Reviews from


A time to nurture

9 total reviews 
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm wondering why I didn't receive this in my in-box. This is a great story, well structured and building character skilfully with your excellent dialogue. Of course, us lazy readers believe what we see in front of us and, having been cunningly introduced in the beginning to the theme of children in your mother's laments, we, henceforth, are convinced that Trip is, in fact, a child! You maintain this misconception all the way through until the very end in a very playful fashion!
If this is just an attempt at short stories, you can take it from me you've succeeded. Thank you for sharing this very well expressed and enjoyable read! Take care Debbie

 Comment Written 12-May-2024

reply by the author on 12-May-2024
    Debbie, thank you so very much for reading and reviewing my work. I am truly honored.

    You did not get it in your inbox because it was posted before we became fans.

    Again a huge thank you.

Comment from Father Flaps
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Jimi,
You had me fooled. I thought that Trip was a puppy, and I pictured him beside you in the car, sleeping peacefully.
This story, though, is more about your mother than you or the kitten. You've described her wonderfully. It's easy to tell she loves you, and that this new kitten is the grandchild she never experienced. I like her. She must be in her early 70s, and still going on dates!
"I've got to get back home. I have a date."
A great story, Jimi! Nicely penned! Keep them coming!

 Comment Written 11-May-2024

reply by the author on 12-May-2024

    Good to see you and thank you so much!!! I am truly honored and I?ve never enough words to express my gratitude to you and your reviews.

    Hope you are doing well.

Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A well written story about your newly adopted baby, Trip. Your mother sounds like a hoot!! She's ready to accept Trip into the family, and begins to mother him at once. You should have included a picture. You know how many cat lovers we have on this site!!

Congratulations. My son has given me a husky for a grandson, hehe, but his brother and sister have made up for it.


 Comment Written 07-May-2024

reply by the author on 12-May-2024
    Rhonda, good morning!

    Thank you so much for this wonderful review.

    If I had put a pic it would have spoiled the ending! lol

    I was foster mom to a beautiful Siberian Husky. I loved her so much, but I live on acreage that?s not fenced and though trained she had a tendency to run to a neighbor who ( sadly) raised fighting roosters( I was told) and attempt to kill them . huskies are natural predators. He threatened to kill her and my heart sank.

    Fortunately, I found her a beautiful home with a young couple who moved to Colorado. She loves it there!

    I have a beautiful cat and I am an immense animal lover.

    Again, thank you so much and hope you are having a Happy Mother?s Day!

Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very good story. It flows smoothly from scene to scene. You paint a very good word picture of the mother. She comes across as a busy body who knows more than anyone else, but I guess she means well. The daughter knows ways around things from previous experiences, and you have to admire her patience. It seems to pay off.

The scene where the mother is shaking him was hard to take and then the daughter says she is going to leave him in the playpen while she goes out. You do a great job of continuing this scenario until the very end. Very well done, and thanks for sharing it.

 Comment Written 06-May-2024

reply by the author on 12-May-2024
    Pam, thank you ever so much for taking your time to review my story. I am so appreciative.

reply by Pam (respa) on 12-May-2024
    You are very welcome, Jimi.
Comment from Esther Brown
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Loved it. Great ending, you had me tricked. I had a tiny suggestion...rainy days on your comment on the bottom. Smile. Love our furry children. Esther

 Comment Written 05-May-2024

reply by the author on 05-May-2024

    Thank you for catching rainey-

    Although this is fiction, my daughter who is 52 does have a sweet heart cat named Trip. She goes away on Trips and I sit with him. I, also, have a cat and a few other animals. Dusty is my wonderful Tonkinese and I love this furbaby so very much.

    Thank you so very much for stopping by.

reply by Esther Brown on 05-May-2024
    Mine is Daisy, a neurotic chubby rat-jack. I wrote my first poem about her "For love of Daisy". Was the mom you? If so, you were hard on yourself. Smiles
reply by the author on 05-May-2024
    lol- no, I am not the Mom in this particular story.

    I have two daughters and three sons. My two daughters and I are truly best friends and I tend to stay out of their life's decisions. After all, they are grown, strong and mature women. I am acquiesced with the fact, I taught them how to fly.

    My sons are awesome too. I am fortunate that three of my children live a stones throw from me and the other two live about an 8 hour drive away.

    However, I am a hands-on granny and I am always giving advice!!! lol

    A chubby rat-jack?
reply by Esther Brown on 05-May-2024
    They sold her as a Jack Russel but she turned spotty and has long legs, is afraid of her own shadow. Our last jack was purebred and fearless. I am struggling with technology, have a lot of good pictures of Daisy to post on the poem "For Love of Daisy" but can't figure out how to put the picture on the story. Ugh.
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very cute short story you have penned. Up until the end I thought Trip was a little baby boy. Then we find out it's a cat! lol You used great descriptive words and very good dialogue. love and blessings, teri

 Comment Written 05-May-2024

reply by the author on 05-May-2024
    Teri, again thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to read and review my work. I am so very honored.

Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I had a feeling that Trip was just a dog or cat and the big reveal did not come until your last sentence. I enjoyed your teasing post, full of emotions with an interfering Mother, you made me smile, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 05-May-2024

reply by the author on 05-May-2024

    Thank you for stopping by. I am honored. I thought most who would read would get a sense it was a cat or a dog. The movies I made reference to had cats who had played a big roll in them.

    Again, thank you

Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You really had me going here Jimmy, but aren't mothers like that, meaning well, but yet can't seperate themselves from interfering in one's life to the extent of distraction, beautifully written Jimmy, most imaginative, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 05-May-2024

reply by the author on 05-May-2024
    Roy, how are you?
    I want to thank you for reading my work and rating it. It humbles me greatly and I appreciate you very much. I am trying to return back and write more and, of course, review. Something I have hardly done in the past five years.

    Again thank you very much.

reply by royowen on 05-May-2024
    I?m fine Jimi, good to have you
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your story very much and it flows very well when it's read aloud I was a little surprised at the ending of it, but not completely surprised. I wish you the very best with all of your writing. Patricia .

 Comment Written 05-May-2024

reply by the author on 05-May-2024
    Patricia, another big thank you. I am trying to return to writing more and reviewing here on Fanstory, so it is wonderful to see people such as you support my efforts. Again, thank you

reply by patcelaw on 05-May-2024
    I have always always enjoyed your writing and I do hope that you will continue to write. You are a beautiful writer.
reply by the author on 05-May-2024
    Thank you so very much!!!You are going to make me cry.