Gift wrapped
Poem 5/7/527 total reviews
Comment from Ulla
Yes, Zanya, that is the ultimate betrayal, isn't it? It's often like that. You think you know a person well, and then, bam, you're literally stabbed in the back. All the best of luck. Ulla xcx
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Yes, Zanya, that is the ultimate betrayal, isn't it? It's often like that. You think you know a person well, and then, bam, you're literally stabbed in the back. All the best of luck. Ulla xcx
Comment Written 27-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Thanks for sharing zanya
Comment from pome lover
That's true. I believe most times betrayal comes in disguise, which makes it doubly treacherous and sometimes unexpected.
Congratulations on being recognized.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
That's true. I believe most times betrayal comes in disguise, which makes it doubly treacherous and sometimes unexpected.
Congratulations on being recognized.
Comment Written 27-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Thanks for reading and reviewing zanya
you're welcome.
Comment from 3rd Sight.
Beautiful: You said so much here - with just a few words. It's deep, thought provoking, and well put together. I love it! Great work! And good luck, in the contest.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Beautiful: You said so much here - with just a few words. It's deep, thought provoking, and well put together. I love it! Great work! And good luck, in the contest.
Comment Written 26-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Great review zanya
Mm, thanks!
Comment from nomi338
I am reminded of a Mafia movie where the person marked for death was given a kiss, shortly before he was murdered. I believe it was referred to as the kiss of death. My feelings about this is if the person receiving the kiss was aware of this tradition, why did he not try to run away as fast and as far as he could while he could.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
I am reminded of a Mafia movie where the person marked for death was given a kiss, shortly before he was murdered. I believe it was referred to as the kiss of death. My feelings about this is if the person receiving the kiss was aware of this tradition, why did he not try to run away as fast and as far as he could while he could.
Comment Written 26-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Thanks for reading and reviewing zanya
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Cleverly done! The visual of a gift especially when it's so beautifully wrapped immediately conveys excitement and an expectation of kindness. But beyond the show of generosity can lurk something much darker and not to be trusted. Betrayal is one of the worst acts to suffer because it can erode confidence and long-term trust and belief, values we depend on to live fulfilling lives. Thank you, Zanya, for your excellent and thought-provoking post. Good luck! Debbie
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Cleverly done! The visual of a gift especially when it's so beautifully wrapped immediately conveys excitement and an expectation of kindness. But beyond the show of generosity can lurk something much darker and not to be trusted. Betrayal is one of the worst acts to suffer because it can erode confidence and long-term trust and belief, values we depend on to live fulfilling lives. Thank you, Zanya, for your excellent and thought-provoking post. Good luck! Debbie
Comment Written 26-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Superb review zanya
Comment from Brenda Strauser
A good way to state betrayal. They surely could be like. Clever poem. Picture us perfect for the poem. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
A good way to state betrayal. They surely could be like. Clever poem. Picture us perfect for the poem. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 26-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Thanks for reading and sharing zanya
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Ohhh.... this one touches my heart. It's relatable to most of us. Who haven't been betrayed in their lives.
Good syllables count and grammatical connection.
Made me think of Sealed with a Kiss" is a song by Peter Udell and Gary Geld.
Well done, good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Ohhh.... this one touches my heart. It's relatable to most of us. Who haven't been betrayed in their lives.
Good syllables count and grammatical connection.
Made me think of Sealed with a Kiss" is a song by Peter Udell and Gary Geld.
Well done, good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 26-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Thanks for sharing zanya
Comment from gansach
This is a good entry for the Betrayal Poetry competition. It has a very nice presentation with a correct 5-7-5 form. your observation is, sadly, very true in many cases~betrayal often comes from a place where you least expect it because it was dressed in friendship. Nicely done!
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
This is a good entry for the Betrayal Poetry competition. It has a very nice presentation with a correct 5-7-5 form. your observation is, sadly, very true in many cases~betrayal often comes from a place where you least expect it because it was dressed in friendship. Nicely done!
Comment Written 26-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Thanks for reviewing zanya
Comment from royowen
Oh yes, the ultimate fruit of betrayal was Judas' revealing where Christ could be arrested and brought to a mock trial, fittingly in the dead of night, and with a kiss to identify, denoting that Jesus wasn't physically extraordinary, which has affected mankind's destiny, some good, others certainly not. But betrayal is still betrayal and is the opposite of love. Beautifully written, pointing out a great flaw in justice, well done Zanya, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Oh yes, the ultimate fruit of betrayal was Judas' revealing where Christ could be arrested and brought to a mock trial, fittingly in the dead of night, and with a kiss to identify, denoting that Jesus wasn't physically extraordinary, which has affected mankind's destiny, some good, others certainly not. But betrayal is still betrayal and is the opposite of love. Beautifully written, pointing out a great flaw in justice, well done Zanya, blessings Roy
Comment Written 26-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Thanks for reading and sharing zanya
Bless you
Comment from Patrick Bernardy
Hello zanya!
You get straight to the heart of the matter with this idea of betrayal. The more pleasant ("gift-wrapped" or "sealed with a kiss") the betrayer presents him- or herself to the victim, the more painful the act. Said a different way, the higher the betrayer takes the victim, the farther they have to fall. Well done! Good luck in the contest!
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Hello zanya!
You get straight to the heart of the matter with this idea of betrayal. The more pleasant ("gift-wrapped" or "sealed with a kiss") the betrayer presents him- or herself to the victim, the more painful the act. Said a different way, the higher the betrayer takes the victim, the farther they have to fall. Well done! Good luck in the contest!
Comment Written 26-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2024
Thanks for reviewing zanya