Reviews from

The Betrayal of a Country

from within

27 total reviews 
Comment from EeanBlack
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If you lose a friend because of differing views, they weren't friends. The culture of any given situation is determined by the leaders of the situation. Who controls the narrative? The media. Therefore they control the culture. Strong personalities like Donald Trump can garner a huge following. He can change the narrative. Take out the figurehead, and the movement stops. I pray for Trump because he can create real positive change for the US if given a real chance. JD Vance is the most intelligent and articulate politician I have seen since Bill Clinton. Scary huh?

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2024
    It IS scary. I don't trust the Dems in power, and the media are in the pockets of Soros, Big Tech, etc. How Trump and his family can be this brave to face all the hate, and death attempts again is beyond me. I am afraid "they" will threaten his son or wife. I wouldn't put it past them.
    I've got a Trump sign in my yard and friends have said I could be in danger. Tom Holman, who was head of ICE, was here last week and spoke at a meeting, and he said that San Antonio was the headquarters for some of the Venezuelan gang and they had already taken over some apartments here in the North central part of town which is where I live.
reply by EeanBlack on 18-Oct-2024
    Please be careful.
reply by the author on 18-Oct-2024
    I live by myself in a corner house on a cul de sac. I don't think I'm going to open my door to Halloweeners this year. we get a lot of older kids in packs who come out here from down town. Usually I've had fun with them. I open the door in a clown nose and a red and yellow striped tie that goes down to my feet. But don't think so, this year.
Comment from Father Flaps
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Katharine,
You should be one of Trump's advisors. I can sense the alarm in your "Betrayal" entry.
I'm Canadian, but still very interested and concerned for the future of our neighbor, the USA. We're living in a time of great change. Something big is about to happen in our world, and we need good leaders. I don't begin to understand all the issues facing your country. Just the devastation alone caused by Hurricane Helene leaves me gasping for the plight of those living in those southern states, especially North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee. How are those people who have lost everything supposed to go on? And voting? How can they even think about voting? Whole towns have been wiped out. People are without homes, transportation, jobs, money, even food & water! What is the government doing? The army should be down there helping out. They can't leave it up to private citizens. Speeches from Kamala won't help. Those people need action.
And Donald Trump? If he could just be more careful about what he says. They've made a mockery of the cat & dog thing. People of Springfield are eating their pets? I'm concerned for his safety, his very life. There are a lot of nuts out there... with loaded guns! That's another issue that needs to be taken seriously. But it seems nobody wants to tackle it.
Anyway, your free verse poem will definitely stir people up.
Good Luck in the contest!

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2024
    thanks, Kimbob for your neat comments. I think North Carolina was the worst hit and of course Kamala, the total idiot, has done the bare minimum. But Oh, does she spend millions on the illegals. And with our most important election ever coming up she/they are letting illegals vote in certain states. and some states want 30 days to be able to vote! I know Trump has some irritating habits, but he will get this country back in shape if given the chance and Vance is marvelous.
    I don't know if you're interested of not or can even get it, but if you could get the Vance/Walz debate on your computer you would see not only how great Vance is, but Walz is as mush mouthed as Kamala. Also how biased the two women in charge of the debate were. It is really very good if you can get it. Very enlightening.
    Thanks for reading my long post. I AM very worried. However IF the elections are held properly and counted properly- huge IF - I think Trump will win in a landslide. Also, it seems that many women who were iffy about voting for Trump, have fallen for Vance!!! So, we'll see.
    Thanks again!
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your passion really comes through. I can feel how much this matters to you. And it should! I think you make good points especially with the final line. It's clear you're speaking from a place of deep concern and care for the direction of the country. Well done!

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2024
    Thank you, Michael! I do care very much and hope this time, the good guys will win!
    Thank you for reading my long post and for your very nice comments.
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

God bless you for standing for the right person that did help America so much! I keep praying for President Trump and Senator Vance as they go to rally's. He is supposed to be back in PA where he got shot at before. Just please keep praying for him and his family! They don't deserve this mess. President Trump didn't even take a salary at one point when he was President if I am not wrong. He does not need to have this job. He wants to make America great again. He loves America and the American people. I wish you could send this to him. This would truly make his day I am sure. May God bless you, my friend! love, Teri

