Little Poems
Viewing comments for Chapter 459 "Global Warmings"Small and Specialty Poems
11 total reviews
Comment from Raffaelina Lowcock
This work is brilliant. It is so well done that while reading it one realizes that it is so enjoyable that you really don't want it to end. The further into the Sonnets you get the more interesting they become. Yet the structure is perfect. Bravo
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2019
This work is brilliant. It is so well done that while reading it one realizes that it is so enjoyable that you really don't want it to end. The further into the Sonnets you get the more interesting they become. Yet the structure is perfect. Bravo
Comment Written 16-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2019
Thank you Raffaelina. I am most pleased that you enjoyed it. After all, it is a very long poem and I am sure that puts many off. I appreciate your review and comments.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Yes, It's hard to believe in the earth warming in the dead of winter when you have has nights below zero and it has snowed everyday sense Christmas. I won't be around to see what happens. I hope it will return to normal but maybe the manmade highways and concrete everywhere might be contributing. I'm glad to be on my way out but sorry I am responsible for others being in this terrible world. Nancy:)
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Yes, It's hard to believe in the earth warming in the dead of winter when you have has nights below zero and it has snowed everyday sense Christmas. I won't be around to see what happens. I hope it will return to normal but maybe the manmade highways and concrete everywhere might be contributing. I'm glad to be on my way out but sorry I am responsible for others being in this terrible world. Nancy:)
Comment Written 15-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Thank you Nancy. I hope it's not too soon, although I'm not getting any younger either.
Comment from Pantygynt
This is certainly a major work and a very well-argued case. I admit to waxing sceptical when told that farting cattle presage ultimate disaster for the world but at the same time the move towards more electric cars seems a good idea, provided that the elecricity used is generated from renewable resources.
While on the subject of cars, it took two world wars and half a century before we got to the universal (in the developed world) car ownership we now have. To my mind this is due to the fact that the vast majority of us drive second hand vehicles simple because we cannot afford new ones. I am one of those and have not paid more than £1,000 for a car since before the turn of the millennium. So I am unlikely to be in the market for an electric car until they have been round for a considerable time, which in my case amounts to never.
If it is really important that we should switch immediately to electrically driven vehicles governments will have to make better offers on their scrappage schemes than they are currently.
They wont of course so it will take at least twenty or thirty years before these electically driven vehicles will be available to the likes of me. So either we are all bound up the swannee or you are right.
It is of little concern to me directly as I will be dead, but will my decomposing remains be joining the cow-farts in threatening the world, or will there be more danger from the crematorium furnace that disposes of me that way?
In the whole 210 lines only this one gave me a metrical raised eyebrow:
"'bout blame that's based on the greenhouse effect."
Even with the device of the opening apostrophe there is still an unwarranted stress on the later definite article. I thought this might be a little more comfortable:
"about the blame based on greenhouse effect."
But that is disgraceful nit-picking on my part with such a massive piece as this. I am still more than happy to award it six stars.
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
This is certainly a major work and a very well-argued case. I admit to waxing sceptical when told that farting cattle presage ultimate disaster for the world but at the same time the move towards more electric cars seems a good idea, provided that the elecricity used is generated from renewable resources.
While on the subject of cars, it took two world wars and half a century before we got to the universal (in the developed world) car ownership we now have. To my mind this is due to the fact that the vast majority of us drive second hand vehicles simple because we cannot afford new ones. I am one of those and have not paid more than £1,000 for a car since before the turn of the millennium. So I am unlikely to be in the market for an electric car until they have been round for a considerable time, which in my case amounts to never.
If it is really important that we should switch immediately to electrically driven vehicles governments will have to make better offers on their scrappage schemes than they are currently.
They wont of course so it will take at least twenty or thirty years before these electically driven vehicles will be available to the likes of me. So either we are all bound up the swannee or you are right.
It is of little concern to me directly as I will be dead, but will my decomposing remains be joining the cow-farts in threatening the world, or will there be more danger from the crematorium furnace that disposes of me that way?
In the whole 210 lines only this one gave me a metrical raised eyebrow:
"'bout blame that's based on the greenhouse effect."
Even with the device of the opening apostrophe there is still an unwarranted stress on the later definite article. I thought this might be a little more comfortable:
"about the blame based on greenhouse effect."
