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I am not a gardener

4 total reviews 
Comment from Esther Brown
This work has reached the exceptional level

Drink, drank, drunk. Poor thing. Not sure feeding the tender thing whiskey is medicinal. No hope, better give it a proper burial in the garden and let God water it.

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2024

Comment from Aiona
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a cute story. I love poems that rhyme. I also like poems that make me giggle. So I appreciate that this poem does both! I actually do use a mixture of 50% alcohol/water with a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to kill mold and fly mites on my houseplants. :) The hydrogen peroxide really perks them up too, for some reason. The theory is that it provides a lot of oxygen to the leaf-cells.

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2024
    Wow I would have done the right thing had the story been real Thanks for the the review and the tip.
Comment from Shirley E Kennedy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a clever fun poem and such a worthy contest entry.
Each stanza is complete in itself and yet flows so freely into the next.
Although there is no image I can visualise it from your words.
Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 19-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jun-2024
    Oh Shirley there was a picture, but it gave me grief when altering the font. Glad you enjoyed the wee verse and thank you for your review.
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

well, I'm sure your plant died happily, if a bit premature, and probably not frisky. Did you choose this contest specifically because you aren't a gardner? or because it was a challenge? Whatever the reason, the ending was a funny surprise, which is always enjoyable. Good job.

 Comment Written 19-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jun-2024
    Thanks Katherine. I am not a gardener our property does not sport one .My husband had three plants on the dining room table until recently which drove me silly despite my love for orchids. Hence the poem.