Reviews from

My Life in words

Viewing comments for Chapter 111 "A Friend Indeed."
All of my poems of release.

11 total reviews 
Comment from Mrs Happy Poet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello my friend yes this is very well written sometimes we have a person in our lives whose friendship is real special and you two seemed to have done this you are both very talented regards Jill

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2012
    Thank you so much Jill, Mark is indeed a talented man who I'm honoured to call my friend. Thinking of you my friend. :) Jaq x
Comment from Earl of Oxford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm not the jealous type, Jaq, but I suddenly hate this Mark bloke. :-)

Seriously, a lovely poem for him, expressing your love, gratitude and excitement at this special new friendship. I wish you well, but don't forget I'm still unattached. LOL.

Best wishes, Ray

 Comment Written 14-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2012
    Lol Ray he's my friend. He has made a wee special place in my heart because his work is so heartfelt and poignant. You know each day exactly where he's at. :) I do know you were kidding tho'. Have a check of his work mruss1 :) Jaq x
reply by Earl of Oxford on 14-Dec-2012
    I'll check him out, Jaq. xx
reply by the author on 14-Dec-2012
    Awww that's nice Ray thanks xx
reply by Earl of Oxford on 14-Dec-2012
    I just checked his lovely poem to you, Jaq, but as it's a non-payer, I couldn't be bothered to review it, especially as it's quite a longun. :-)

    You're right - he is very expresio]ane, but I found the lines rather jumpy due to lack of meter.

    Of course, that's VERY secondary to the content, expecially if one is the recipient of such sweet words.

    Hey, I could have made this my review and earned 2 cents. Damn! LOL xx
reply by the author on 14-Dec-2012
    Lol. Ray what are you like. Also you probably didn't pick the best one to read. I always review whether its 2 cents or 1,02 cents. Maybe that's why I've never any money...LOL. Thank you for taking tbe time. Also, meter, what meter? ;) Jaq xx
reply by Earl of Oxford on 14-Dec-2012
    :-) xx
Comment from HittorX
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bravo and mark your awesome! If this is a real life situation you both are blessed! Keep up the good work regardless. I enjoyed this very much!

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2012
    Thank you HittorX he is indeed an awesome have. Also thanks for your kind review. :) Jaq x
Comment from mruss1
This work has reached the exceptional level

Thanks Jackie this is so sweet and very well written as well or at least I think so and who cares what the rest of the world thinks:) Most are not able to think their way outside a paper bag this is one of the things that makes you so special. You have a great heart but that's just the start. You haven't the fear and take your own part.You seem to understand all that i say. In an ocean of current you are much like a bay. I know that I have problems with people that leave. But you have taught me how to believe. Just close your eyes you are almost there. Feel the embrace of somone who cares. I'm out of control my revirew is a poam too! You bring this to the table an inspiration that is real. Thanks so much with honoring me with a poem you are the best:) Mark Ps it even sounds like something I would write:)

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    LOL, poetry just flows from you :). You must be rubbing off on me, usually my rhyming is not too great. You are welcome my wee friend from across the water. :) Jackie x
reply by mruss1 on 13-Dec-2012
    Maybe so, your rhyming was perfect:) Every once in a while someone comes along and they are much like a gift this is you my friend. I can write but have written so many poems that i feel some overlap. You provide new inspiration and then you smile on top of that:) I am quite blessed! People from England say we are from across the pond although it is an ocean, Do they say the same thing there? Just remember because of you I am:) You provide the light that guides me through the night you are much like a star. I would venture to say the north star for it is the brightest all the time. But right now you are more like the Christmas star one of hope and of the possibilities of what life can be:) Sorry just always really honest and this is how I feel:)I hope all your Christmas wishes come true. I can't think of anyone more deserving except maybe our mutual friend Tammy but then it would be a tie:) Take care and hope you are feeling better:) Mark
reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    You are too kind my friend. :) I guess they do say 'from across the pond' here too, I've never been one to follow the crowd tho'. So 'from across the water' it is. I respect your honesty Mark. It's a necessity in any friendship. I haven't been in touch with Tammy for a few weeks but will rectify that this weekend I hope. How can I not feel better when I woke up to your lovely poem. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. :) Jaq x
reply by mruss1 on 13-Dec-2012
    You are always welcome wish I could do more you are very special to me. I haven't talked to Tammy for a couple of days I am not supposed to say:) It's sort of a secret but you may already know. My e- mailIs Mruss1@ we can talk about this where there are no ears:) I lost your address i did right it down but I have many pieces of paper around. I write on anything at any given time. I probably have over a thousand poems I haven't posted here it is such a task to try and go through and figure out what I have posted.Just think of this I may have saved you this morning but you saved me tonight, Night time is not always so kind to me but you chased the shadows away for today:) Acrooss the water it shall be than I am quite alright with that and it is original and uniquely yours. Mark
reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    Banish those shadows my friend, they have no place in your space bubble. Only happy things in there now. :) Jaq x PS Just about to e-mail you.
Comment from Gungalo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So Mark I wanted you to know,
your poem today made me glow.
From inside out my smile so wide,
all thanks to you, my friend, my guide.

Sounds as if you have a relationship made in heaven my dear. A wonderful declaration of such is given here.

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    Gungalo you know what a nice guy he is. ;) He's my friend and an important one, although we live thousands of miles apart. Thank you so much for your kind words. :) Jaq xx
reply by Gungalo on 13-Dec-2012
    Smile yes I do girl.
reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    Smiling too x
reply by Gungalo on 13-Dec-2012
    Not as much as I am though!!!!
reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    :) xx
reply by Gungalo on 13-Dec-2012
    Smiling at you girl.
Comment from Selina Stambi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem made me smile - my daughter is presently studying in England and she has met a wonderful young man who has the same effect on her as you describe in your verse.

He sounds like a great guy. Here's to a long and wonderful relationship for you, my dear!

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    Ahhh RFTS he is but a friend from across the sea. Although he is carving a wee place in my heart. Glad to hear your daughter has met someone nice, that's always a worry for us mums. :) Thanks for your review. :) Jaq x
Comment from Stephen Wolff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think this is a very personal poem and would put a spring in my step if I was to receive it so I'm rather envious of this Mark! ;-) As a poem it reads a little like a birthday card though with little new to say. Still fun though!

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    Lol, @ birthday card. Mind you I think you can make money doing birthday card verses. Something to ponder :) Thanks for your kind review my friend, much appreciated. :) Jaq x
Comment from Starlit Ink
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, you are a true friend to show your appreciation with such a thoughtful poem. It warms the heart to read it, and to think of the special people that we have in our lives. It's nice that he is a ray of hope to you. He must be a special person, and I'm sure that he will love this piece.

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    I hope he does Starlit as he has a beautiful soul. Thanks for your review. :) Jaq x
Comment from terry drake
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That is an exceptional tribute to a friend. Your thoughtful expressions are well placed in rhyme. Your rhythm in verse inspires the read and I danced with glee through every word.

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    Thank you so much Terry it means a lot from you. Mark has helped me believe in myself again. He is my wee ray of sunshine too. :) Jaq x
Comment from Janice Canerdy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This touching poem vividly describes the mindset of one whose newfound friendship has given her a new lease on
life--an enhanced enjoyment of each day.

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 Comment Written 13-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 13-Dec-2012
    It has indeed Janice. Thank you so much for your review. :) Jaq x