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DUEL with the DEVIL

Viewing comments for Chapter 26 "DUEL with the DEVIL - Chapter 26"
The problem of creating a non-addictive painkiller

17 total reviews 
Comment from Pearl Edwards
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Daniel is lucky Brian is a good mediator. You have these two awkward teen characters really believable, Jim. It takes me back too many years to admit to. You have a good memory, lol

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2024
    I do remember the awkwardness of some of those early dates I went on in high school. Sure glad those days are over!
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I never really thought about how hard it is for some people to Connect. I was born with the gift of gab. I love telling jokes and stories. People used to tell jokes all the time. I used to have conversations wherever I went. Now, people can't wait to be rid of you. Conversation is becoming a lost art. Not with me, I'll be telling the undertaker what makeup to use on me before he puts me in the box. Karen

 Comment Written 15-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2024
    You sound like the quintessential extrovert, Karen, which makes it hard for you to understand how difficult conversing is for introverts. And it isn't necessarily even that we don't know how and are afraid to converse. Often, it's just that we don't feel like it. Especially if it's just smalltalk, which we tend to dislike.

    Daniel strikes me as not so much an introvert, but just a shy and fearful guy who is afraid of girls. I think once he gets the hang of it and realizes they're isn't too much to be afraid of, he'll get over this.

    Kimi, on the other hand, is a true introvert and also very shy.
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 15-Aug-2024
    Daniel doesn't seem shy as much as in-born polite and deferent. He was raised that way in his culture. He gets idioms language rules wrong because they are new. As he ages and learns how to use the words, he will be very successful. He mneeds to be matched with an outgoing girl, not a shy one. MOO (My opinion only) Karen
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 15-Aug-2024
    I am a big bag of people. I live in my own little world. Why not? I know all the people. I can retreat and hole up plenty.
    But when I am out and about I am on. My sister Lynda is the shyest one of us girls, and when she takes me around on errands she says she really enjoys it because people may be grouchy when we get there. buy they are happy when we leave. I said that doesn't sound so good to me! She said, right there, that's what you do, people are laughing around you all the time, always smiling.
    I said they just listen to us pick at each other the way we do, and it cracks them up. It is something we have always done. For instance, Lynda might say I just love these Cheetos, I could eat them all the time. I would look her up and down and say hmmm I can tell! Then, I might say, I was in the dry cleaners yesterday and I sure gave them a piece of my mind! She might say, but honey, could you really afford it? We are doing thatconstantly. It is a natural thing to us. All my sisters do it with me. But it only seems to work with me. It is just such fun. We were in a charity shop the other day, and they had dvd's for $2 and Vhs for $! .
    I got a pile of them. She said you don't really need these do you? Well, it's really not for me. She said who are they for? I said my other dvd's were getting lonely so i got them some new friends. She looked at me and said, I give up! Everyone laughed.
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2024
    It's nice to hear that you get along well with your sisters, and they seem to enjoy your good humor.

    I've got two brothers, and my younger brother and I have what sounds like a similar relationship to you and Lynda. We insult each other all the time. Well, we used to. It seems lately it's less of that, but we seem to be developing a deeper understanding of each other. My older brother and I are cordial, but not particularly friendly. It's kind of always been that way since childhood.
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2024
    I don't know about that. There are some very successful couples in which one is an extrovert and the other is an introvert. The introvert loves to go to parties and such with the extrovert, because they take the pressure off having to make conversation.

    My closest friendships happen to be that way. I'm an introvert who is drawn to extroverts as friends.

    You can always tell the extroverts in a group because they do 90% of the talking in group situations.
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 16-Aug-2024
    You have no trouble talking to me at all. I am so glad I found friends on here that speak my language. I am quirky. No doubt about that. I can have a dark sense of humor some times. Sometimes my writing is too clever. My brain gets the subtle hilariousness of the joke, but nobody else does. that is hard for me. I lost the few people who got me all the way to my toes. Making new friends takes a while. But, for you to imply I would hog the conversation, if I know the people I would no doubt do that. And they would expect me to. But strangers, I hold back and read the room. If people ask me questions I will answer, I mean I won't stand there like a stump. But, I don't gab until I know the people. They have to get to know me before they can fully appreciate how truly wonderful I am. And, oh yea, how humble I am! :-)
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 16-Aug-2024
    Tammy and Lynda and I are getting to know each other for who we are now. I think they like me so much better now, is because they miss momma and I am so much like her. She is my hero so that is very okay with me. :-)
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2024
    You remind me of that old Mac Davis song:

    "Oh, Lord, it's hard to be humble,
    When you're perfect in ev-e-ry wa-ay... "

    I don't mind a conversation hog as long as they are interesting to listen to. It's those long-winded bores that get to me. I'll bet you are the former rather than the latter.

