Reviews from

My Life in words

Viewing comments for Chapter 27 "Indie-structably Strong. "
All of my poems of release.

8 total reviews 
Comment from reconciled
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello....-smile- Very well crafted tribute to indestructible indie...Yes, maam sometimes we are forced to side...and sometimes correction can go to far. I love Indie for her honesty...and unique use of words....but I'm a big believer in re-do's...-smile-...I **** up every other day...see? Alright love you girl Michael

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 24-Apr-2013
    Thank you Michael, love right back at ya xx
Comment from Indie Skreet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

an indiedee worthy of 6 stars my friend for your complimentary and sweet post, plus your brilliant play on words. I send you all my love and wishes for happiness, Indie xx ps loved Mrs Jones review and your response even more lol

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 24-Apr-2013
    Lol Indie glad you liked xx
Comment from J. Dark
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A brilliantly well penned and commendable bit of fun, Jaq, in the name of our buddie. I loved the playful spin on the word 'Indie'. Well done, Jaq. I've just given away my last six, otherwise I would have gladly given it to you.

Kindest of regards

Julie :-)

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2013
    Hey Julie your words mean more than stars. Just a wee 'pick me up' for her lol :) Jaq xxx
Comment from Maureen's Pen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jaq, I must be going squirrelly for darn sure I could have sworn I reviewed this already. Darn it this brain needs to smarten up just a wee bit:)
Great post on great person well done and I enjoyed it.:)
Thanks for sharing it.

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2013
    Cheers for that Maureen it was just a bit of fun for a friend in need :) jJaq xx
Comment from bichonfrisegirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Indie-end it's all we have left .... LOL

This was a delightful humorous read! I can hear Indie laughing now. :)

bichonfrisegirl aka Connie

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2013
    Cheers Connie, I sent her it this afternoon ;-) she had a chuckle right enough xx
Comment from Mrs Jones
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't know who Indie is but I need the 2 cents. I found your verse for your friend a delight to read. The last lines are very funny and clever.
Well done

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2013
    Lol thanks Rose it's as good a reason as any for reading. :) Jaq xx
Comment from Curtis Hatch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jaq Cee,

Your poem is a delight to read, and it has a story to tell which it conveys well. I believe it will make Indie did me. It is a fun read.


 Comment Written 23-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2013
    Thanks Curtis I'm glad you smiled at it. :) Jaq x
Comment from Gungalo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's fun alright and certainly is Indie. I guess she needs some egging on. LOL NOT. Hehee. You back her up no matter what she does eh? LOL.

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2013
    Lmao Gungalo not if I didn't agree with it. It's really just a bit of fun to cheer her up xx
reply by Gungalo on 23-Apr-2013
    I know girl.
reply by the author on 23-Apr-2013
    :) xx
reply by Gungalo on 23-Apr-2013
    LOL girlie. :)