Reviews from

Be Careful who you attack

Prejudice gone wrong

38 total reviews 
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, the message is indeed clear and one that needs to be heard throughout the world -- we are all God's people, and rain falls on every head everywhere.

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2024
    Amen. Nuff said. Thank you.
Comment from jim vecchio
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's too late in thew week for six, though you undoubtedly deserve it. This may have been mis-directed into the poetry list, but I am glad I found this very, very meaningful piece of writing.

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2024
    Thank you Jim. You really know how to make a writer face the weekend with a big ole smile. Thank you so much.
reply by jim vecchio on 23-Jun-2024
    I always look forward to reading all of your writings.
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This story, Be Careful Who You Attack, tells a familiar story of simple jealousy amplified by a racial prejudice based on a personal loss. Daniel's anger will reach to everyone who reminds him of the "Jodie" who impressed the pants off of his old girlfriend.

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2024
    Exactly. But again, be careful who you attack, there is almost always a killer Mike around the corner waiting to punish the young fool who is not ready for the heat.
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Nolan,
Your post was a very good way to bring up prejudice and its effect on generations. You did a good job of showing how these feelings caused further bad feelings and behaviors down the line. Uncle Raul was able to grow in his behavior and lose prejudice, but Uncle Sam was so hateful he caused harm to his own nephew and stayed unrepentant, at least for the moment.

Thanks for sharing,

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2024
    Thank you for your wise and wonderful response.
Comment from Barry Penfold
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fine message delivered in a different way. Note that this is a semi biographical story, and some would obviously be true to your life. It is hard for me to imagine how a person can form such prejudice/hatred. Perhaps I have been blessed.
Take care and thanks for sharing.
Barry Penfold.

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2024
    To me it is a matter of being able to gain a mature view and approach to life. Since I have not done anything spectacular or amazing enough to deserve more life than anyone else, I can lay no more claim on the blessings of life than anyone else. So I remain humble enough to thank God for every blessing.
Comment from Daylily
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Racism is an unjust situation that seems to be growing more and more prevalent in this modern world of today. Your posting has a strong message as it addresses being prejudiced.

I am wondering if you contacted Tom and asked if you could change the category this writing is placed under since it is not actually a poem. It has a very good theme, however.

 Comment Written 21-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2024
    I did ask but I may have asked in the wrong place. I will try again.
Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Absolutely, Nomi, the message is absolutely clear. Some are just spoiling for a fight because of some ingrained prejudice and ignorance. Thanks for sharing this. Ulla:)))

 Comment Written 21-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2024
    Thank you for your great comments.
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-Great artwork and nice presentation, nomi.
-Your notes are appreciated.
-You tell a good story with good descriptive detail.
-You establish the premise in the first two verses
and set the stage for more to come.
-Was the bus a city bus and not strictly a school bus?
You have Daniel and Ernest on the same one so
that wouldn't be a school bus since Ernest is working.
-Daniel was bound to get involved with something
because his anger and frustration was building.
-You end the piece well, but how was Samuel
going to rid himself of prejudice without help,
or is that implied in your last line?
-Thanks for sharing the story.

 Comment Written 21-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2024
    I owe the poor illustration to lack of suitable choices. I tried to imply that Daniel would have to seek help and advice that he would hopefully accept.
reply by Pam (respa) on 22-Jun-2024
    Thanks for sharing the explanation.
Comment from jake cosmos aller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

very powerful and moving story about growing up amid a racist society but learning how to cope and deal with people. the last few lines were quite impactful worth publishing in my view.

 Comment Written 21-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 21-Jun-2024
    Thank you so much.
Comment from Earl Corp
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This should have been a contest entry. Though it read more as a story than a poem I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing this with us. Very nice job.

 Comment Written 21-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 21-Jun-2024
    Thank you Earl. It was in fact misplaced, it was intended to be entered as a story.