Reviews from

When Blood Collides

Viewing comments for Chapter 102 "Saving My Mind "
A family's love is tested.

18 total reviews 
Comment from boxergirl
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Shari. This is another well-written post about your experience at the doctor's office. I made a connection, especially with your last call. I have felt that same kind of relief when dealing with AT&T customer service and FINALLY get someone with half a brain. :-)

 Comment Written 14-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2016
    Guess these type of jobs go to high school dropouts-- or overqualified college grads. LOL.
    Thank you so much for the exceptional rating.
Comment from TheWriteTeach
This work has reached the exceptional level

I can't take the stress much longer! And all I'm doing is reading it - you had to live through it. My word, your blood pressure must have been through the top of the machine. Between the stupid office help and the doctors giving Frank shots that he didn't need, I'd say you did the right thing by leaving that practice. You did a very good job with this piece.


 Comment Written 14-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2016
    You're a peach, Suzanne. Thank goodness I have no blood pressure problems. I had an appointment today for my back problem and had to wait 45 minutes! I always take a good book along, then get busy talking to others and never read. LOL
    I so appreciate the six. The next chapter is a happy one.
Comment from Heidi M
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have expressed yourself very well and I empathize with your frustration. The Unaffordable Hellth Care Act (yes, I spelled that correctly) has been a nightmare for us. I am glad you are writing about your experiences. Hopefully, you can let off a little steam and reduce your stress level.
Loved this line: "Now, our roles have switched. I stole his testosterone."
I think it's "La Stupida". (feminine) Whatever, we get the picture you have painted!

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2016
    Thanks for correcting my Spanish. I should have known that from my French lesson. My stress level caves in on the next installment of An Accident of Proportions.
    Hellth Care Act-- good one.
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is tricky navigating those medical waters. I must have a different kind of insurance plan entirely, because I've never had to go through all that hassle. I can't think of a time when I've had to question a bill. I don't have a co-pay either. Of course, I pay through the nose for those monthly insurance payments. I guess "the customer is always right" doesn't apply to medical patients. Anyway, glad you made it through all the hassles. Hope Frank is doing better. Very interesting that something else was causing his weakness and fatigue. (I can guess! It was pneumonia!--just joking, as that seems to be the disease of the moment. Very well written and interesting account. judi

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2016
    Love the joke about Hilary. This is the first year I've had this situation. I hear from the grapevine, I can blame Obama's Affordable Health Care Plan. As for my monthly payments, it comes out of my retirement check before I even get it.
reply by judiverse on 13-Sep-2016
    It's too bad they put up such roadblocks when you need to use insurance. The staff should be trained to know about how your insurance plan works. judi
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Here, I'll let you in on a little secret. Up until the last ten years of our marriage, hubby has been the assertive one. I shied away from confrontations. Now, our roles have switched. I stole his testosterone ... You might have stolen Frank's testosterone, Spit, and that's all well and good.
But, are you sure you wanna keep it? I mean, have you ever seen what testosterone therapy does to a woman's face? First, you'll grow a mustache-- probably a better one than I have now and it's pretty damn good.
Second, you'll start to grow a beard, fer chissakes!
A beard!
If I were you, I'd give it back ASAP and simply keep the 'tude which accompanies it.
Just sayin'... Ahem...

Three months later, we found out that lack of this hormone wasn't the cause of his weakness and fatigue after all, but not before we got the surprise of our life. ...and the director shouts, "CUT!"
You always manage to leave us with a cliff-hanger type ending. A lot like those old Rocket-Man chapter plays Annie Wilkes coveys to author Paul Sheldon in the film, MISERY

You really wanna know how to keep a writer in suspense, Spit?
I'll tell ya' later...

 Comment Written 12-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 12-Sep-2016
    Ha,ha. One cliff hanger for another.
    Don't you notice that senior women do get hairs on their chinny chin-chin. Yep. I shave once a week if it shows up in the mirror.

    I've started to shave Frank with an electric razor. I love it. Very meditative and I do a much better job than he does.
reply by Dean Kuch on 12-Sep-2016
    Yes, some of them do, for sure.
    I'll bet Frank likes being shaven too.
Comment from F. Wehr3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like a woman who knows how to get things done. You remind me of my wife, strong, spunky, and tough as nails. Entertaining look at the world of co-pays.

Take care,

 Comment Written 12-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 12-Sep-2016
    Thanks, Russell. I don't know my spunk came from. My Mom and Dad could be softies.
Comment from barkingdog
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another twist in the works, Shari?
He didn't need the shots after all?

I can't believe how much aggravation you've been through at that doctor's office.
Is there an alternative--another clinic/doctor?

I hope things improve. SOON!

:) ellen

 Comment Written 12-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 12-Sep-2016
    I take it day by day, Ellen. I don't know who's worse off--him or me. Hired a cleaning woman today for twice a month. Can't do it anymore.
reply by barkingdog on 12-Sep-2016
    Good for you!
    You shouldn't be doing it all. Do as much as you can to relieve yourself of stress.
    Stress ages one very quickly. Consider help with Frank, too. Eventually, he'll have to accept a caretaker coming in to help with bathing. Talk to him and let him know that you need help. There's a time when pride goes out the window for logic.

    I had to do this for my mother. She hated it, but I couldn't do it on my own. I also had two small children in the house. I totally understand what stress can do to a person.
    Take care of yourself.
    :) ellen
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2016
    Like I say, I take it day by day. Frank is still able to take a shower, dress, feed himself including getting his own breakfast and lunch.
    Most of all, he sleeps. That's a good thing. :-)
reply by barkingdog on 12-Sep-2016
    I didn't realize he could do so much. I won't worry about you like I have.
    My Mom was total care.

