Reviews from

When Blood Collides

Viewing comments for Chapter 66 "Barbara's Good Intentions "
A family's love is tested.

23 total reviews 
Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, what an unexpected surprise. Your sister is really going through a hard time. I wonder how Bobbie will do without his mother? Very sad, very, sad.

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2016
    I have to read these again to refresh. That's a good thing, since I noticed I repeated some information in chapter 71. Easy to do when you take a long time between posts. Sigh...
    Bobbie is too independent now to rely on his parents.
Comment from mermaids
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

One feels bad for Bobby, his Mom has cancer and his parents do not always realize his limitations due to his disease. Excellent dialog here between you and Bobby. A diagnosis of Ca is so difficult on the family as well as the individual. I will be not be posting much for awhile but reviewing frequently. I wrote a short story to post but I want to have a significant number of dollars to encourage reviewing.

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2015
    Thanks for your reactions to this. I'm busy these days too and post once a week, sometimes two. I hear you about earning the funny money.
Comment from joann r romei
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my goodness, sad to hear this, that must have been such a shock for everyone, she was very young and full of productivity.

 Comment Written 21-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2015
    Yes, no one in my family line had ever died from Cancer. After all these years, I still can't believe she's gone.
Comment from alexisleech
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Those are the words we all dread hearing, but happen so often. I only have one brother, and we don't speak, but the fact he's nearly six years older than me, and single, makes me wonder how I would feel if I knew he was dying.

I'm so sorry, Shari. I know you guys didn't get on, but it must have been devastating news.

Alexis xxx

 Comment Written 17-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 17-Nov-2015
    Shocking for sure. No one in our family line had cancer. You'll see what happens when we get together a month later for the last time.
Comment from padumachitta
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Friend. Ah geez...I sort of saw it coming, life can do this. It must have been a huge blow and hurt like hell.
Writing this must be hard...and reading it, feels like I am watching from the sielines, feeling the pain, wondering at the news.

 Comment Written 17-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 17-Nov-2015
    I felt shock first, then sorrow. Next chapters deals with our seeing each other for the last time.
Comment from barkingdog
This work has reached the exceptional level

The hopes were all going so well. Your sister was planning to work for two more years and write a book with Bobby. Now, it's all gone in a flash with the news that she had cancer and only six months to live.
What devastating news to hear from Bobby who miraculously has survived longer than predicted. I can't imagine how he will be able to face his mother's passing.
It had to be such a shock to you as well.

You wrote this most difficult chapter clearly. I could never have recalled these difficult times in order to put then into print.

:) ellen

 Comment Written 17-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 17-Nov-2015
    I had to research the procedure as I don't recall what was involved. As I said, all I could think of what that my sister was dying. In the next chapter we reunite for the last time. That will be the tough one to write. Thanks so much for the six, Ellen and for noting the irony of the timing.
Comment from boxergirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh no, I was afraid that this is what was causing her problems. Not good when jaundice shows up. Hope she is ok. Cancer is such a beast!

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 17-Nov-2015
    More details forthcoming in the next post come Sunday. Thanks for commenting on the contents.
Comment from w.j.debi
This work has reached the exceptional level

Life has a way of sneaking up and throwing the wrench in our plans. Just as your sister was planning on doing so many great things. You tell the story with great compassion.

As always, your use of dialog makes the story compelling while moving it forward. Your narrative commentary gives a consistent POV and connects the timeline smoothly.

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 16-Nov-2015
    It's still hard to believe that my sister is gone. In this next chapter, Barbara flies to Tampa for a final goodbye and tells me exactly how it happened. Thanks a lot for the exceptional rating.
Comment from ProSongwriter
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Shari,

Wow, I sure can relate to the ending of this chapter! I just went through a similar experience. However, my prognosis is better ... I'm not terminal anytime soon. Here's a cut an paste I've been sending to my closest friends her at Fab Story, explaining my lengthy absence:

" I've been away for quite some time ... but for good(?) reason. I was recently diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. I had an emergency surgery last week to remove a huge tumor. I go in tomorrow to get my staples removed ... all 62 of them!

