Reviews from

Unsipidly Undelectable

Professional Amateurs

12 total reviews 
Comment from evilynne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Okay, that is good writing, but I don't know anything about what possums or skunks taste like. I have limited intelligence, but I think I get it (maybe).
The pictures are adorable, and I was hoping about more clues in the author's notes. Well, at least I know what d.o.a. means (thanks to Law and Order). Evi

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2024
    There have been many occasions when a new entree is served that the comment passes "it tastes like chicken." I recall it with snake in Burma. Cat in Vietnam. Dog in Sri Lanka but never Beaver, as yet, in the USA. ( I am a bad boy! I have to be me.) Sorry! It's said in jest, but dang my mind just spewed it out.
    P.S. -I never have been in S.E. Asia, though close with Hong Kong and the P.I.
    I am glad you enjoyed the photos. Pexels photographers get the credit.
reply by evilynne on 29-Oct-2024
    Now you are making me laugh! Your mind is being bad? Ha! Evi
reply by the author on 29-Oct-2024
    I think I came this way!
Comment from Douglas Goff
This work has reached the exceptional level

There we go! Pop....over the fence. The last sentences played nicely with the skunk/possum reference.

You sure are a mad genius. (Lite on the mad- heavy on the genius)

Well done!

 Comment Written 28-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 28-Oct-2024
    Oh mi oh my - why
    I am that guy who knows but it shows I know frequently, no?
Comment from bob cullen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An unwanted orphan. The story of my life. Tom, we should drink together and then voluntarily donate our bodies and minds to international science for research. This really appealed to my demented mind.
Sorry, all my sixes are gone. They were last seen vacating the premises with my brain.
I may have reviewed this previously. I'm still not sure if I understand it.

 Comment Written 28-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 28-Oct-2024
    But think, if our thoughts weren't thought ( new release forthcoming today) our cranial premises would have a traffic jam.
    Thanks for the imaginary six imaginary friend. It's the thought that counts.
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It sounds like you may be saying you don't find the work of all of us on this site to be appetizing. I'm glad you didn't specifically say which whose work you put into the skunk, possum or chicken category. That's okay. I don't really want to know. It is one heck of critique. lol

 Comment Written 27-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
    I have written to the CIC of FS
    It seems their app is not saving my replies to reviewers
    Consider this boigraphical
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Skunk or possum. Both road kill in my mind,
To cook one or both in a stew would certainly be a bind,
But neither could write
They'd simply want to bite
But the skunk would let out a big pee-ewe from its white-lined behind.

See that why I don't do poetry...

Great start to my Sunday morning!


 Comment Written 27-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
    Thanks for the read. AS for your challenge with poetry, I think this was... very good.
    I have fun writing when a line surface, like a painter. They begin with one stroke and continue til complete.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sometimes I wonder how you get some of this stuff, or should I say, what kind of brain works this way. LOL. Great job! Thanks for sharing. .....

 Comment Written 26-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 26-Oct-2024
    I respond to a comment save and it disappears
    Anyhow, if you figure me out let me know
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice little story. I will share one with you. Some nitwit got me a Rubik's cube as a gift. One of my sister's no doubt. It drove me crazy. So, I went into the bathroom , locked the door, and carefully removed the stickers one by one and replaced them so each side was one color. If, that was not one of the solutions, then the colors would have been painted on, and not removeable. That's my position on it. Whenever I was asked if I solved it, I said yes. How long did it take? Ten minutes I think. All true. Just not conventional. Karen

 Comment Written 26-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 26-Oct-2024
    Do you know what I like about you? Our consistent enigmatic personalities
    I have never solved the process of my thoughts
    They are like a drifting fog that escape. From unidentifiable corners having me muse how I found the subject written
    Always thankful
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 26-Oct-2024
    Sometimes I have no clue at all how I wrote something. Sometimes, I don't remember writing it. I read something and then I think, oooh, that's quite good, and discover it is me! Does that make me vain? :-)
reply by the author on 26-Oct-2024
    More like a vane which turns with the wind
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 26-Oct-2024
    Okay, clear as a glass of buttermilk. :-)
Comment from Tim Margetts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Interesting piece and to be fair, I am not sure what to make of it.
I can say that it has made me think and contemplate it and read it over a couple of times, which in itself is a positive thing.
I just still can't decide if I like it, or love it, or neither.
You have given me a challenge so kudos for that.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 26-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 26-Oct-2024
    0 - 3 so this is four and I appreciate your comment
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is hilarious, Tom. I am so glad I took a bite of this post, and you are right, none of it tastes like chicken either. LOL.

I love your comparison of these little chefs to a writer as it makes complete sense that not everybody is a scholar or a chef. I guess as long as we see those who are working on whatever they choose to do with all they got, that is what matters.

You don't have to be perfect at things to be proud of yourself. But you don't have to think so high of yourself that it is obvious to others. One of my pet peeves in life is arrogant people. My mom had a saying if you don't mind if I share it. She said:

If you love what you are doing and you always do your best,
Then keep what's working for you and throw out all the rest.

But then she changed it a hundred times that I remember, but it always was kinda like that. Learn what works and what doesn't and spit out the stink in life.

Thanks for this fun post. I had a good time! Love, Debi

 Comment Written 26-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 26-Oct-2024
    Fun and sun
    That would be me
    Whether penning poems
    Or cooking fish from the sea
    Guests are invited with each effort but after they partake with my first offerings only return for the coins
    Luv ya
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fun satirical poke at all of us (and yourself I think) ...

Young or old, children or adults, I suspect each of us has thought highly of what we came to see (hopefully) later on, were not exactly the Robert Frost poetry or the Hemingway novel we thought they were.

I've got a fair number of notebooks full of "skunk" and (gasp) likely more in my portfolio...

The only way to learn how to write better is to write, write, write...

I enjoyed this!


 Comment Written 26-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 26-Oct-2024
    Again, this app eats my return comments as I did reply with a nomination because you were the first to see it was autobiographical, too. I dabble in cooking (boiling water) and writing, as you know but I have fun doing so
reply by karenina on 26-Oct-2024
    I'm a little shaky on boiling water and writing ~ but as far as improving? The journey is as much fun as the destination! (smile)