    My friend, Steve, who I met in college and who I am still quite close with, is a conversation hog, but his stories are so damned interesting and well-told, that I don't mind it at all. He's a riot to listen to.
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 16-Aug-2024
    I loved that song I sang it all the time, I would go skipping and hopping around the singing it. It was a hoot. Karen
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jim,
well, that didn't go well at all. At least Kimiko was willing to allow Brian to come in and explain the situation. How totally humiliating for both Kimiko and Daniel. You told the story well. It will be interesting to see what happens next.
Have a blessed day.

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2024
    Thanks, buddy. We'll see if there's any salvaging this date from hell or if this is a one and done for this unlikely pair. There will actually be a point to this bit of comedy in the larger scheme of the story.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh dear. That kind of joke shouldn't be done without any practice. I didn't think it was that funny - but I'm sure done well, it could be. Bathroom humor is more for the younger audience.
Anyway, I'm glad that Brian made the effort to explain everything to Kimiko. I would think Daniel would have made some friends - boys and girls at his Bible Study. It's easier when viewing the girls as "sisters."

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
    I'm sure the joke loses something being written out, but if you see it pantomimed by someone who does it well, like my dad used to do, it's a riot.

    He probably did have some friends, even girls possibly in a bible study setting, but it's the one-on-one asking out on a date setting that really got to him.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Daniel's date was a flop. I felt sorry for both him and Kimiko. You did a good job describing the situation. Thank you for sharing this post with us. I really like the story.

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
    Yeah, they're down, but not completely out yet. Perhaps there's a small chance for reconciliation. We'll see.
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh dear! The trials of being young and naive! This started off badly and was only going to get worse as Daniel got more and more awkward in her company. You capture the dynamics of the young well in your story, Jim. Sadly I can't remember the joke. Would it have been too long to put in the notes for those with amnesia problems?:)) An enjoyable chapter! Thanks for sharing. Debbie

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
    Perhaps I should have, but I did state that it was in chapter 15 for those who felt like looking it up. Glad you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed the dialogue here, and laughed with Brian and Julia. Our characters cannot get everything they want, and this was a good way of showing that.

Still enjoying it:-)


 Comment Written 13-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
    I'm glad, Pam. Thanks. There is still a little bit of hope it might work out. Just have to see.
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

He centainly did botch that joke. Brian should have told he outright not to tell that joke. I can't understand not being able to keep a conversation going on a date when both or nervous and are afraid of making a bad impression.

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
    I've certainly experienced that, myself when I was younger--that awkwardness. It does take practice as Julia tried to tell Daniel.
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How awkward.
Not sure about anyone getting over that scene.
This is another very well-written chapter. You would never know that both Brian and Julia were drug addicts.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
    It does seem like a steep mountain to climb.

    They don't really seem like your typical addicts, do they? I think it may make a difference how you got into drugs. Brian got in for pain, and Julia got in for nerves. Both seem able to overcome the addiction (although if you read the Prologue, you know that he gets caught up in the addiction again.)

    For those who get into drugs just to get high, it may end up being more difficult to get off them. Perhaps they have more addictive personalities.

    The more I read about it, that seems to be such a thing. It's in the genes, and, just a little sneak preview here: gene therapy will become part of Brian's eventual solution to the problem of separating pleasure from the pain-killing equation.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think you scribed this very well Jim, you certainly know how it goes, it's funny, American humour is really quite different to Aussie and English humour, which is much more self effacing and self deprecating on occasions, poking fun at oneself, I love English sitcoms, very clever, but with the political correctness twaddle, they've dried up, beautifully written, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
    That is a shame about the PC business ruining those shows. I happen to love British and Aussie humor too. I loved the Netflix series After Life with Ricky Gervais, and the Aussie series called Fisk. Have you seen either of those?