But that is disgraceful nit-picking on my part with such a massive piece as this. I am still more than happy to award it six stars.
Comment Written 15-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Thank you Jim. You made my morning. I couldn't help laughing about your electric car commentary, followed by the cremation quandary .
A good thought, but that line you recommend reads a bit clunky out loud. I've wrestled with that line several times.
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
A very well-written thought-provoking and informative wreath of sonnets about global warming. There will always be extreme weather that we will experienced. We all play a part in the weather changes, but in my opinion the ones who tampers with the normal weather patterns to cause major hurricanes and super storms are the most to blame, and the ones who screams the loudest.
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
A very well-written thought-provoking and informative wreath of sonnets about global warming. There will always be extreme weather that we will experienced. We all play a part in the weather changes, but in my opinion the ones who tampers with the normal weather patterns to cause major hurricanes and super storms are the most to blame, and the ones who screams the loudest.
Comment Written 15-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Thank you Sandra.
Comment from tfawcus
I've only once tried one of these. It was an interesting challenge and took me quite a while - especially getting the acrostic Master Sonnet right. As with some other poetic forms, I found I had to work backwards from the end. As far as I remember, my acrostic sonnet was the final one. I shall have to look it up again.
I was interested to see that your final sonnet is also partially acrostic, with the cryptic message 'This fuss' embedded in the second and third stanzas.
I think you've hit the nail on the head with your 6th sonnet, The Real Concerns. We've hardly started to address the much more urgent and solvable problems of plastic waste and pollution.
I applaud the way you have managed to mount a well-reasoned and coherent argument here within the confines of this restrictive form. I have no doubt that you will have as many detractors as supporters here!
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
I've only once tried one of these. It was an interesting challenge and took me quite a while - especially getting the acrostic Master Sonnet right. As with some other poetic forms, I found I had to work backwards from the end. As far as I remember, my acrostic sonnet was the final one. I shall have to look it up again.
I was interested to see that your final sonnet is also partially acrostic, with the cryptic message 'This fuss' embedded in the second and third stanzas.
I think you've hit the nail on the head with your 6th sonnet, The Real Concerns. We've hardly started to address the much more urgent and solvable problems of plastic waste and pollution.
I applaud the way you have managed to mount a well-reasoned and coherent argument here within the confines of this restrictive form. I have no doubt that you will have as many detractors as supporters here!
Comment Written 14-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Thank you Tony. The original Wreaths dis have the Master at the end, but the more modern oneshave it at the beginning. Likely yours was at the end. I like it at the beginning as it sets thew stage better therem and the lines then echo as it is read, At the end, the repetitions won't be notices. You are likely right about the detractors.
Comment from Randa Dayle
Very Interesting... The theme was well carried out. I really enjoyed the history of the Wreath of Sonnets. I think it came together very cleverly! Nice job!
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Very Interesting... The theme was well carried out. I really enjoyed the history of the Wreath of Sonnets. I think it came together very cleverly! Nice job!
Comment Written 14-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Thank you Randa. I appreciate your review and comments.
Comment from 24chas
This was a good read, Treischel. It was a massive undertaking and incredibly informative and well written. I always like to hear both sides of an argument and make up my own mind, so thank you for the information. Nice job.
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
This was a good read, Treischel. It was a massive undertaking and incredibly informative and well written. I always like to hear both sides of an argument and make up my own mind, so thank you for the information. Nice job.
Comment Written 14-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
TThank you 24 Chas. I am please you liked this long read. I appreciate an open mind.
Comment from Y. M. Roger
Wow! ;) Now this is an awesome collection of sonnets that truly has a purpose and a wonderfully laid out argument in the form of 'poetry in motion'! ;) :) You've got just a bit of gnome graffiti in your author notes so, be sure to pop in there and eliminate it... :) :) Thanx for sharing! ;) :)
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Wow! ;) Now this is an awesome collection of sonnets that truly has a purpose and a wonderfully laid out argument in the form of 'poetry in motion'! ;) :) You've got just a bit of gnome graffiti in your author notes so, be sure to pop in there and eliminate it... :) :) Thanx for sharing! ;) :)
Comment Written 14-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Thank you Y M Roger. I'll have to take another look.I like hat term - gnome grafitti
Comment from Ms. Snyder
A few minor corrections as noted below:
While all these warming states keep on recurring < you have an extra space between warming and states just FYI
that helps preserve the World's diverse wildlife. < you have an extra space between preserve and the just FYI
When I looked into your NIPCC further, as I wanted to check out for myself - because I do not take anyone's word at face value, and FYI this first sentence has an extra space when you start it. I noted the following:
Siegfried Frederick Singer (S. Fred Singer), born September 1924, a former space scientist and government scientific administrator, ran the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)[1] This phantom organization publicizes his own views on various topics, primarily climate change, ozone depletion, risks of chemical pollution (from DDT and others), nuclear power, and space policy.
