Reviews from

Five Star Reality

Contest Entry: FanStory Suggestions for 2019

41 total reviews 
Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The five star rating has grown to be perfect...the standard. Clever publishers and cunning editors are out there guessing wrong about what might sell...and I, the
retired electrician, am supposed to pass judgement on other writers? No way. I can point out a spag, or a galloping of tenses, but is it great? Mediocre? Sappy? I might recognize the Godawful, but if I do, I skip, and I give fives. And a five to you, and your clear and readable summary of the situation...

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    Thanx for the review, LlJ -- appreciate your taking the time to read. :) Happy Upcoming New Year! :) Yvette
Comment from humpwhistle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yup, five stars. I expect that's expected.

Yvette, the whole rating/ranking system in ingrained in the FS culture. Like you, I wish it was more 'writing/quality' relevant, but I see no change on the horizon. You are a strong writer, and the community has already recognized that. I think your best bet is to find the best FS has to offer. Cultivate symbiotic relationships with those writers you truly admire. Be kind to the rest, but let the petty slights run off your back.

Rating is a tricky issue. I give fours--with suggestions--and get accused of being mean. Who needs that? My goal is to entertain. I'm a writer, not a critic.

Yvette, FS is whatever you can make of it. I doubt you can change it, but you benefit from its best aspects if shed all the dandruff.

By the way, you might look at simplifying your sentences. Break them up. All those ( ) really disrupt the flow. Prose isn't stream of consciousness. Pick one of your longer paragraphs, re-write it without and ( ). I'm pretty sure you'll like it better. Just a thought.

I hope this is helpful.

Peace, Lee

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    Thanx for the read and review, Lee -- I am absolutely loving the FanStory experience...this is just a write for the contest is all. Not a complaint. Not looking to point fingers. Just an issue researched and solutions proposed for a contest. If nothing changes, so be it. :) ;) Thanx for the advice on the sentences -- a scientist trying to be less technical, I suppose. C'est la vie. I do much better in the world of fiction...not as good as you, but I get by. :) ;)
    Take care and have a Happy New Year! :) ;) Yvette
Comment from Debbie Pope
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, Yvette. Once again, if this had been anonymous, I would have known it was you (even without your reference to being a scientist). You take such an analytical approach to life, but craft your work with skillful writing. I agree with you one hundred percent about the problems with the rating system. With the current state of things, a four star or below is an insult. Personally, I want to encourage and not insult.
There are two types of fan story members--those that want to improve and those that just want to write. The second type cannot take and does not want criticism. They don't want other people messing with their work. They just want people to read it. We should classify ourselves from the get go as to whether we appreciate criticism.
Just so you know that I perused your post with care, I will point out that you referred to spring break early in your post when I think that you meant fall break.
You are my favorite writer to review cause you know I love your work. I mean I really love it. I think you are one of the most gifted people I have had the pleasure to meet. Hence I feel that I can criticize away without insulting. It makes reviewing fun when I don't have to worry about offending.

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    Duh...what an old, blonde teacher thing! LOL! You know, the 'Fall Break' thing is fairly new...that is, within the last ten or so years...meaning that for a VERY large part of our lives (you and me!) there was only a Spring Break! :) ;) Anyway, perhaps it's the first signs of dementia that, when I get tired, Fall Break disappears again! :) :) I wrote this and a few other of my 'holiday writes' ahead of company arriving so, I was definitely tired! :) :) Anywho, it's corrected now -- thanx!! :) ;)
    And I do so enjoy interacting with you as well, my B'ham Bud! :) ;) Thanx for always having my back and, as you say, not taking offense to any suggestions I pass along .. you are awesome! ;) ;) I'm headed for my in-laws in the morning so, stop and think about me once in a while....nothing like a weekend-long workout on biting one's tongue!! :) ;) Take care, MQ, and Happy New Year!! :) ;) Yvette
reply by Debbie Pope on 29-Dec-2018
    I've still got bedrooms full of company here so not much time to do anything but dishes. At least I get to stay home. We travelled to in-laws for thirty years. Now we are the in-laws. They come to us.
reply by the author on 29-Dec-2018
    Let me know....I will loan you mine....grrr.;) ;)
Comment from Mustang Patty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Yvette,

The reviewing process - especially the 'revenge' review has been argued over and over in the forum. So, far, none of the ideas, suggestions, and pleas have been addressed.

