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Viewing comments for Chapter 9 "Common Bonds (Gretchen)"
Two very real women in not so real situation.

22 total reviews 
Comment from Michele Harber
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is lovely, filled with both heart and humor. I was touched by the story of Helene and Ezra's relationship, and I enjoyed the many humorous lines thrown in. I got a particular smile out of, "My plate looked like it had already gone through the dishwasher," "The hum of the crickets and occasional call of an owl, settling my mind better than my usual dose of melatonin," and "I could indeed live the Amish life. Well, with two exceptions, I cuss and I like a glass of wine now and then."

It's a good thing you keep stressing that this story is fictional, because both you and Rachelle write it so realistically that it sounds real and, certainly, makes the reader wish it were. Lovely job.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    Thank you for this detailed review and the nice comments. I am having a fun time writing this. I believe Rachelle is having some fun as well. I appreciate the feedback. Gretchen
reply by Michele Harber on 11-Aug-2024
    It's obvious just from the writing how much fun you're both having.
Comment from Cindy Decker 3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You tell this story with a fond respect for the Amish. Which, in my heart, they deserve. (Some Amish people rented a van to deliver my beloved puppy from Ohio {there's Amish settlers there too, I found out to my surprise} to PA. They were well dressed in crisp Amish gar, and they were very respectful of this heathen, whom they caught smoking upon their arrival).
Have you ever entertained the thought of writing how some of your fictional Amish friends would fare in your surroundings back home? Just a thought.
Your writing style is impeccable.
I found no errors.
Excellent story, Gretchen!
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    Thank you, I'm learning as I go with regards to the Amish. But it is fascinating. Rachelle had mentioned something about that but I'm not sure. Gretchen
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed the quiet dialogue between you and Helene, as you press her to tell more of her story. The story you created for her was fascinating. I like how you used interesting dialogue to move the story forward.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2024
    Thank you so much. I am enjoying writing this story with Rachelle. I appreciate the kind words. Gretchen
Comment from Jim Wile
This work has reached the exceptional level

I loved this chapter, Gretchen. We got to see a gentler, less sarcastic side of you that wasn't quite as self-deprecating as some of the past ones.

I found it interesting how an introvert and an extrovert together can be quite comfortable with their respective roles--the extrovert often loves to talk, while the introvert is content to let them carry the brunt of the conversation. Being an introvert myself, I could feel your discomfort after Rachelle left. It doesn't mean you don't enjoy talking one-on-one, like you did with Helene, but just when there is a group, introverts tend to do a lot more listening than talking.

I enjoyed Helene's touching story of how she met Ezra, which reminded me of the time a friend of mine, after a golf outing, while we were in at the banquet, stole my bag of clubs and put them in his trunk, only to deliver them to my house about a couple hours later, haha, leaving me in great angst during that time. Jokes like that are not cool.

Very well written.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2024
    That was an expensive joke your friend played on you. Thank you so much for this wonderful review. Gretchen
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a sweet heart to heart between two women with very different lives. It's good that Gretchen takes the time to listen and reveal a deeper side of her hostess. I liked how she's adapting to the Amish way of life. I wonder if she and Rachelle will actually get to the convention on time...

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2024
    Lol. Don't count us out. Now, how we get there remains a mystery. Lol. I'm so glad you enjoyed this. Gretchen
Comment from pome lover
This work has reached the exceptional level

well, Gretchen, that deserves a 6. You are very funny! I haven't read but one of Rachelle's. Will have to check and see if she's written another one.
I do think this is a fun thing to do!
Love your sense of humor.
I can't imagine, however, a girl in today's world, moving into an Amish lifestyle, gorgeous eyes or not.

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2024
    I couldn't do it. I know how to do things by hand, but if there is an easier option, I say it's the smart thing to do. Thank you so much for this exceptional review and the extra star. Gretchen
Comment from T B Botts
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Gretchen,
I'm really enjoying this story by the two of you. While I spent time on a Christian farm, it wasn't exactly like the Amish, though we did have some things in common. For the first five years we didn't have electricity, but not because of any belief against it. I think living with the Amish would have been easier on the one hand. Very entertaining gal.
Have a blessed evening.

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2024
    Lol. I like my modern conveniences. Thank you so much for this wonderful review and the extra star. Gretchen
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I very much enjoyed listening to it. It flows very well when it is read aloud. Your sentence structure your paragraphing and your presentation are all wonderful. May you have a blessed day and may God keep you safe in this awful world. Patricia.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Thank you, Patricia. I'm glad you enjoyed this. Gretchen
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, like with all fiction, there are made up elements sprinkled with tidbits of truth, and most times, neither would be the same without the other. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Add ons are like salt and pepper to the facts. Lol. Thank you for this. Gretchen
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

In reality do these Amish people shun electricity also?remarkable .Yes these two could feel culture shock here. I am enjoying this very much now I will wait for the other version..

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Thanks so much. No modern conveniences. It is a simple life but full of honest hard wok. Thank you. Gretchen