Reviews from

Am I a Cry Baby

A rant

18 total reviews 
Comment from Mr. Dark
This work has reached the exceptional level

My sister...

You have so eloquently, in what I consider perfect taste, put to words what a lot of writers feel here. And don't you lie to me, girl, it felt good, didn't it. Frick yeah it did! Why? Because you've said what hundreds of others only think, and would never dare have the balls to post. But you did. That's why I love you.

I've read more than few rants here, and most of them are a diet version of this, but the common element is humanity and common courtesy. Granted, a lot of people have far too busy a life to follow everyone they'd like to, and it isn't fair to criticize those who fall into that category, but there are far more on this site that care nothing about quid pro quo, and simply desire those precious member dollars so they can placate their own fragile egos. Girl: fists to you for saying what a lot of us feel!

The site itself, I cannot fault. It's designed and set up with the best of intentions. But, as is always the case, it's the PEOPLE that turn it into something selfish and greedy. I'm a busy bitch. I work twelve hour days, and if I'm lucky I get a day off every now and then, but I forego sleep to respond to my reviews individually, and do my best to seek out the portfolios of those who have graciously given their time and effort to read and review something I wrote. I feel your pain, girl.

That said, let me say say this: Write for yourself. Write because you love to. As much as there are some of the most wonderful people in the world here, who actually give a shit about writing and bettering their craft, there is an equal number of people who are here for no other reason than to have their ego stroked. You'll find who is who easily enough. But, as much as this site is a brilliant sounding board, and it's helped me more than anything else ever has, it's also a double edged sword. As easy as it is to complain, it's just as easy to get sucked into the whole 'stars/ratings/member dollars' bullshit. I've seen more than a few people let this site become their end all to be all, and when someone new steps on their toes, they lash out with all the subtlety of a gator.

What you said here needed to be said, and as much as I respected you already, you've knocked yourself up my list a hundredfold.

I never like to comment on grammar. To me, that's the trivial, menial shit. I always try to comment on the meat. You can have the most beautifully constructed pile of dog shit ever seen, but it won't hide the stench. Far too many people here get far too trivial. And while I'm always polite in my replies when I get menial trivial reviews, I always sort of pishaw.

Too many egos, not enough sisterhood.

I, for one, am with you, girlfriend.

Reserve that Mustang. You and I are going to tear the shit out of this town LOL!

This was one of the most well presented, honest, pieces of angst I have read here. You go, Miss Miss.

Well deserving of six.

Never lose the faith. I'm with you :)

 Comment Written 14-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 14-Jul-2015
    Sara, you chil get me more than most. I write soft and sweet but I can get down and ugly when I feel it! That is where some of my best stuff comes feelings.
    We are true sister's in a previous life...I know exactly where you are in my head. Sweet jesus we would be so damn bad in the same location...lmao!!!
    Thanks hon for this review...oh not many like erotica but I wrote a lil piece of that in my Red Door story... when you in the mood give it a look and then tell me what you need for a review just a chat . I value your opinion hon!

reply by the author on 14-Jul-2015
    And felt fuckin wonderful to get it out there!!!
Comment from rjuselius
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

i agree with you wholeheartedly, i think offering genuine assistance not only the critisized poets but the poets who write reviews one can learn from the experience.
thank you for the rant! it made me think.
rebekka x

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2015
    Bless you Rebekka for your review and your understanding.

    Always justafan,
Comment from Chunger
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great title! I was enthused before I even started reading it. Funny, this is the third work I have read today with this same topic- and very similar message. I appreciate your honesty. I have only been on Fanstory for about a week and already I have felt some of these same concerns. Thank you for putting this out there.

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2015
    Change... There really are some Great writers here and some that give wonderful "crit". I hope you don't judge to harshly based on my silly rant hon. Good people here!

    Always justafan,
Comment from heyjude
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Justafan, good to meet you on fanstory and I hope you
have some great experiences because they're really are
some who seek to help and inspire by their reviews.
I'm not very good at reviews unless I see a misspelled
word or something just really sticks out. I don't know
a lot about the different types of poetry and how to
help others, but I hope I can encourage somehow. Keep
writing from the heart. There will be those who
appreciate it.