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2024
    Thank you, Teri!!! I am so worried for him. He and Vance would do so much for this country and the Left is scared, which is very dangerous.
    I wish I could send this to Trump, too. Thank you for reading it and for your very nice comments.
reply by Teri7 on 05-Oct-2024
    Katharine, It made my heart so happy to see you stand up for President Trump after all he has been through. He is a great man and so is Sen. Vance. They have lovely families that have been hurt so much by these evil doers, but Jesus sees all things and they will have to pay. I appreciate you so much my friend! May God bless you always! Teri😊💕❤️
reply by the author on 06-Oct-2024
    thank you!!! I have a Trump sign right on the corner of my lot so people see it coming and going. I live alone and have been told I probably ought to take it down. No way!!!
Comment from Neonewman
This work has reached the exceptional level


I pray for this nation and its inhabitants, and I am genuinely frightened for this great nation's future. Social media has brainwashed millions. I'm sorry if you lose any friends over this piece. If you do, were they truly your friends after all?

We all have free will and, as of now, freedom of speech. I'm not sure how much longer that will last. I applaud your courage, my friend.

God bless,

 Comment Written 03-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 03-Oct-2024
    Thank you, Steve,for your great comments and for the lovely 6!!! I am frightened, too. The blasted Left has so much power backing them, and money, and the American people are being told so many with lies. The whole thing seems to get worse by the day.
    I would like to nominate you for your encouraging and neat response, but they say I don't have any more, though i'm going to give it a try.
reply by Neonewman on 05-Oct-2024
    My pleasure, Katherine. Thank you for trying, but not necessary. We have to stay strong and pray hard.
reply by the author on 05-Oct-2024
    yes, we do.
Comment from Jacob1395
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is turning into what looks like one of the most memorable elections in American history. I'm not American but I am following it closely from the UK, and it does make me think sometimes what is happening with politics in America. A well written piece, I enjoyed reading it.

 Comment Written 03-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 03-Oct-2024
    thank you, Jacob! I wish it weren't true. America today is unrecognizable to what it was four years ago. It is a scary scenario.
Comment from Kahlani
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! A lot of thought and passion went into this poem. Trump is a hot topic in America. It's incredibly cathartic to release your emotions into poetry; you've done this well.

 Comment Written 03-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 03-Oct-2024
    Trump did a wonderful job as President 4 years ago, but the radical Left just couldn't stand it and sabotaged his 2020 bid for President and now, with two assassination attempts on his life and Iran saying they are going to kill him, this brave man still wants to try to save America.
    Thanks for reading.
Comment from l.raven
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Katharine, stand and take a bow my
sweet friend...wish I had more stars to give

everything you wrote on here is soooo true...

and if you actually kept up with what happens
daily you would know can tell the people
who don't have a clue...because if they can't see
what has been happening the last four years to
our country under biden and harris...they don't want to see...
they turn a blind eye to justify their hate for President Trump...

you could prove he has only done good for this country...
and they would twist it and turn it around to satisfy their
hate for him...even knowing he did nothing wrong...

but what you have to realize is that most people
who are against President Trump are not against
him for something that he has done...or hasn''s because
they didn't like him from before he got in the White House...
it's a hate thing...jealous...he has money...his life style...etc..

these haters condemn him for the way he lives his life...
and some don't have a clue why they hate him...
when dems are asked what he has done...they answer with...
he's mean...he's racists...with no proof...and they stump
away...I wonder if all these haters of President Trump
are sin free???...I doubt it...
whatever happened to people who live in glass houses...

what these people better ask themselves I want to
leave in a communist country???...because that's what biden
and harris tried to do to America...and if they think you and I
are soooo wrong...go back and look at the last 4 years...
EXACTLY at what they were trying to...never in the history of life
have we ever had so much devastation in our country...only in the
years of the biden administration...

if these haters haven't notice...all the Biden administration
tried to do was keep people biden is..
and harris isn't far behind him...or even legalizing marijuana...filling our country with fentanyl...suppling people
with needles...meth...anything to make people depend on them for survival...control they did's soros...obama...clinton's...schumer...some
of the richest left wingers that are running the show now...all
are socialist....communist...go look up the lifestyle of a socialist
or communist...

so if these haters think hating President Trump is a better way to go...
and living in a communist country is worth hating him...
they better stop being so ignorant to what is happening in
our country...and wise up...why do they think that before the
borders were open...people would die trying to get into the country
of freedom...

if these haters want to live in a communist country...spite
President him who you are...pack up your
things and move to China...or any communist country...

our soldiers gave their lives so we could have our freedoms...
not to lose it to a socialist party...communism...