I had felt terrible for quite some time and had internal bleeding they couldn't locate. I had bled almost 5 units if blood internally ... nearly half the blood in my body. I couldn't even get dressed without feeling like I'd just performed 8 hours of hard labor. When they finally located the bleeding ... in my abdomen ... they did emergency surgery. They said had the situation not been recognized and treated (surgically), I would have died by month's end.

I am feeling much better now. In the early spring, I start a chemo regimen. All in all, considering everything, I feel very fortunate and the prognosis is yet to be fully determined. But my oncologist said at the worst, I still have 5 years. But he expected it to be double that with treatment. I see that as excellent news!"

So, there you have it! Now, on to your writing.

I've always enjoyed your direct, no BS style of writing. I feel I'm mentally listening to a friend or neighbor telling my a story ... rather than reading a litany of choreographed words. Everything flows well I never have to guess what's being said or implied.

Hearing a terminal prognosis of a close family member is always shocking. Bobby may have neuromuscular issues, but he has competent mental faculties. I know I've missed quite a few chapters. Will try to catch up as I can. Right now, I am reading current writings in order to gain enough points to post and make it worth the reader's time. It's always a pleasure to click onto your writing! Best to you. Hugs,


 Comment Written 16-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 16-Nov-2015
    I'm so glad they diagnosed you in time. My sister was at stage 4. Sixty-two tumors! I wonder if that's a record. Why does it take so long to find a bleeding? You would think scans or x-rays would show something.

    Appreciate your comments on my style. I'm in fact envious of those prose writers with choreographed words-- a great way to put it. Literary magazines eat those stories up.

    Thanks for the six and for sharing your story. My next chapter will include more details on Barb's cancer.

reply by ProSongwriter on 16-Nov-2015
    Wow ... 62 tumors! Hard to imagine!

    I had a large tumor and only 2 lymph nodes are affected. The chemo will be to eradicate the cancer in those nodes. My oncologist said that in stage three, there are usually 15-20 tumors involved. Thus, they determined it was a very early stage 3 ... lucky me!

    As to why the bleeding wasn't caught before ... here in Decatur, Al, medical care is excellent ... when you can get it. We called 9 family practices and none of them were taking new patients. So, desperation, I went to a walk-in medical clinic and saw a nurse practioner. She did a full blood work u and called me when the results came back. She said to go to the emergency room immediately and get a blood transfusion. She forwarded the paperwork to the hospital ER prior to my arrival there. They did a colonoscopy when I told the the past several days I'd passed a large amount of blood in my bowel movements. They found the tumor and did emergency surgery the next morning. I had excellent care in the hospital and things are looking good!

    Well, I prefer your straight-forward writing style. Just sounds more "real" and not at all contrived. It dies take a special talent to write with the flowery words and those who use that style deserve credit for that ability. I just prefer your writing. Best to you, my friend. And thanks for the kind words on my health. Hugs ...

    ALan x
reply by the author on 16-Nov-2015
    I remember you moved, so I suspect the doctors had enough long time patients. Smart move to go to a clinic. NP are often more thorough than a doctor. You were very lucky, considering.
reply by ProSongwriter on 17-Nov-2015
    Yes I am ... very lucky!
Comment from abbasjoy
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh no! I can only imagine how you reacted to this news of your sister having cancer.
That's why it is so important not to keep up any unforgiveness, because we never know when we will have to answer that "call "which tells us it's our time to go.
That's the reason Barb was losing all that weight, but poor soul, she didn't have a clue.
I wonder if she perhaps had gone for a check up earlier, whether they would have detected the cancer and been able to do something about it and prolong her life.

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 16-Nov-2015
    There will be more details in the next chapter that will answer your questions. You'll love what happens toward the end. Thanks so much for the sixer.