Rose, Rachel Rose, Sonya O. Rose, Alexander Rose, Yvonne Rose, Charles Rose, Dennis Radha-Rose, Jay Rose, Michael Rosen, Lotus Rose, RRRoze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Natalia Rose, Richard Rose, Susan Rose, Aubrianna Rose, Clifford Rose, Ingrid Rose, Mark Alton Rose, Walter A. Rosenkrantz, Odessa Rose, Sharon T. Rose, Tricia Rose, Carol Rose, Mark R. Rosenzweig, Dahlia / Hart Rose, Natalie Rosewood, Gary Rose, Jacqueline Rose, Lew Rozelle, Megan Rose, Phyllis Rose, Sioux Rose, Alex Rose, William Todd Rose, CG Rose, Sigmund P. Roseth, David Rose, Gilbert J. Rose, Roz Rosenbluth, Botros Rizk(exceptionally recent), Suni Rose, Anthony H. Rose, Claudia Rose, Robert Roselli, Edwin Rose, Ike Rose, Izzy Rose, John Barrett Rose, Margaret Rose, Christopher Rosalie, Nyla Rose, Sarah Elizabeth Rose, George Ritzer(theres others of these kind, I didnâ??t include them), Tonya Rose, Carla Rose, H. Ronald Roseboro, Dahlia Rose, Felicia Rose, Jackie Rose, Richard Rolle, Manfred Reitz Shannon Rozell, Katrina Rose, Matthew Rose, PHILIP ROSE, Sierra Rose, Alan Rose, Victoria Rose, Celestial Rose, Gideon Rose, Janet E Rose, Rose Robbins, Lisa Elizabeth Rose, Michael R. Rose, Reginald Rose, Steven Rose, Andrew Gabriel Rose, Vilma M. Rose-Deane, Christine Rose, Dr. Beverly Rose, Hyleath Rose, Isadora Rose, Margaret Rose, Nikolas Rose, Massimo Rosati, Sarah Rose, Tony Rose, Carla Rose, Michael Roizen, Elliott D. Rosewater, Esri Rose, Jacki Rose, Katie Rose, Orit Rozin, Mary Swartz Rose, Phil Rose, Shoynna Rose, Vicky J. Rose, Caryn Rose, Daniel Asa Rose |
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Schizoid Poet: To: the people who've plagiarized my work while exploiting the intellectual property of my name for the past six years, specifically in response to this ebook roster and the phenomenon I created: I am coming for you. This is not acceptable. There is an army of you people named Roze, Rosethis, Rozethat, This Rose, That Roze and 85% of you are ripping me off and aligning with a promise no one ever made you. You could note instances of replicating my idiosyncrasies such as using 'itz,' heavy usage of 'z's, heavy r alliteration, and z names ending in 'o's, to name some. I could trace some form of plagiarism to most of those people. This is a cultural phenomenon I hope you know and it would be nothing without me. The legion of imitators came secondary and I didnâ??t want that. Per sayâ?¦ Listen. I am and will forever be the lord of the Rozez and people better never forget it. I know what youâ??re doing. I invented what youâ??re doing. You canâ??t have it. You canâ??t trash it. You canâ??t waste it, because then itâ??s lost. If you insist in persisting, know this; you are jettisons of my supreme knowledge. The single way you benefit me is to prove to people who arenâ??t familiarized why I am more real than money, hype, or traditional methods. I am a legend. No one has done what Iâ??ve done. And yeah, I couldnâ??t do it without the internet, but maybe I could, I donâ??t know. Ok. Thank you for the visual aide you provide. The exhibit is helpful and maybe that is what you intended. Still, the flattery of imitation remains minor and the insult major. Weâ??ll see where it goes. Realize, Rose is not the most popular name in the universe, but if you investigate the roster of 2011 ebook rosters you would be led to believe otherwise. There is a world record in there waiting to be acknowledged. I havenâ??t processed this issue fully yet. It is not a new discovery. I watched this grow since 05. This is a declaration of intent. Maybe it is my fault for pushing the world away, but such are thorns. No. You didnâ??t want to be my friends. You wanted glory, and thatâ??s not what itâ??s about. Not for you anyway. Perhaps you think you represent something about me but you do not. Youâ??re a byproduct. Weâ??re growing in the same rose bush, but I am the root and you are the blossoms. I am an effective artist. I am a skilled thinker and understand causality. My name is Rose. It always has been. I am a good writer because I did the work to become one. I did not produce waste and pawn it off as an awakening in the theft of an authorâ??s identity. I could have written short stories and been in the magazines. I chose novels because I have integrity. And now where is the glory? All I have are imitators. This is my one demand, respect. It doesnâ??t matter if youâ??re in an office running a publishing house, youâ??re writer in some minor facet, if youâ??re working for the money and need to make a bottom line, a singer, an actor, a porn star, or whoever(activists are the chosen artists and may do whatever theyâ??d like). Iâ??m going to target the people who can get me the recognition I deserve, namely publication. If new seeds canâ??t take root, because the land is too infertile, because there are too many of you, Iâ??ll do the same thing I did to create you to destroy you. Thatâ??s life. Have a nice day rosebuds. Donâ??t forget, I donâ??t need you, because a rose by any other name writes just as well. Whatâ??s your real name? |
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Schizoid Poet: Imitation is not the best form of flattery. Imitation ensures you'll never be flattered because by being yourself you'll look like you're copying people. |
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Schizoid Poet: People are full of surprises. Remember that when developing characters. |
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Schizoid Poet: My words cut through me, like cold through the van on windy nights. |
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Schizoid Poet: So conditioned that she is going to reappear. She never appears. |
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Schizoid Poet: There is a term in writing that applies to revolution; high concept. |
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Schizoid Poet: Attempting to lose my name for a while. This site isn't making that task any easier. |
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