Reviews from

Living Waters

listening for that still, small voice

16 total reviews 
Comment from Ann Smith
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for a peek into your heart and your life. Jesus said if we seek Him we will find Him. I think through your worship that definitely came true. Our lives would be so much easier if we seek His wisdom instead of our own. Good luck with the contest. ann

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2011
    Thanks so much Ann. I really appreciate your taking time to review my personal essay. Much appreciate your kind encouragement. Best wishes.
Comment from Nanette Mary
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hullo Friend ....

I have read this with interest and, from a writing point of view, it is fine. However, there are two parts which are not correctly worded ..

* You have - consecrated sacramental host which, to Catholics like myself, represents the corporeal presence of
Christ. When a validly ordained Priest pronounces the correct words of Consecration over the bread and wine, they become the Body and Blood of Christ - not a representation of His Body. Matt.xxvi : 26 and 27-28 .... Jesus took bread and blessed and broke and gave to his disciples and said : Take ye and eat. This is my body. And taking the chalice, he gave thanks and gave to them, saying : Drink ye all of this, for this is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins. The correct words of Consecration over the wine are not said in the Novus Ordo Mass.
* You have - concentrated prayer worship of both Jesus and his mother Mary. We worship God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit but we do not worship Mary, the Mother of Christ.
We love and venerate Her but worship belongs only to God.

I wish you well in the Contest.
Love from .. Nanette Mary.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2011
    Hi Nanette, Thank you for your review and insightful comments. However, I stand by my statement that the host we venerate in the chapel is, of course, consecrated during Mass. Otherwise, it would not be available for viewing in that type of sacred environment. Also, there is a movement within the Catholic Church to recognize Mother Mary as co-redemptrix with Jesus. You might find it interesting to check out a book on Marian apparitions that took place in Akita, Japan in 1973, sanctioned by the Catholic church, in which She states that she works WITH Jesus for the salvation of humankind. The book was published in 1984, and is quite fascinating. No less than Pope John Paul II, now to be sainted, stated that he was in favor of honoring Mother Mary with this status, but bowed to pressure in Rome to not do so publicly. As the essay was a statement of my personal beliefs, I stand by the writing as is. Thank you taking time to review and offer your opinions. Much appreciated.
reply by Nanette Mary on 01-Mar-2011
    Thank you for writing. Yes, I believe that Mary is, indeed, the Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of all Graces but we still do not worship her. At Akita, there were wonderful events and messages given for the world - with prophecies of what is still to unfold. Bless you. Love - N.M.
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I too am saddened by the fact that many churches nowadays, including mine, are locked during the day because of theft and vandalism. This 24 hour worship project you are involved in sounds quite wonderful. You explain your involvement in it and how it has impacted you most thoughtfully. Brooke

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2011
    Hi Brooke. It ended up being a personal testimony and not quite what the contest was looking for, I think; but I have heard from a fair number of folks that have similar sad feelings about the churches having to lock their doors off hours. Thanks for your gracious review and kind thoughts. Much appreciated, Bev
reply by adewpearl on 25-Feb-2011
    I think you show personal involvement - I read a couple where I didn't get how their essay was an incident in their own lives, but I did not have that problem with yours
reply by the author on 25-Feb-2011
    Thanks Brooke!
Comment from surupa basu
Needs Improvement
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sentences are not gramatically correct. Each sentence could have been shortened more. like "My small act of one hour a week has brought to life the words of Jesus in a way I would not have believed." could have been written as "My small act of an hour a week has brought to life the words of Jesus in an unbeleiving way."
"As a young child of seven, " could have been "As a seven year old" becuase seven year olds are young children only.
"of both Jesus and his mother Mary." could ahve been "of both Jesus and mother Mary."

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 Comment Written 25-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2011
    Well, I guess you would prefer that you had written the piece! Thanks anyway.
reply by the author on 25-Feb-2011
    I see you have a contest entry. Shame on you!
Comment from bhogg
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It doesn't surpise me at all that your act brings you peace. From time to time, I deliver communion rights to old or infirm people. One small hour of my life can bring peace and joy to another.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2011
    Thanks so much for your wonderful review. I really appreciate your insights and the sharing of your own personal faith. I've thought that bringing the Eucharist to others would be a possible next step for me. Best wishes my friend...Bev
Comment from AlvinTEthington
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, I too, miss the days when churches were open. When I was a parish administrator, I used to unlock the church and pray a Rosary in front of the Reserved Sacrament almost daily.

I don't think the use of both constant and twenty-four hour is necessary; to me, one implies the other.

Also, I don't think it is accurate to say Catholics worship the Virigin Mary. We (I am Anglo-Catholic) venerate her with hyperdulia, but I don't think we worship her.

