Reviews from

Biven V Trump Clear Choice

this is our choice?

7 total reviews 
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You deserve the win. Biden cannot retire because no one has the money or the power to defeat this meglamaniac. I don't think he wanted another four years, but no one put anybody up with enough gravatis to mow him down. We cannot be quiet. Trump is evil. Karen

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 18-Jul-2024
    thanks looks like BIden is going to bow out this weekend - COVID helped gives him a face saving excuse to quit
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 18-Jul-2024
    I do think that he gave himself an escape hatch, but who has a big enough war chest to mow dumpthetrump down? Kennedy? That family had whiskey runners and could not keep their zippers zipped. Not a good trade off. Karen
Comment from BermyBye50
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Congrats on your first place win in the Biden vs Trump Contest. You hit the nail on the head with this entry. The contrast is accurate and striking. Neither candidate is the preferred choice but the correct choice is Biden. If only there were another candidate to choose from. I hope the American people are ready to accept the long-term consequences of making the wrong choice after they decide in November.

All the best,


 Comment Written 06-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2024
    yeah unfortunately unless he decides to retire that is the choice
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's tough writing about politics in any form these days. There seems to be no "dialogue" anymore. But logic? Sanity? Sign me up with your way of thinking. I can't even begin to imagine what this debate will devolve into on Thursday. More shark talk? Hannibal? I'm guessing the former president will try to yell over his shut-off microphone.

Egads! Congratulations on the win!


 Comment Written 25-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jun-2024
    thanks a lot
reply by karenina on 25-Jun-2024
    You bet!
Comment from tempeste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is standup comedy, right?
it has to be .. the only other option is, you were smoking weed when you wrote it. ( biggrin)


.. Biden is dragging the Ukraine war on because if he acknowledges that Ukraine has been defeated he most probably will lose the election.

$ 170 billion in aid in two and 1/2 years and nothing to show for it.

Ukraine soldiers are still dying for a lost war because Biden wants to win the election.

Fathers , sons, brothers dying for nothing.

And what about the 37.000 civilians killed in Gaza, 14.000 were children ..

Biden is complicit in the war crimes Zionist Netanyahu and the IDF are committing.

Biden vetoed THREE UN ceasefire resolutions so that humanitarian help could be sent to the starving population in Gaza.

Hundreds of trucks with food are at the border but Netanyahu won't let them in

.. food is starting to rot on the trucks, while Zionist protesters attack many trucks and throw the food on the road.

Experienced?? ..he may have been once but now clearly he needs to retire and be a grandfather.

Dedicated to trying to make things better for the average American???

Thanks to Biden's open border policy , in three years some 7 million illegal crossed your border , such a massive influx has just caused chaos, crime and degraded to major cities including New York.

These people have no where to live, no Medicare.

In some states parents were asked to make their kids follow school on line from home so schools and gyms could accommodate these illegals.

I heard just a few days ago in a hearing that only 30% are Mexicans the remaining 70% come from all over the world . Don't be surprised when terrorists start bombing your cities.

Biden had been sending tax payers money to Ukraine and now to the Middle East.

These wars have made the cost of living an ongoing struggle for Americans ( and Europeans)

Biden has also been printing money America doesn't have and now inflation is choking the average American .. mortgages have doubled, gas, electricity bills on the rise.
You average American is queuing up to get milk , bread handouts from charity organisations.

Yes he s showing signs of his age
Has his senior moment
Still capable of speaking in complete sentences ..

And here is where I draw a line .
Biden clearly has cognitive issues which are getting worse by the day.

When on trial last year, the judge declared Biden was not capable of defending himself on the stand. How convenient.

Biden is not fit to run for re election this November. And if you don't see that then it's just a waste of time continuing the discussion.

PS. you have a typo in your title : BIDEN

I'll send you a video you might find interesting.

 Comment Written 24-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 24-Jun-2024
    thanks a lot as usual
reply by tempeste on 25-Jun-2024
    Like I pointed out at the end of my comment : there is a typo in the title. Biden not Biven
Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You've made some good points here. I wonder if the moderators will ask for a policy direction regarding transgender people. I suppose that would likely be considered too controversial. Easier to think there are only two God-given sexes and the others are willful unethical choices made by unethical people.

I got a charge out of Trump's electric powered boat and the shark talking point. If Trump were smart he would have thrown the electric battery in the water and electrocuted the shark. That is just what a stable genius would do. I guess he didn't see the documentary "Jaws 2" or he would've known this because that is what Roy Scheider (Brody) did to that naughty shark.

The attacks on the justice system are heavy at the moment, but sadly there does seem to be some corruption. I think we always knew that, just not to the degree that is being revealed.

Yep and Trump's support of the Ten Commandments being posted in every school is so ironic given that he has repeatedly violated almost all of them. But he is just the kind of man God would use, yes? *cough*

Wishing you much luck with the voters with your entry. :)


 Comment Written 24-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 24-Jun-2024
    thanks a lot
reply by Gloria .... on 25-Jun-2024
    I just noticed a typo in the title Biven (Biden)
Comment from Pamusart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This looks like a good entry for the contest. Good luck with that!!

Well, I agree about trump. I think one thing Republicans fear is that Biden dies in office and Kamala Harris takes over. They can't stand the idea of an African-American woman being president. This may only be the only opportunity. Of course I hope it never happens. I don't want to see Biden dead. I think he's done a good job. The inflation and gas prices were not his fault In fact, and indirectly, they can be traced back to Trump. Trump was president when Covid started. During Covid all the truck drivers found new jobs.

The US wasn't getting any goods from outside of the country. It's a simple law of supply and demand. The more supply, the cheaper the goods. The more demand without the supply means inflation.

The other thing that contributed to that was Trump's fiasco with China.

Here did you mean 'full of anger'

" A convicted felon

Fill of anger"

I really enjoyed reading your poem

Good job. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2024
    thanks a lot
Comment from Alexandra Trovato
This work has reached the exceptional level

Yes the choice is clear. Somehow people are brainwashed that a person with no moral who presents himself as a slob and a buffoon could best represent America. There are two different ideas of America in our country and we must fight to keep the Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, America. I hope people will vote Biden!!!

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2024
    thanks as always