 Comment Written 13-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2015
    Thank you for your understanding and this sweet review. I am much like you in the review process... I only find simple mistakes but give lavishly when I truly enjoyed a post.

    Always justafan,
Comment from Gert sherwood
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello to you ranter
rant away. You spoke very well about a person who writes straight from their heart.
Not all reviewers neglect to take time an appreciate all the hard effort that their fellow writers
read what is says about reviewing direct from Fanstory--

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2015
    Thank you Gert... I will do that... Blessing

    Always justafan,
reply by Gert sherwood on 12-Jun-2015
    You are welcome
Comment from giraffmang
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi there,

I have just come across this post, even though it has been around for a while it seems.

There are many issues in your rant about the process of reviewing and common courtesy. I have been muted a few times for giving honest feedback and lower ratings. So far I haven't muted anyone myself. I can handle myself if it comes to it. Site rules or no site rules.

Some people just skip over pieces if they think a writer needs substantial help - how bad is that. however, it is important for writers to also develop thicker sin and sometimes take it on the chin when not up to par.

Everyone has something to offer a writer whether on a technical level or plot. My big thing is logic in a piece but, boy, do people HATE it if you point it out!

Anyway, I hope things are better for you in this regard, and you get decent and honest feedback on your work.


 Comment Written 12-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2015
    GMG... it has been around for awhile but my sentiments although not as angry as they were.. Still persist... Thanks for taking your valuable time and giving me your thoughts :)

    Always your fan,
    PS... I saw you handle yourself on a review in your contest... Brilliant
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So, there really is somebody else on this site who feels much the same way I do about this topic. Unfortunately too many Reviewers simply want the little bit of Member Cents they get for writing a review and do not really care about writing a constructive review. I, in 3 short months of being on this site, am currently the Number Three ranked Reviewer on the site. I always read through each writing carefully and try to be constructive in my reviews, however, I have run into another issue repeatedly I wish you had addressed in your little rant and that is too many writers seem to demand an immediate 5-Star review regardless if their writing warrants one or not and get extremely ticked off that you, as a Reviewer, don't just automatically give them one. Guess that happens when you subjectively review something and have to objectively review it. Your rant was direct, detailed, and straight to the point. Glad you said what you said. Well done.

 Comment Written 24-May-2015

reply by the author on 24-May-2015
    Thanks Brett. I was a tad upset when I wrote this but it is true and it didn't take me long to see it... Time will tell if if this site is really what it's supposed to be... I want a true crit of my work but not one that seeks only ridicule...I mean if you see something that might actually benefit a writer... Offer it! There is a way to lead someone to bettering themselves without crushing their spirit...

    Always your fan,
Comment from Curly Girly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent and well written. I agree with this:
Those that try and knock you down must have forgotten where they came from.
One typo:
things get a Lil rusty, to be sure.
things get a lil rusty, to be sure.
My suggestion:
things get a tad rusty, to be sure.
In my opinion, don't admit to this:
Some, like me, not polished and educated, but love the written word.
You sound reasonably educated to me, the reader.

 Comment Written 23-May-2015

reply by the author on 23-May-2015
    Thank CG.. this was written after what I considered a personal attack. Thanks for review... You, I noticed love poetry as well.,when you have a couple minutes would you please look at my first attempt at a Nonet? It was a contest entry which only received a couple of votes.. I'm here to improve so, if you would be so kind.

    Thank you

Comment from meggie13
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your rant is valid , speaking out is good for your soul. You did so in a very polite form. You will find that some new writers would kill your work due to their lack of knowledge . You know what kind of writer you are,that should be sufficient for you. By the way I like how you express yourself. Reviewers should point out what needs more work, without making you feel inadequate. The picture used is a mirror for your write. You chose an important theme to write about.

 Comment Written 22-May-2015

reply by the author on 22-May-2015
    Thanks meggie. It was frustration talking. I am glad I didn't come across as ugly or rude. Thank you again!!

    Always justafan
reply by meggie13 on 22-May-2015
    You are very welcome, Missy. The problem is you can not defend your work of what ever the reviewer says. meg :))
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Justafan, I like this for the message. You expressed your frustrations well and explained why you are frustrated. May you have a wonderful weekend, Blessings Patricia

 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 21-May-2015
    Thanks not only for the great review but for the fan contact. I have sent you one as well.
