Reviews from

My Life in words

Viewing comments for Chapter 119 "The Hardest Goodbye."
All of my poems of release.

17 total reviews 
Comment from EMB
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a great poem that would probably do a lot of people some good to read. Very few people can find the strength to do what you've obviously done. And you're right, dropping someone who is not an asset is not easy, but it does give you the means to finally fly.

Excellent work.

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 05-Dec-2012
    Thank you so much for your very kind review Edward. :) Jaq x
Comment from Mrs Happy Poet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes this is very well written my friend a strong poem that is about a sad time in your life well done on this write regards Jill

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 05-Dec-2012
    Thanks Jill it was a hard one to write but a necessary one. :) Jaq x
Comment from Spike the second
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jaq
Super poem with such great sentiment. It brings back emotions like the day you say goodbye to really good friends you have made at school, when you leave on that last day. A lot of them go their own way and you never hear of them again. They leave the town fairly quickly but stay in your memory. I occaisionally see a face in the town, I moved back to and recognise them. But iwonder if they remember me. I walk on thinking no I'm fat and bald who would. then I had long blonde curly hair and was so skinny, I could have fancied myself LOL.

Super poem and well written my friend.



 Comment Written 04-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 05-Dec-2012
    Spike thanks my friend it was more about my own emotions and feelings holding me back more than anything. I just needed to realise it was time to step out on my own. :) Jaq x
reply by Spike the second on 05-Dec-2012
    Hi Jaq

    Yes I had realised that but it also reminded me of friends that we all left behind on that last day of school. After 2 extra years doing A levels my first lot of friends had jobs - money. The same at college they came and went. The ones that I still have are from my first job. That emotionally held me back and a 1% rise was what it took to break away. They moved on as well but stayed in the same profession. I went my own way, luckily for me they are around. That stepping out on your own is a big moment and I can relate to it. It's funny when one door opens another shuts and the trick can be to sometimes leave them ajar.


reply by the author on 05-Dec-2012
    Ah Spike you make perfect sense, I will try to balance the doors in between open and closed :). I didn't mean to infer you hadn't understood either. This is a step I've been needing to take for years. Look out world, here I come...LOL. (hopefully) <----- Joking. x
reply by Spike the second on 05-Dec-2012
    The best of luck my friend. Just don't shut those doors and you can always turn back if it it doesn't work out.


Comment from Earl of Oxford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's a relief, Jaq, as I first thought you were leaving fanstory, and |I would mis you a lot!

It sems you have cut ties with a long-term friend who was keeping you back and getting you down. Habits and friendships are often extremely hard to break, but after due consideration, such as so well expressed here, are often best to sever and move on.

You make this decision with much thought and no bitterness, so I'm sure it's the best decision.

Best wishes, Ray

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 05-Dec-2012
    Hi Ray, good to see you back. I've missed reading your words. :)

    As I said to Spike it was more about my emotions and feelings that were attached to a situation. It is time to branch out and find what I need.

    I would miss you too Ray, you're stuck with me on here for the time being. :) Jaq xx
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

good alliteration in heavy heart
soulful expression of emotion, which complements the artwork well
good use of cocoon as verb
good alliteration in sears my soul
fly, go forth, find - excellent alliterative verb choices in your emotionally powerful closing :-) Brooke

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 05-Dec-2012
    Brooke thanks for your detailed and lovely review as always. I wish I understood the breakdown of writing more so as to review in kind. :) Jaq x
reply by adewpearl on 05-Dec-2012
    You should take my Understanding Poetry course that begins in early January :-)
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2012
    I may have a look at that Brooke but my daughter get's married February 2nd so things are all a bit manic just now. If however I miss that one, I will look out for another. :) Jaq x
Comment from October21
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is so honest, filled with grief, emotion and pain. The sorrow is woven so deep within these words that it's hard not to feel at despair whilst reading. They say that goodbye is the hardest word. I hope you one day find the 'good' in it. I know most of us don't.

Very expressive and relatable piece.

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2012
    Thank you so very much for your wonderful review. :) Jaq x
Comment from Selina Stambi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very powerful read - deep emotions simply, but beautifully expressed.

Yes, sometimes one has to say goodbye for the sake of one's own soul, spirit and growth.

Great poem.

p.s. I'm the mother of two 21 year olds!

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2012
    The same as my daughter. :) It's a lovely age, they are most certainly there own people.

    Thank you for a wonderful review, it's really appreciated. :) Jaq x
Comment from Eliza M
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow Jaq! This was a very touching read. You express so clearly that realization within yourself that it is time to let go and move on. I think this piece will resonate with many and whilst we know it's for the best it still hurts. Your poem flows ith ease and has a few good proximate rhymes. I found the finding yourself needing to find yourself very effective in the 1st stanza, a great lead into the poem. Lovely read as always my friend. Liz.

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2012
    Thank you so much Liz as always I appreciate you taking the time to review my words.

    I'm also so glad to see you back writing. :) Jaq xx
Comment from Maureen's Pen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jaq, this is a well penned and emotional write. But even more than that is felt to me as I read it, very much like a release. A way to expand your wings and test flight.

I enjoyed reading it, and wish you much inner growth testing your wings.
Excellent imagery, emotion and flow.
Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2012
    Thank you Maureen, that means a lot to me. I need to find myself again and that hadn't been possible. It's been a long road but I will do it. Thanks for your review also. :) Jaq x
Comment from Gungalo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow girl, this is beautiful free verse that says so much. I love what you say and how you say it. Especially this:

Please believe you
meant so much,
a confidante, a friend.
But realise I need to fly,
go forth, and
find my way.

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2012
    Gungalo thank you so much. I've come to a point where I must go forward or I will be stuck with the past forever.

    Thank you so much for your lovely review :) Jaq x
reply by Gungalo on 04-Dec-2012
    Well then make it a big big one for you won't go back if you do.
reply by the author on 04-Dec-2012
    I will indeed make this one count. :) x
reply by Gungalo on 04-Dec-2012
    Good girl!!!