For myself, I plan to not post as often in 2019 - Too busy with other writing projects and actually reaching a larger target audience. FanStory has been a WONDERFUL place to hone skills, and share stories that were just burgeoning to life in my mind.

I do hope this contest will generate a slew of ideas for Tom to look at, and possibly build them into the system,

~Mustang Patty~

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    Thanx for the read and review, Patty -- as I have been told by a number of folks, this probably won't change a thing, but, hey? Just puttin' it out there (as my students say - lol!). :) :) Here's wishing a very prosperous and happy new year to you and yours! :) ;) Yvette :)
Comment from Scarbrems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Yvette.
You cover a bugbear that has been going on since time began, it seems. Though many talking of 'better days', I joined about the same time as you, and the same complaints were being made then. Nevertheless, it's a point worth making.

You are right to point out fears of retaliation. Nobody likes revenge reviewers.

I enjoyed your clear presentation of the facts concerning this issue. A few points to consider: Whilst the blacksmith analogy was a good one, you laboured it a bit, in my opinion. 'lessthanfive' - less-than-five'. 'Big-ee' - biggie.

Good luck in the contest.


 Comment Written 27-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    Good Morning, Emma -- thanx so much for the read and review...especially your catches you pointed out -- I popped in and fixed appreciate the other set of eyes. :) ;) Happy New Year from my corner of the world to yours, ma'am! ;) :) Yvette
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Welcome to my reason for not bothering much with FanStory anymore, my friend. I stuck it out for a long, long time, hoping against hope that SOME integrity would be restored, but I honestly believe that it BEGINS with a few of influence (at the top/in favour?) who are sadly threatened by anyone not fooled by their bluster and arrogance.

Alas, this site has arrived at the point of no return, in my honest opinion. It's all about the revenue, and the little cliques that have formed, which is to those members' detriment, actually, because they endorse inferior writing = ignorance flourishes throughout.

When I joined about seven years ago it was quite different, and since then I've watched many wonderfully helpful writers beat a hasty retreat (who truly had MUCH to offer) -- we lost some incredibly talented authors and poets over just this kind of nonsense.

Personally, I have had no end of problems with my account (like my work not showing more than one portfolio page, even though I paid an extra $100 precisely SO all of it would be available); like watching others being 'recognized' who came along long after I did and (no offense or disrespect intended) are certainly not writing better than I am... (AND I write in all genres, novels, short stories, op eds, children's books and poetry -- thousands upon thousands of pieces that have appeared here, many of which are STILL here -- at the risk of sounding arrogant myself, most of it pretty darn good... and generally ignored. (ALL of it exceptional? WHO, ever, could claim that? And I've worked with pros...)

But I've had repeated occasions where I've met blatant disregard/disrespect when I've complained about things like a poem posting eight times, like work I've entered in a site contest NOT showing on MY list of contests entered, etc. Some of the answers I've received are ludicrous explanations only a child might consider a serious response. (i.e. my books have too many chapters? I have too many books?)
Um, wouldn't that be information any business ethic would demand be shared when advertising "Premium" as something your members should purchase as a backup/storage for work in case of a computer crash? (At LEAST then, if not when selling initial membership? I am an Advertising/Marketing grad, 1980's - there ARE standards!) But I'm a pushover (or so it's believed, apparently).

The committee, for example, is anonymous. (No accountability.) And who, exactly, IS Tom Ens? I've had SOME resolution when I've pointed out difficulties, but I'm sure from some of the replies that Tom doesn't work alone -- I've seen evidence of the site's so-called expertise = not a source I would use. Who IS the "we" (on the front page hoping I have had a wonderful Christmas)? The only name I'VE known as "management" IS Tom Ens. Perhaps that explains the changes to the site's 'flavour'...? I've suspected for some time that my PRIVATE messages to him (which are not private; "management" was quite candid about that at one time -- MANAGEMENT monitors them) are being answered by one of Tom's assistants -- a secretary of sorts.

Nope, sorry to say it because I have made some wonderful friends here, and there IS inspiration to be found -- work I admire and enjoy reading -- but I can't be bothered now. I won't disappear entirely, but there's been more than one case of deliberate tampering/hacking/interference with my account too. Long story short -- 'evidence' provided to me by outside sources, not excluding four fraudulent attempts to use my credit card ON A SITE WHERE THE only THING YOU COULD USE IT FOR WAS TO SELF-PUBLISH OR ORDER BOOKS, the same day I was to use A CREDIT CARD ONLINE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER .

Not rocket science. (Sorry - lol - couldn't resist. Hahahaha!)

*I'm making much better use of my time.* Like reading work like THIS, Yvette. Bravo. (But good luck in seeing anything much change according to your excellent suggestions...)

Sign me,
not interested in entering THIS site contest. LOL. Been there, done that, *read above statement*. (*grin*)


p.s. My apologies -- this SHOULD have had six stars allotted, but that's another fairly recent change. We USED to be able to correct a five-star rating to make it a six-star one, but no more, at least I can't. :(( As for the site itself overall, however, it is, or was, the best of its kind I found???... *sigh*

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    Wow, Dawn - I had no idea! I've heard rumblings in a review here and there, but ... wow. Maybe since I'm still working, albeit part time, that I just don't notice things like you do. I'm lucky sometimes to find the time to just enjoy some reviews and my contest entries are usually done either in the kitchen or late in the evening when I'm 'unwinding' for a few moments. :) :) I will be sure to keep some of this in mind...I do hope, however, that I still get to hear from Miss Priss and read your heart-touching poetry...I would certainly miss you because I'd miss them!! :) ;)
    And, while I have your attention, I want to say thanx for being out there in reviewing my writes -- you are certainly a reliable friend! ;) :) I do look forward to more of 'us' as the New Year barrels in! :) ;) Blessings for 2019! :) Yvette ;)
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written suggestion and explanation of the reviewing system. I agree with your points and appreciate your intensive investigation of the facts. A honest corrective review is more acceptable than a rude review.

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    Thanx for the review, Sandra -- always enjoy your input on everything! ;) ;) Leave for the in-laws tomorrow morning so, there might be 'lull' for the weekend...but I'll try! :) ;) Take care! :) Yvette :)
reply by Sandra du Plessis on 27-Dec-2018
    Enjoy the break before the New Year start. May you have a prosperous New Year and return safely from where you are going.
Comment from WalkerMan
This work has reached the exceptional level

You earned a Six for this well researched and thought out essay on how to improve the FanStory rating system.

The fact that I found some technical errors does not diminish that rating, as all are easily corrected and I trust you to do so. (The current system would not allow me to upgrade a Four to a Six, so this is my way of assuring you the Six that the post deserves.) This is my personal policy when reviewing, as I tend to catch more things than most other reviewers because all aspects of the structure of the English language have been my core (Doctoral level) expertise since 1970, and I am an active editor as well as published author of both poetry and prose.

I agree with your views on the importance of politeness in both reviewing and responding to reviews. The founding purpose of FanStory is for writers to constructively critique each other's work so that we all may improve our skills. There is no room in that for vindictiveness or ratings sabotage out of envy or attempts to weaken a contest competitor. I applaud your suggestions on how to handle such reviewers. Any that are repetitive in such behavior ought to be reported to Tom Ens, as he has the authority to deal appropriately with them.

Your list of star definitions is both clear and reasonable, and the rest of your essay supports it well.

Regarding your suggestion of a "Presentation Membership Package" (for the thin-skinned "snowflakes" among us), it is well thought out but merely coddles them and they will not improve. Sometimes reality must be faced, however discomforting that may be. Those who realize that will improve and be glad for the experience. Those who don't will not succeed at writing (or much else).

Finally, those who never post at all but constantly low-rate others ought to be tossed out of FanStory after not less than three months nor more than a year of such antics, as all they do is dishearten writers who are genuinely trying to improve.

My differences of opinion with you do NOT affect my respect for your efforts. This is a superb and aptly illustrated post, Yvette.