SEPP was set up by APCO & Associates (the PR firm controlled by Philip Morris) at the same time they set up another junk-science operation for the tobacco industry, Steven J Milloy's The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC). These were two arms of the same strategy to denigrate science itself -- and enlist other industries like oil, energy, coal, chemicals, etc behind the tort-reform and anti-regulatory stance necessary for the cigarette business to survive at the same high-profit level.
YA, I don't just read, I investigate. Also, I know a little more about this arena as I lived in Southeastern Ohio. Las Vegas, NV near Chicago, IL, Outside of Houston and Dallas, TX. I have with my own eyes watched ecosystems and acres of farmland desecrated. Mostly done by big business - by both the coal industry and the fracking industry and measures that both industries took along with Government being lax with OSHA not doing their job and with the EPA not doing their job; it's a huge mess. There are a lot of issues and thus the length of your poem. I will say there is a lot of corruption all the way around. Part of what you are providing in this extremely long - and I mean long - and that is a lot coming from me - what you are saying is correct, but like anything else you are only giving a certain side of it all - your side. You are not giving all sides of it. I think you fall on one side of the division line here. As a person that wants to see things work out for humanity. Not just the climate neigh-sayers, the scientists, the politicians. I would like to see the Hatfields and McCoys step away from the table entirely. There shouldn't be anyone tied to any legislation that has any tie to any big conglomerate business that sells, wrangles energy or mines it! There should be no money in this mix. There should only be preservation in this mix. That should be the bottom line. Now if we take out lobbyist, conglomerate business, and government - there may not be a scientist left. If we have genuine scientific minds that would be able to resolve this mess without the other interference, I would be able to intellectually say - you are absolutely correct. But these scientists have agendas. They were anti-Obama. They were anti-democrat. At each turn, there is a side. I sit right on the fence. I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. Quite a conundrum. I don't have a party as there has never been and I don't think there will be, in our next election, a woman that I could back. Quite honestly they haven't been honest enough or smart enough. Also, I want to clearly point out that the conservative agenda has been in place more times than not, to clearly help move ahead (the already financially set) financial prowess of the country. And in most cases, they have turned the country into financial ruin. 2008 ring a bell? It rang really loudly for me! The people getting rich there were dishonest bankers and people who have gone from wealthy individuals to filthy wealthy individuals. While a majority of the middle class and working poor lost their life's savings... Yep, it still stings! And one last observation for those of us that do care about our climate, the polar bears, and polar ice caps, your ending to me was a bit flippant! But that's okay because all in all you did bring to light one more person in the world for me to be cautious. One more individual out there that is dangerous amongst many. Also, I appreciate the length and breadth you took to construct such a monstrosity. It was well done. Your information although I don't totally agree with you, for you I'm sure is 100% valid. So because you are a proponent of this documentation. I will give you my 5 stars and a cheers, Fonda
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reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
A few minor corrections as noted below:
While all these warming states keep on recurring < you have an extra space between warming and states just FYI
that helps preserve the World's diverse wildlife. < you have an extra space between preserve and the just FYI
When I looked into your NIPCC further, as I wanted to check out for myself - because I do not take anyone's word at face value, and FYI this first sentence has an extra space when you start it. I noted the following:
Siegfried Frederick Singer (S. Fred Singer), born September 1924, a former space scientist and government scientific administrator, ran the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)[1] This phantom organization publicizes his own views on various topics, primarily climate change, ozone depletion, risks of chemical pollution (from DDT and others), nuclear power, and space policy.
SEPP was set up by APCO & Associates (the PR firm controlled by Philip Morris) at the same time they set up another junk-science operation for the tobacco industry, Steven J Milloy's The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC). These were two arms of the same strategy to denigrate science itself -- and enlist other industries like oil, energy, coal, chemicals, etc behind the tort-reform and anti-regulatory stance necessary for the cigarette business to survive at the same high-profit level.
