Reviews from

Mary, The Mother of God

Essay on the Uniqueness of Mary

17 total reviews 
Comment from Writingfundimension
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a thorough, even scholarly, essay on the beliefs regarding Mother Mary--at least from the Catholic perspective. I say that because much of what you write about here I have heard from the pulpit, though not in such detail. I would only suggest that since it appears you are taking this perspective from one particular religion, that source should be mentioned. You can do this in the body of the material or in your AN's.

Your effort to illuminate Mary's role in church history is a wonderful gesture for which I'm sure you will receive our Lady's blessing.

 Comment Written 26-Oct-2015

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2015
    Thank you for the comments.
Comment from Gert sherwood
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Dan
sorry I'm late reading a reviewing your essay about Mary. found it interesting

I found nothing not to agree on.

I just would like to add this-
In 1954 there was a dedication to Mary In the Catholic Church and it was called as the Marion year that
was dedicate to Mary because, she --

is part of the Holy Trinity.


 Comment Written 26-Oct-2015

reply by the author on 26-Oct-2015
    Thanks for the comments. I do not have a good memory of this Marion Year but I did do a study of this event when I was at the University many years ago. There were movements at the time to give Mary a better understanding but never was she included as part of the Trinity. She was given many titles that was troublesome by many that would go too far in that she is only Human and in no way Divine. These papers became part of the discussions during Vatican Council II and resulted in the final chapter (8th) of the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church. In this document you have the most complete official teaching of the Church on Mary and also resulted in her title as Mother of the Church.
    Many writings are found on Mary that go very far in praise and gives to her Divine Attributes that are not correct. It is very difficult not to move too far because that is the result of being Saved: deification. We are all called to be "deified" through Jesus and that will be the result at the End Times and the General Resurrection. Mary already participates in this status in Heaven and therefore does have some relation with the Trinity that will be our future if we follow Jesus. But this relationship with the Divine Trinity does not make her part of the Trinity or the God Head.
    The essay I presented is a new approach that has been forming showing the Direct Relationship with God the Father. This has not been used as the key for understanding the special relationship Mary has with the God head. That relationship is very strong but does not make Mary a part of the God Head. Some in the early moves toward this relationship may have given that impression by lose wording. that is what took place in the early centuries and the giving of the precise and clear teachings on the Holy Trinity. Words are poor instruments when talking about God so it is needed the official te4aching of the Church which slowly but clearly defines what is purified after much discussion and greater precision.

    Sorry for the long reply but I am glad you agree with the essay.
Comment from a.w.brooks
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great read, Enjoyed every word it drew me in and had me locked in. I was hanging on every word. Thanks for the read. Happy writing

 Comment Written 25-Oct-2015

reply by the author on 25-Oct-2015
    Thanks for the comments.
Comment from zanya
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes interesting to encounter such a writing as this on Fanstory - some of these truths are difficult to comprehend and digest and perhaps it requires quiet reflection and meditation to fully comprehend

 Comment Written 25-Oct-2015

reply by the author on 25-Oct-2015
    Thanks for the comments.
Comment from Cletus Hardiman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well........ Mr. Dan, I can always plan on catching you in groups of two's!!! LOL Good job! Thank you for sharing this one with us! Clete

 Comment Written 25-Oct-2015

reply by the author on 25-Oct-2015
    Thanks for the comments.
reply by Cletus Hardiman on 25-Oct-2015
    You are welcome, my friend......... Clete
Comment from Aiona
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very interesting article, and well written. I do not see any typos. The sections are logical in progression. Only thing is, for some reason I thought Mary and Joseph did have one biological child, or maybe I'm mistaken. I wish I could find where I read that.

 Comment Written 25-Oct-2015

reply by the author on 25-Oct-2015
    Thanks for the comments. There are many who believe that Mary and Joseph had children because of the Bible calling the some Brothers and Sisters of Jesus. That is a common term used for close relatives and not only blood relatives, simply cousins are referred to as brothers and sisters. The same persons referred to as brother of Jesus have there mother mentioned and it is not Mary the Mother of Jesus. It is a teaching with very long history to the very times of the Earliest of christian teachings that Mary did not have any other children and actually was a Virgin throughout her life.
Comment from papa55mike
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You bring the point that Mary was touched by the Trinity is very compelling, I never thought about it before. Your research is well founded, the only thing I might do is give scripture at the end to back your point. Great Job. Have a great day and God bless.

 Comment Written 25-Oct-2015

reply by the author on 25-Oct-2015
    Thanks for the comments. I realize that the lack of Scripture references would be a criticism to this essay but have been surprised that you are the only one to mention it.
Comment from Sis Cat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your small essay does much to help others understand Mary's "unique relationship with the Trinity." Your explanations are clear and broken down in smaller pieces for comprehension. You also provided a different perspective than I am accustomed to hearing. Thank you for sharing your explanation of your faith.

 Comment Written 25-Oct-2015

reply by the author on 25-Oct-2015
    Thanks for the comments.
Comment from gamay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Again Dan.
I really love this story .
I am a catholic so i really loved it.
Keep on coming my Friend.
Have a nice day and God bless to you.

 Comment Written 25-Oct-2015

reply by the author on 25-Oct-2015
    Thanks for the comments.
Comment from mvbrooks
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Being raised Catholic, I'm familiar with you content. As I read, I found it not only accurate, but also presented in a way that shows your devotion.

 Comment Written 24-Oct-2015

reply by the author on 24-Oct-2015
    Thank you for the comments.