I had to laugh at your three star review...that pretty much
says it all...doesn't have a clue...

very well written sweet girl... great job on the research...
I believe God has saved Presidents Trumps life for a reason...
God Bless you...And God Bless much...Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 03-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 03-Oct-2024
    thank you Linda. do you know there are over 100 people who read it and didn't review. I guess they are all Trump haters.
    I read my reviews as I get them, but where do you see my reviews? I should know this, but I don't.
    Thank you for all your comments. I couldn't agree more!
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2024
    I have no nomination votes left or I'd certainly give you one for your encouraging remarks!
reply by l.raven on 04-Oct-2024
    Hi Katharine, a lot of those people
    come in to read a writing...but they
    never read it...for many reasons my sweet friend...

    some just don't want to take the time
    to read long with your
    writing...some people don't get into
    politics...and therefor won't read it...and some will read part of it and leave...just not interested...

    but trust when I say all the 100 who
    clicked on it...didn't read was awesome...and true...right to the point...

    as for people reading our reviews...they are posted for all
    to see...
    to read others reviews...when you
    go to read peoples writings...just scroll down under where you review them...and you'll see boxes that say
    bookmark it...promote this...view rating..etc...just click on view rating...
    and you'll see what people review the
    writing you are reading...

    you can also go to a person portfolio...
    and run down all the poems they have written...and with each poem it will
    show you how many reviews a writing has had...just click on reviews...and you can read them xxoo

reply by l.raven on 04-Oct-2024
    Thank You Sweet girl...just the thought
    of you wanting to give me a nomination vote is an honor...smiling xxoo 😊😊😊🌻
reply by the author on 04-Oct-2024
    thanks for the info on reading others' reviews!
reply by l.raven on 05-Oct-2024
    your so very welcome sweet girl...
    love xxoo 😊🌼
Comment from DonandVicki
This work has reached the exceptional level

Of all the betrayal poetry that I have reviewed this evening yours out shins them all. All the hate in the world makes me ill. A very well crafted poetic commentary on the poison that is pulling us apart. J.D.Vance made a good speech today about getting all of us on the same team. team USA.

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2024
    Thank you, Don and/or Vicki!!!! for your wonderful and encouraging comments and for the lovely 6!!!! I really appreciate both very much!
    There truly out to be something that can be done with the press to force them to report the news, period, not put their opinions out there like it is the truth. They, to me, are the biggest culprits, lying at will and influencing listeners. I think they should be fired and the networks have to hire people who will not inflict their political opinions on the public.
    And yep, I thought Vance did did a superb job tonight, despite the rude woman on the right. Forgot her name.
    Thanks again for reading my long post and for your comments!!
reply by DonandVicki on 02-Oct-2024
    I didn'd see the rude woman, I'm glad that I didn't.
reply by the author on 02-Oct-2024
    She wasn't supposed to fact check, but she said Vance said something he didn't and then kept interrupting him when he defended himself. maddening.
reply by DonandVicki on 03-Oct-2024
    Maybe I did see that, but I usually ignore irritating people like her. It is maddening. Don
    P.S. I...Don am The poet, Vicki is my Muse.
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2024
    oh! I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me :)
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There is a paranoia in America that nobody else has, or country that I'm aware of, a fear of the left, which all countries have that inclination in theirs,, some are inclined that way, but I doubt your country will ever go in that direction, and nor will mine, but isn't that part of democracy? The right to believe what you will? Or not? Well written, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2024
    Roy, it's the money and power behind the Left --Soros, the World Economic Forum, the elite "RINO" Republicans in name only who vote with the Left, pulus the awful, lying media, influencing the people. There's so much stacked against us. I just hope the conservatives, by nature more reserved will speak up in force come Nov 5th and that somehow we can keep the illegals from voting.
    Thank you for reading my long post and for your nice comments!
reply by royowen on 03-Oct-2024
    My faith is really in no human being Katharine, we tend to get the leaders we deserve. This world is full of innuendo and rumour, too many confusing conspiracy, theories I choose not to take sides or belief, and trust only one. Bless you girl.