Reviews from

On Your Mark! Get Set! GO!

Viewing comments for Chapter 203 "Mmmm .... Baby Hugs!"
Life stories in only six words!

11 total reviews 
Comment from Gert sherwood
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Deb, sweet pictre of a Mom and baby.
love the 6 words sounds so sweet and filled with loads of caring love

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2009
    Thanks! Blessings, Deb
Comment from JoAnna Lee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ah yes... nothing better! My daughter is expecting in July. It will be my first grandchild. Can't wait!

Thanks for sharing,

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2009
    You always hear how wonderful grandbabies are, but nnothing, NOTHING prepares you for the delight. Best wishes for you and your daughter, and the baby to come. Blessings, Deb
Comment from Firefly54
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's hard to find two and a half lines to say about six words! I'm sure you enjoyed this, your best New Year, thanks for sharing. Good luck

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2009
    Thanks! Blessings, Deb
Comment from babylonia
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

i know that feeling. i love my daughter's hugs and kisses. the first time she said i love you i cried my eyes out. LOL easy to read and follow. no spaggies do i see. imagery is excellent. keep up the good work~
good luck~

 Comment Written 17-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2009
    Thanks, Barbara! Blessings, Deb
reply by babylonia on 18-Jan-2009
    you are very welcome~
Comment from nora arjuna
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Deb, this is full of warmth and affection. I miss babies! Haven't been around them in a while. This six-word can be tricky. Good luck!

 Comment Written 14-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 14-Jan-2009
    Thanks, Nora. I didn't really have a chance to miss babies for too long. My youngest was only eleven when my oldest presented us with our first grandbaby. She's now four (almost five) and we have two grandsons, fourteen-months and three-months. WE HAVE BABIES! Let me know if you eve want to borrow one for the night ... (LOL) They don't live here, but they're always here during the evening. I love them, love having them around, but I'm getting a little old for this! Thanks for reading, Deb
reply by nora arjuna on 14-Jan-2009
    we used to have many too in the family. you know there 11 of us, but no one gave birth this year. There was one year when my mother was rewarded with four grandchildren and two great grandchildren! all of them are five now. have a great time with yours. :)

Comment from shelley kaye
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

now that's a totally unforgettable new year's kiss!

excellent entry and addition to the book

good luck in the contest and than kyou for sharing and joining in on the fun! :-)

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2009
    Thanks for hosting the contest! Great idea, and lots of fun. I've never done this form of poetry before, and was challenged by my sister to join in after she did so. Grateful to both of you, Deb
Comment from Minglement
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, this is too cute. Very nice, personal entry for the contest. Love the colors and the illustration for the representation of these precious moments! Good luck.

 Comment Written 07-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2009
    Thank you, Marcia. Wish I could produce some of that artwork! There are some very talented people on that site. Really enjoying looking at their work. Appreciate the thumbs up on the 'story', Deb
reply by Minglement on 08-Jan-2009
    You're so welcome! I want to get back to more artwork, again. I do graphic arts (did the covers for Famished Heart and Gravity Sucks!, and have the cover for 'Tangled Webs' almost polished), but want to play with sketching and maybe painting fairies. And making more Teddy Bears. And more quilting. I'll never be bored. Unless I lose my eyesight. That could be a problem...

    Take care and let me hear from you abot Orion. M.
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I get 7 words - no reason why mama wouldn't count?? It's adorable and I'm not about to dock a star or anything, but with some reviewers, you never know!

 Comment Written 06-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 06-Jan-2009
    And yes ... I can count to 7! Had to learn to do that to teach kindergarten! Duh. Thanks for catching such a blatent mistake. It has been fixed. Thanks also for the review, Deb
reply by adewpearl on 06-Jan-2009
    you go, girl, count to 7 and then count back down to 1 backwards - bet you could even get to 10!! LOL
Comment from FredCollingwood
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"Mamama!" Hugs my legs, then ... baby kisses!

It's kind of difficult to review a six word story, but it is a story. Great picture.


 Comment Written 06-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 06-Jan-2009
    Thanks Fred. I agree. Tough to rate when the piece is shorter than most morning greetings! Thanks for reading, Deb
Comment from lupinelinda
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Deb,

This says it all! As a grandmother of three little girls, I have been there and it is heaven! Love the artwork, and the story in six words is a neat concept...but you capture it well here.

Peace, L

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 Comment Written 06-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 06-Jan-2009
    Thank you L. Being a grandma is so wonderful, isn't it? I have a 4 year old g-daughter and g-sons that are 14- and 3-months. Boy, does my daughter have her hands full! But I sure don't mind helping out ... I get paid in hugs! Thanks again, Deb