Reviews from

8 Assumptions of a Fool

Dr. Jesus analyses

15 total reviews 
Comment from hollyinvesuvianite
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great job on this Dennis! I love the lists that you create using Scripture and you are able to write it in a manner that is common sense and can reach the masses! Great work!
I am behind on reviewing- trying to catch up- you post so much! :) Your friend, Holly

 Comment Written 11-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
    Yes, Holly, some things are difficult to understand in scripture, but the most important, geared to saving faith and salvation, are crystal clear. Jesus and to seek and to save that which was lost and that is till His work of love.
Comment from jjstar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice job, Dennis. Although I am a non practicing Lutheran, this certainly makes sense and applies to all of us. So much we've assumed and taken for granted during our lifetime comes back to haunt us...eek...

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 11-Feb-2013
    Just got back on line; Cape Cod suddenly became the snow capital of the world and as always, we lost power as soon as the first snowflake fell.

    Thanks for writing and commenting! Playing catch up right now.

    jjstar, if I could convey one thing from studying the Bible for over 55 years it would be this; Heaven is not gained by practicing being a Christain. Instead it is the free gift of God to anyone who will simply understand that God gave His Son, Jesus, to pay for all our sins, past, present and future. Correctly understood, love for Him springs up in our heart and we want to please Him. God bless you and thank you for reading. Jesus didn't come to make you feel guilty, but to give you a reason to love Him as He loves you. Dennis
Comment from cheyennewy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Dennis,

This is n excellent read and one that speaks the truth. I know there are many who don't believe in God and I wonder how they get through their days. Well done, chey

 Comment Written 08-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2013
    Thank you Chey, I appreciate your thoughts. God bless you, always. Dennis
Comment from MumEsGirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Denis
I enjoyed this spiritual reminder of how much harm we inflict on our souls. None of us expect that call to come for us, always for others.

Nicely put together making for a smooth read

 Comment Written 08-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2013
    Thank you, Kate. It's always good to listen to God and trust His Son, He loves us so! God bless, Dennis
Comment from Lynn Moses
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very uplifting and very true! You summed up the characteristics of a fool very nicely. Good reminder for all of us not to put too much time, effort and hope in this world. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 08-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2013
    Thank you ... I would never (mostly) call anyone a fool but Jesus did in love to warn everyone not to trust in this life's goods but to find the riches of His grace in forgiveness in a whole new life in Him.

    On another note: "I am finally taking the time to do some writing and I am loving it." Good for you! I'm going to read some of your writings. I think if you enjoy what you are writing, others surely will as well. God bless, Dennis
Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is very well written, deniz22, you did an excellent job writing this essay about the foolish assumptions and what God has to say about it. i enjoyed reading it..

 Comment Written 08-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2013
    Thank you! I would never on my own call someone a fool in these matters of faith, but Jesus did in order to warn those who would spurn His offer of salvation. God bless, Dennis
Comment from christianpowers
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi D,

Yes, I gave you a well-deserved three... bite me. lol

I disagree with this completely, but that isn't the reason for the low rating. (It is, however, the reason I was compelled to rate this. Since I find it difficult to keep my mouth shut when I find something insulting.)

First, let me justify my 3 stars. This is nothing more significant than a grocery list. There's no contextual direction in the form of a narrative, or even any notes in your Author's comment box to give a reader any clue as to where this crap originated. Was it some overzealous moneygrubbing evangalist, Father Boloney's Sunday sermon or another even more contemptable source like the judgemental mind of the author?

Second, as an essay, if I were to give this bullet list an unwarranted promotion, it fails miserably. The points are vague, and none are backed up by any lucid, logical arguments.

Now, on to why I was insulted by this enough to review it and risk your wrath.

Besides the above mentioned criticisms, I found it uncompromizing, myopic and judgemental. Although I realize your faith demands unyeilding fealty, and complete devotion, this shows that your faith also makes you feel better than those who do not share it.

It's the type of judgemental rederic that's alienated the Roman Catholic Church and many other religious institutions from the majority of clear-thinking individuals in the modern scientific society in which we now find ourselves.

I don't know if you're beliefs are right or wrong. But just because I do not sign up and devote myself to them does not make me a fool. On the contrary, I'd be a fool to believe you. Who are you or any other priest anyway to believe you're right and everyone else is wrong? Your beliefs are based on a feeling. You cannot prove anything. Why should I trust your feeling?