These are minor concerns, however; it's wonderful what peace meditating on the Holy Sacrament can bring.

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2011
    Hi Alvin. Thanks for your taking time out to read my essay. You are right, of couse, about the constant and 24. Jeez, sometimes I just have blinders on. However, I don't totally agree about the veneration and worship as it relates to Mother Mary. I consider her, as did Pope John Paul II, to be co-redemptrix with Jesus; that is, equal in my eyes to the role of Jesus in ability to grant redemptive graces. Controversial, I know, but a growing movement due to recent revelations by a nun in Japan who had Marian apparition experiences indicating this was the case. I so appreciate you sending your thoughts and excellent review! Much appreciated.
reply by AlvinTEthington on 25-Feb-2011
    I would like to see that statement by Pope John Paul II if you would be so kind. The last time I looked into Roman Catholic domga (I took one of my qualifying examinations in Thomism), the Blessed Virign Mary as co-redemptrix was not official Roman Catholic doctrine. I am very curious if that has changed.
reply by the author on 25-Feb-2011
    I will have to go to my book on the Marian apparition I mentioned in Japan and will get information to send to you. Ultimately, he (the pope) was pressured to let the issue die down by the cardinals who felt it would create a huge problem for the church. However, as you probably know, the deceased pope believed that Mother Mary saved his life on two separate occasions. The case in Japan is quite fascinating. It may take me a bit, but I'll get back to you Alvin. An interesting debate we're having, eh. I'm quite fascinated with apparition phenomenon and rarely find someone knowledgable to discuss it with.
    Personally, except for the Blue Army, it will probably never be considered 'official dogma' in my lifetime.
reply by AlvinTEthington on 25-Feb-2011
    Yes, even the Blessed Virgin Mary as mediatrix is not official Roman Catholic dogma.

    I do believe in apparitions of the Virgin and have had a vision of her myself. It is detailed in my poem Gone Was The Night, found at
reply by the author on 25-Feb-2011
    Hi Alvin. Great timing. I just finished my chapel hour; and, while there, I found and read the book I mentioned to you. The book is: Akita: Mother of God as Co-Redemptrix by Francis Fukushima. The following is on Page 232: "God arranged for the statue to shed tears in order to elucidate the truth that Holy Mother is a Co-Redemptrix, who offered up her supernatural tears and suffering to co-operate with her Divine Son's work of Redemption ever since the Incarnation. The blood of Jesus, which he spilled on Calvary was given to him from his Heavenly Mother. This resulted in the profound bond between Jesus and Mary, just as the Holy Father pointed out in his pastoral letter Redemptoris Mater". The apparitions began in 1973, and were received by Sr. Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa of Akita, Japan. Incidentally, the year 1973, was a year of dramatic increase in UFO reports and sightings, including first person encounters with alien beings. I am very much looking forward to reading your account Alvin. How beautiful for you to have had that experience. Best wishes, Bev
Comment from sgalletti
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am a Catholic as well and am also saddened by the thought of church not being available whenever one is in need. I have often knelt in the front pew as the only person in church. What you are doing is a great idea! I am so pleased that Alvin sponsored this contest to allow so many good writers to share very personal and honest stories which I am enjoying reading. I rarely enter "spiritual" contests or post faith based poems myself, although I am privately a very spiritual person. However, this prompt grabbed me and other good writers to share stories about their lives, which I embrace. I enjoyed reading your story. Best of luck in the contest. Sue

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2011
    Hi Sue. Thank you so much for your wonderfully supportive review and kind thoughts. Alvin's contest came at a really good time on the site, and I agree, wholeheartedly, that there have been some really beautiful and inspiring stories. Thank you also for your good wishes! Blessings to you.
Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is very well written with good form and good flow, great devotion and emotion. the church i go to had 40 hours of prayer back in november and it was a wonderful time of renewal. going to the church and being the only one there communing with God is an eye opening experience and heartwarming time. good luck in the contest

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2011
    I have definitely been the happy recipient of many blessings for such a small effort. Makes me realize how the Father and Son long to draw us into intimacy with them. You are most kind to read the essay and I really appreciate your insightful review and good wishes very much sweetwoodjax. Blessings.
Comment from Jeanie Mercer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The thought of a planned twenty-four a day worship before the throne of God is intriguing and reminds me of some of the heavenly scenes in the book of Revelation. Your description of the effects of your regular one hour a day of intense worship sounds moving and real. The piece is well written. My best to you, Jeanie Mercer

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2011
    Thanks Jeanie. I'm really honored you took the time to read the essay and send along your wonderful review! Much appreciated.
Comment from
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very well done piece and represents a huge challenge and resolution in your life. I am glad that you were able to share this.

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2011
    Thanks for your excellent review! Best wishes.