Reviews from

I've Been There...Done That.

What Has Been Is Now...And Will Be...

5 total reviews 
Comment from tempeste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ciao mystery poet, you now have 4 votes!

I liked the way you presented your poem .. most people have been there... done that too.

What matters is how we cope with all the curve balls life deals out to us.

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2025

Comment from Tom Horonzy
This work has reached the exceptional level

I read this thrice to find whether was intentional babble, the workings of a demented mind, or a creative writer, which is what I concluded after figuring what was done. Thus the bonus star. Well done.

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2025

Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Is this life, from birth to death here in a few easy lines? Ha ha ha, I felt a bit like I was a a merry-go-round with this one, a fun read, love Dolly x x x x x

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2025

Comment from Lana Marie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

By the sounds of this, you have experience just about everything in terms of feelings and emotions. This is a very interesting writing for this prompt! You made it all over the place. A unique approach. Nice!

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2025

Comment from Alexandra Trovato
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You creatively used antonyms to express who you are. This is well written and I enjoyed reviewing it.
I thought this challenge was difficult and I passed on it. I think yours will do well. Best wishes.


 Comment Written 03-Mar-2025