Case in point, when a 'dedicated' Jihadist blows himself up in an Isreali bus taking twenty innocent people with him because they happen to be Jewish, he believes wholeheartedly he is doing what is right. He's been guided by his 'feelings' too, I'm sure. Allah is real to him, and his cause is justified.

This hypothetical Jihadist, in my opinion, is truly a fool... but, still, I realize he'd feel the same way about me and my beliefs (or lack of beliefs) and I'd expect that of him. Anyone who'd take innocent lives in God's name cannot be expected to be reasoned with, or respect reasonable arguments from people who don't share his warped belief system.

So, should I subscribe to his beliefs just because he's certain of them? Of course not.

You, on the other hand, surprised me here. Yes, you may consider me and other's who don't accept God into their hearts as fools, but there's just no point in spouting that insulting line of crap. It alienates those you otherwise might reach with the message that matters, one of love, acceptance and hope. Your message should be one of peace, not scorn.

Yes, I also have scorn for true believers like yourself. I was one, after all. But, I'm also not convinced my scorn is based on truth. I realize it could be based on the pettiness of my ego. So, in the end, even though I suspect you may be a fool, I never share that with you because I know, in the end, I might be the fool.

This course of action, the rational weighing of logic, may be beyond your ability simply because your beliefs dictate you MUST consider me or any other non-believer a fool. I accept that. However, once again, asserting that I'm a fool is pointless, accept, of course, to make yourself feel superior.

If that was your intention, this is your medicine. I hope it brings that gargantuan ego of yours back down to size.

By the way... thanks for getting me all fired up. Good job with that.


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 Comment Written 08-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2013
    Please tell me how you really feel. As I have already told many who are patting me on the back for posting this, I would never dare or want to say anyone is a "fool" having played the part far to many times. I simply point out that Jesus stated plainly who a fool is in God's sight. I think Jesus is the absolute authority in these matters of spiritual truth. In addition, other parts of the Bible state that an expression of God's love is to warn the wicked. It's wicked to spurn the God who gave His Son to pay for all your sins and has given you ample reason to trust in Him and love Him. I am living proof that God loves fools who will get wise by believing Him.

    I;ll give you this presently; you're angry because you really read it. Some have half read it without questioning whether or not it might apply to them in a negative way.

    So bottom line, Christ warned about winding up as a fool. In a battle of your will against God's will, I'm not picking you as a winner or anyone else. John 3:36
    Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for Godâ??s wrath remains on them.

    I hope you will consider who is really speaking to you and why. Faith in Christ, believing that He would love you enough to suffer God's wrath against sin is the beginning of true wisdom.
    God bless you, Christian, Dennis
Comment from Kingsland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I liked the way you pointed out that this person was all about himself and his possessions. I wouldn't look at it in the religious vane as you have here. But the outcome may just be the same anyways. This was an enjoyable article to have read and written this response for... John

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2013
    Thank you John. I appreciate your comments. I wouldn't dare or have the authority to say these things. This was a story told by Jesus to warn people to prepare to meet God since this life is only temporary. Christ died for all sin. Whoever truly believes that is spiritually rich with eternal spiritual riches given to them by grace. God bless, Dennis
Comment from kcross11
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

years; take your ease; - I have issues with so many ; together, but I don't know enough about them to tell you what to do different :)

and security had been earned by him- I like 'was' vs 'had been'. Smoother.

4- My soul is pretty satisfied with chocolate. And, while saying that, realize I'm setting you up to call me a fool.

Dennis- good work. This has a great message. Truly. Good one.

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2013
    I wouldn't seriously call any one a fool when it comes to our relationship with Him I'm only publishing what Christ said and He is the only One who has the authority and knowledge to say things like this. This is really a message of love, warning the unsaved to prepare to meet God. God bless you, by the way! And thanks for your comments. Dennis
Comment from TOMORAL
This work has reached the exceptional level

How many years I lived as the fool you described here, how blind I was and now I see. Faith is the only way to live, and yes, only Jesus brings true riches. I enjoyed this excellent writing. God Bless

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2013
    Thank you dear sister! God is blessing your writing because it's full of Christ's love. Dennis