 Comment Written 26-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    Good Morning Mike! How wonderful to find this review from you when I woke up this morning! :) :) Thanx so much for those six-stars as they mean an awful lot coming from you, sir! :) :) Guess you can tell that I was trying to take my very scientific-report writing self and make her more 'generally' acceptable...don't know if it worked, but I really did try! :) :) My brain just seems to slip back into that mode when I'm not writing my fantasy and/or sci-fi stuff (you know, NOT reality - LOL!) So, thank you so much for the sugestions/changes -- I have gone through and implement all of them. I did change the implementation of two of them (easiest one to see is the very last sentence of the write ... let me know if you believe it is unacceptable/incorrect). :) :)
    Oh, and the whole 'Snowflake Membership Package' was totally tongue-in-cheek (see my author notes at the bottom) even though I don't come out and say so in the write. I will tell you, though, with a couple of responses (and some I know will be coming in....unless those folks just choose to ignore the whole thing - lol!) there are those who will think that it's not a bad direction. Sigh. :) :)
    My house of company left yesterday afternoon (good thing I got those few stories and this entry done ahead of their arrival!!) and we leave tomorrow morning to go visit my, if you're a praying man, pray for me! :) LOL! :) :)
    Here's wishing a very prosperous and peaceful 2019 to you and yours! :) :) Yvette :)
reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    Ooops! Forgot to hit that 'nominate' button ... goodness knows, this is the best 'read through' I've had in a while! :) :) Thanx again!! :)
reply by WalkerMan on 27-Dec-2018
    You are most welcome, Yvette. I see the changes and have removed my comments about them. However, three items remain and are listed. Once those are fixed, tell me and I'll remove those comments too.

    Have a safe trip. -- Mike
reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    All done! :) Happy New Year! :)
reply by WalkerMan on 27-Dec-2018
    Yes, I see the last few changes and have removed my comments about them. :))

    May you and yours enjoy a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year. -- Mike
Comment from country ranch writer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Tom isn't going to budge he like it this way says his people are doing a top-notch job so this is just a waste of time no one gives a hoot what we think.

 Comment Written 26-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2018
    Thank you for the review this evening.
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

When anyone feels as if they've received a revenge review they should immediately report it to Tom Ens and let him deal with the offending party (s).
Hey, negative reviews happen, and especially with the often morbid, morose, moribund things I write about most often.
It just comes with the territory.
Wait until you receive a one-star rating just because someone didn't like the type of picture, animation or artwork you've used.
It's happened to me.
Or wait until you bust your ass on a poem all week long, promote it through the roof and have someone lay a one-star bomb on ya saying things like, "I just don't care for horror." or, "I didn't like the music you included with your work."
My computer has a volume control button to turn my speakers either up or down, or mute them completely if I so choose.
I don't believe they've ever manufactured a smartphone, desktop or laptop without a volume control button.
In addition, there is tab here labeled 'SKIP'. So, if one doesn't like to read horror all they gotta do is hit that tab.
It's all part of the game we choose to play for posting here at Fanstory.
Good writing, Yvette. You've brought up a lot of valid points.
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 Comment Written 26-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    Actually, Dean, I have received a one-star rating because I placed in a FanStory contest a while was, of course, a negative editorial (as I have dubbed) them. I get those periodically - although probably not as often as you do, and that was the only one-star. They're usually two- or three-stars accompanied by the negative editorial....nothing of substance. :) :) Oh, and the reason you get them more often than me? You wrote (write) beautiful pieces that others only wish they could write -- genre doesn't matter when you look at the time you put into some of those works to make them flow/work so wonderfully! :) :) Your perspectives alone sometimes are noteworthy even though I would never think to look at some things like you do!! :) :) So, I would consider the 'noo-noo heads' [that's my kid-friendly word for....well, I think, you can probably fill in appropriately!] to be little green monsters of snowflake jealousy trying to rain on your parade! :) :)
    Finally, as the end of the year is rolling up faster than I can believe, I wanted to say thanx for always being out there in reviewing my writes and, especially, thanx for your awesome poetry that is always entertaining and thought-provoking and even smile-worthy when I need one! ;) :) Looking forward to more as the New Year barrels in! :) ;) Blessings for 2019! :) Yvette ;)
    P.S. I'm headed to my in-laws in the morning...pray for me! :) ;) :) LOL!
reply by Dean Kuch on 27-Dec-2018
    It's always a pleasure to read and review your work, Yvette.
    Here's hoping we all have a safe, happy, healthy and prosperous 2019.
     photo 727245_e454f1_zps6pakygt9.gif
reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    One day, you're going to have to tell me how to embed videos, music files, and other animated stuff... so very cool! :) :) Blessings, Sir Dean!! :) ;)
reply by Dean Kuch on 27-Dec-2018
    No problem, Yvette, I would be happy to.
    I will send you my cell phone number by PM.
    It's far too complicated to explain via back and forth texts.