YA, I don't just read, I investigate. Also, I know a little more about this arena as I lived in Southeastern Ohio. Las Vegas, NV near Chicago, IL, Outside of Houston and Dallas, TX. I have with my own eyes watched ecosystems and acres of farmland desecrated. Mostly done by big business - by both the coal industry and the fracking industry and measures that both industries took along with Government being lax with OSHA not doing their job and with the EPA not doing their job; it's a huge mess. There are a lot of issues and thus the length of your poem. I will say there is a lot of corruption all the way around. Part of what you are providing in this extremely long - and I mean long - and that is a lot coming from me - what you are saying is correct, but like anything else you are only giving a certain side of it all - your side. You are not giving all sides of it. I think you fall on one side of the division line here. As a person that wants to see things work out for humanity. Not just the climate neigh-sayers, the scientists, the politicians. I would like to see the Hatfields and McCoys step away from the table entirely. There shouldn't be anyone tied to any legislation that has any tie to any big conglomerate business that sells, wrangles energy or mines it! There should be no money in this mix. There should only be preservation in this mix. That should be the bottom line. Now if we take out lobbyist, conglomerate business, and government - there may not be a scientist left. If we have genuine scientific minds that would be able to resolve this mess without the other interference, I would be able to intellectually say - you are absolutely correct. But these scientists have agendas. They were anti-Obama. They were anti-democrat. At each turn, there is a side. I sit right on the fence. I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. Quite a conundrum. I don't have a party as there has never been and I don't think there will be, in our next election, a woman that I could back. Quite honestly they haven't been honest enough or smart enough. Also, I want to clearly point out that the conservative agenda has been in place more times than not, to clearly help move ahead (the already financially set) financial prowess of the country. And in most cases, they have turned the country into financial ruin. 2008 ring a bell? It rang really loudly for me! The people getting rich there were dishonest bankers and people who have gone from wealthy individuals to filthy wealthy individuals. While a majority of the middle class and working poor lost their life's savings... Yep, it still stings! And one last observation for those of us that do care about our climate, the polar bears, and polar ice caps, your ending to me was a bit flippant! But that's okay because all in all you did bring to light one more person in the world for me to be cautious. One more individual out there that is dangerous amongst many. Also, I appreciate the length and breadth you took to construct such a monstrosity. It was well done. Your information although I don't totally agree with you, for you I'm sure is 100% valid. So because you are a proponent of this documentation. I will give you my 5 stars and a cheers, Fonda
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Comment Written 14-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Thank you Ms Snyder. I appreciate a good and open discussion. My major point is that the science is far from settled. I hope you checked out the last link that has all the information you need to research about the 31,000 scientists who have signed the petition against Global Warming , including 9,029 PHDs. All their names are there. It has an outstanding Q&A section.
I concur, as I said in my notes, that we need to protect the ecology of this planet's environment, and do everything possible to end destruction, polution, and wildlife extermination.
Comment from RGstar
Look, I am giving you six stars here as one of my favorite people here and the master of forms, as I have always called you the master of forms, and sonnets are not easy to write. My six stars are for the degree of difficulty. It could have been a bit more artistic and dynamic, but your subject matter was delivered in honesty.
I applaud you for the time and effort. I would never attempt it.
But now well, form and length does not mean excellence, and can dampen the senses with too much to take in as form cries out for recurrence. The Ingredients within is the key.
You did very well here.
My best wishes.
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Look, I am giving you six stars here as one of my favorite people here and the master of forms, as I have always called you the master of forms, and sonnets are not easy to write. My six stars are for the degree of difficulty. It could have been a bit more artistic and dynamic, but your subject matter was delivered in honesty.
I applaud you for the time and effort. I would never attempt it.
But now well, form and length does not mean excellence, and can dampen the senses with too much to take in as form cries out for recurrence. The Ingredients within is the key.
You did very well here.
My best wishes.
Comment Written 14-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2019
Thank you RG. The length does indeed require repetition and may cause readers to lose interest. That is one reason I numbered the Sonnets and gave them a title that hints at its specific aspects. I genuinely appreciate your review and comments. I am delighted with the stars.