Reviews from

My Life in words

Viewing comments for Chapter 86 "Loneliness"
All of my poems of release.

7 total reviews 
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem is in good syllable count for the tanka
good consonance of L sounds in loneliness engulfs
strong verb choice in engulf which creates mood well
I like the turn in mood in the second half :-) Brooke

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2013
    Thanks Brooke always nice to have you review my poem's. :) Jaq xx
Comment from Maureen's Pen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sure got me switching gears with line four. Excellent work and shift for the reader. I thought you did a great job.
Thanks for sharing and good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Thanks so nuch Maureen. Always a pleasure, hugs n stuff :) Jaq xx
Comment from Spike the second
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Jaq
Believe it or not loneliness affects me everyday. Since my accident I have had to work at home and that is seven and a half years on my own without the chat and social scene I had at work. The TV is switched to act as a noise to match what I became used to for 24 years and that is the sound of the office. If it was quiet I'd go mad. Luckily it's broken for me when they all come in at the end of the day, but boy when that front door shuts and I am on my own I crave company. Mine is more confinement because of my mobility problems. I find I talk to the dogs, although they spend most of the day snoring :) But yes I can sort of relate to this. The more work I do the quicker the day goes and FS has been a great help as well.
It's a great poem and it stands a great chance in the contest. I got behind with reviewing and used all the 6 stars up yesterday, I would have gladly awarded you one and I have written it down that you are owed.

Best of luck Jaq



 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Thanks Spike, it was of times in the past. You can be in a crowded room and be lonely, I know you'll understand that. Also the stars are not what count, it's your words that I enjoy. :) Jaq xx
Comment from Mrs Happy Poet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Loneliness is a terrible feeling my friend having nobody to share your time with you can be in a crowded room and still be lonely. On the other hand it is ice to have time to sit alone and just think about life well done good luck my friend regards Jill

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Thank you Jill I always appreciate your words. :) Jaq xx
Comment from Earl of Oxford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's hard to imagine such a sweet person as you as being lonely, Jaq.

This is very well written though sad. You need to perhaps join a dating agency. Two of my sisters did, and though they met a few oddballs, they also met some nice guys. Also, are there any college courses or drama courses, for example that are either advertised at the library, local community centre or local paper.

I should join them all myself as I've very few friends nowadays, but I'm not that sociable and quite like my own company and independance.

You'll be fine...I KNOW it!

Ray x

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Lol it is just a reflection of times past. I am fine xx
reply by Earl of Oxford on 21-Jan-2013
    Here's raising a glass to 'times future'.
    Cheers. :-) xx
Comment from October21
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jaq!:-) Liked the contrast of tones- loneliness and helplessness and then quietly wondering if there is a side to it that isn't so bad. Really expressive and I liked it a lot. Dark and different:-)

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Thank you so much for your very nice review Shenel. Hope you are well :) Jaq xx
reply by October21 on 21-Jan-2013
    Very well thanks my friend, you also:-) xx
Comment from Gungalo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Loneliness engulfs
encompasses my being
it may drive me mad
then again it may be nice
to sit and ponder my life

Oh sit and ponder your life a bit girl. It will be the best thing you did all day. LOL. After all, it is your life so why not.

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Lol, Gungalo I know I just threw this together. I will indeed ponder the next step to take. :) Jaq xx
reply by Gungalo on 21-Jan-2013
    Hehe girl.
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    ;-) xx
reply by Gungalo on 21-Jan-2013
    Just take it and worry about it later. You might not have to. LOL.