Reviews from

Little Poems

Viewing comments for Chapter 439 "A Window on the World"
Small and Specialty Poems

13 total reviews 
Comment from robyn corum
This work has reached the exceptional level

I've missed you, Tom! *smile*

This is truly lovely and sooo stinking true!! The older I get the more true it is, too.

I love it when you're 'in the zone,' pal'. Beautiful!

 Comment Written 14-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 14-Jan-2017
    Thank you Robyn, you made my day.
Comment from Pantygynt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a fascinating rhythm this Dixon has. The difference the rhyme gender makes, though actually only a single syllable is amazing. This is a lovely lilting peaceful poem. a thing of not inconsiderable beauty.

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 13-Jan-2017
    Thank you Pantygynt. I was most pleased how it turned out. Although, findng those falling rhymes as a chore.
Comment from sunnilicious
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wonderful visual imagery created. Creatively written. Relaxing. Well thought out and nicely written. Good flow of rhythm and rhymes. The repeat lines work in to the poem nicely too. Enjoyable to read. Have a great weekend :)

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 13-Jan-2017
    Thank you Alicia, i appreciate you looking through my windiw.
Comment from RGstar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like this, my friend. Once again your difficult rhyme scheme used. You create good imagery here as it is written with that thought in mind.
I am a little worried about your rhyme of ''there'' and there'' as well, Me and Me

Must they be the same. I think that is the part that holds it back a little. I have not suggested another rhyme for I am not sure if it is part of the form.
Either way, I really like the way you formulate you words in creating a serene and useful imagery.

My best wishes.

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 13-Jan-2017
    Thank you Rgstar. Those were part of a 2 syllable falling rhyme, so the total rhyme is "go there" and "flow there," as well as "bind me" and "find me." So glad that you enjoyed it.
reply by RGstar on 13-Jan-2017
    That's what I thought. Bravo.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is nice Tom. I love the picture.Really lovely.
That looks like a nice place to be.
Your poem reads smoothly and speaks volumes.
Well done my friend. Nancy

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2017
    Thank you Nancy. I am delighted by your review and ranking response.
Comment from tfawcus
This work has reached the exceptional level

Once again you have surprised me with a new form, and one that you have handled beautifully here, Tom. You, of course, have the rhyme scheme and the rhythm spot on and you have bound your four stanzas together with skilful enjambment. The end result is a poem of idyllic beauty about this favorite place of yours. I shall certainly remember this one and may even give it a go myself sometime.

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2017
    Thanknyou Tny. That is an excelkent review, and a wonderful response. I appreciate thise six stars.
Comment from marinadawn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this was quite educational to me because had never heard of a Dixon poem, it sounds very complicated .
I like the phrase as more my lifetime passes I relish pristine grasses , how true for as I age I like the hustle and bustle less and enjoy and look forward to calm and serenity more

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2017
    Thank you marinabfor this wonderful review.
Comment from flylikeaneagle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Treischel: I like this poem and advice. We need to get out of the concrete
walls and walk around in nature. We can watch birds fly and sunsets.
I like to people watch and walk dogs. One of my favorite places was Minnihaha
Falls. Now, it is an icy falls.

My Father gave me this advice too, go outside and enjoy nature.
You are an amazing poet and photographer! flylikeaneagle

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2017
    Thank you flylikeaneagle, i am blushing with all those compliments.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A beautifully rhymed poem with powerful sentiments that stop the reader in his tracks and making them aware of their surroundings. I read it twice as it is so very charmingly written, Love Dolly x

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2017
    Thank you very much Dolly. I am pleased that you liked it enough to read twice,
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2017
    Thank you very much Dolly. I am pleased that you liked it enough to read twice,
Comment from brenda bickers
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Treischel,
this sounds like a complicated form to follow. I do not understand the feminine and masculine in poetry but I do know that I enjoyed your poem. It looks like I have some researching to do so I can really appreciate your wonderful words.
Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2017
    Thank you Brenda. Glad you liked it. That's the important thing.