    :) e
Comment from Jay Squires
This work has reached the exceptional level

Shari, trouble hounds you! I haven't heard of anyone having that many bureaucratic problems connected with your medical care. And I certainly could sense the role reversals. I remember early on in my reviewing your writing (it was before Frank had his problems, at least to this extent), you used to remark how irritable and defiant he could be. I was always the non-confrontational one while my wife had a lazar mind for numbers and saw instantly when someone purposely or inadvertently took advantage of us. She would pounce with both arms and legs while I would be looking for a place to hide. I'm sure I'll never cross over to the other side, though I have learned to calmly and with finality say, "No." Damn, how did I get there? Anyway ... very good work, Shari.

 Comment Written 12-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 12-Sep-2016
    Enjoyed your story, Jay. I remember your saying you couldn't live in the same house with your wife.
    Frank's rudeness to others would embarrass me and my daughter. But he did try to tone it down when I told him how it stressed me out.
    At least, dementia hasn't brought any aggressiveness out in the past year. But then he doesn't mingle with others anymore. I handle all the difficult situations and now understand his mindset more.
    Thank you ever so much for the exceptional rating. From you, it means a lot.
Comment from Thomas Bowling
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I know a doctor in Sarasota, Florida. He takes walk-in patients. He is terrible at time management, and by terrible I mean the absolute, hands down, number one worse. I was sitting in his waiting room. he came out and saw one of his patients sitting there.

"Weren't you here yesterday he asked?"

The man replied, "I never left."

He had waited all night, in the dark, in the waiting room. True story.

 Comment Written 11-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 12-Sep-2016
    OMG. The man must have been senile or maybe homeless. Florida is known for having the worst doctors ever. Thanks for sharing.
Comment from Donya Quijote
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my!!! I wonder what the priorities of the doctor�´s office is these days. And whatever happened to the Hippocratic oath and the promise to do no harm? I think doctors have lost sight of their purpose. I would have lost it too. So, the shots did your hubby some good. At least there was something positive to come from this ordeal.

Did not notice any nits....

Oops. There is a problem with your Spanish. Since your bimbo receptionist is female, she should be referred to as La Estüpida. El Estüpido is masculine.

 Comment Written 11-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 11-Sep-2016
    Thanks for the Spanish lesson although Evil Eddie made it hard to interpret. I got the gist and changed the ending.
    I admit to feeling sorry for the doctors. They're overloaded. A shortage in our country.
reply by Donya Quijote on 12-Sep-2016
    It was my mistake to put the accent marks in. Who cares if the Spanish is spelled correctly, right? Glad to know you were able to figure it out. I had just finished some of my schoolwork and left the Spanish keyboard assigned.

    FYI: did you know that learning a foreign language has health benefits. It can reduce the effects Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. It has the power to reconnect points in the brain and create new pathways so that information can be retrieved. So, i'll make a deal with you. You help me improve my English and I'll help you with your Spanish. Que piensas? (What do you think?) :)
reply by the author on 12-Sep-2016
    Your English sounds fine to me. I started to take classes in Spanish, but couldn't roll my r's so I gave up. I took four years of French between high school and college, but again, couldn't get the accent. With no chances on the horizon of going to a foreign country, I'll pass up your offer, but I'll be glad to answer any questions you have about English.
    Hopefully, I won't get dementia. If I do, so be it.

    Read Jay Squire's wonderful fiction piece about a patient with Alzheimer's.
reply by Donya Quijote on 12-Sep-2016
    Isn't Spanish the unofficial, official language of Florida? You don't have roll your tongue, not really. I can't consciously, deliberately do it, but once I get going and my inhibitions are down there is a definite difference between my -r and my -rr, according to other Spanish speakers. Perhaps they are just being nice. As to French, I feel for you. My French professor told me I speak Franyol (French that sounds more like Spanish). Even the French wondered if Spanish was my first language. All you can do is your best. That's all most speakers of another language want, except for maybe Americans. We're a bit testy when it comes to other languages.

    A joke for you:

    What do you call a person who speaks three languages? Trilingual, mulitlingual, or a polygot.
    What do you call a person who speaks two languages? Bilingual.
    What do you call a person who speaks one language? American, and some might say an American is barely competent in one language. Have you heard Trump talk? He speaks in all kinds of dangling this and that, rarely a complete sentence or a complete thought. If you doubt the comment, have you read Facebook lately? Do Americans even graduate high school anymore? Are they even taught English?

    When I was talking about my English, I was talking about my English-creative writing or writing in general. I suck big time. Sigh,,,, I thought getting my Masters would help me with my writing. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Hard to tell really. The more pages necessary the harder it is for me to accomplish. I'd be lucky to write a dissertation worthy of the sacrifice of the trees required to publish it. A novel? Dream on. Besides people read graphic novels these days. Moby Dick, a graphic novel. Wonder if I would have gotten past page 4 in eleventh grade when it was first recommended to me or if I would have enjoyed it as much as I did when I finally read it from cover to cover. I really liked the book! Queeq Queeq (sp) was one of the most interesting characters I ever encountered.

    Sorry, I ramble. In desperate need of intelligent conversation. I guess...
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2016
    Bless you. I picked up Moby Dick but gave up after 150 pages. Tale of Two Cities, I loved in high school. Now it's more verbiage than I can handle.

    Funny joke, although I avoid listening to politics. Seems Hilary is speaking in coughs now. :-)

    When it comes to creative writing, I feel like a klutz compared to Barking Dog, Realist 101 and Jay Squires. I learn what works by studying their posts.