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2 total reviews 
Comment from Harambe iz ur Daddy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Haha nice. This is my sort of poem. To complete the effect, some brown or black or white font might be appropriate. And how about a larger font. The Rubik Moonrocks or Oi fonts might work well for poop, or possibly Fruktur. Experiment a bit and you should have a good shot at placing in this contest. Oh and ditch the period in the title. Everyone seems to be putting periods on their subtitles lately and trust me, it looks better without them.

Thanks for sharing and good luck,


 Comment Written 06-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 06-Mar-2025
    Thank you so much.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ha ha ha, what goes in, has to come out! I had to laugh at this touch of reality here and I loved the humour in this sweet sounding poem with a smelly aftermath, love Dolly x x x

 Comment Written 06-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 06-Mar-2025
    Thank you so much.