Walkies Anyone
The daily ritual4 total reviews
Comment from Tom Horonzy
I have never given your musing thought previously, but fully agree with...
"I am sure dogs know how to talk without moving their lips; their eyes speak volumes." This contest has many great entries, including yours, though it would fare better with a larger font size.. I am intrigued which will win.
reply by the author on 02-May-2024
I have never given your musing thought previously, but fully agree with...
"I am sure dogs know how to talk without moving their lips; their eyes speak volumes." This contest has many great entries, including yours, though it would fare better with a larger font size.. I am intrigued which will win.
Comment Written 02-May-2024
reply by the author on 02-May-2024
Thank you Tom The font size has been altered upomn your suggestion
Comment from tempeste
Ciao mystery poet, you have your first vote
I have been in the same situation dozens of times.
Come shine or rain they wanted their daily walk.
There was one exception though: if there was thunder my pets would not budge.
Many pets have paw friends they look forward to meeting during their daily walk.
In part I think that's why they want to go out even if it's raining
also smells and other dog scents are stronger.
A delightful read!
reply by the author on 03-May-2024
Ciao mystery poet, you have your first vote
I have been in the same situation dozens of times.
Come shine or rain they wanted their daily walk.
There was one exception though: if there was thunder my pets would not budge.
Many pets have paw friends they look forward to meeting during their daily walk.
In part I think that's why they want to go out even if it's raining
also smells and other dog scents are stronger.
A delightful read!
Comment Written 02-May-2024
reply by the author on 03-May-2024
Yes, I think you are quite right if our real pooch and his lady friend of the same breed are anything to go by. I'm glad you enjoyed the read
Comment from Douglas Goff
Wonderful job. Dogs may not k no ow how to speak with their lips, but they sure can communicate their wants and needs and most strongly...their love.
I also believe they may have some tripe of healing properties (I'm not one to go all supernatural) but there seems to be something there. Seen it.
Good read. Cute dog. I hope that is the real dog in the picture. Too cute.
reply by the author on 01-May-2024
Wonderful job. Dogs may not k no ow how to speak with their lips, but they sure can communicate their wants and needs and most strongly...their love.
I also believe they may have some tripe of healing properties (I'm not one to go all supernatural) but there seems to be something there. Seen it.
Good read. Cute dog. I hope that is the real dog in the picture. Too cute.
Comment Written 01-May-2024
reply by the author on 01-May-2024
Thanks, Douglas. It was a borrowed dog. The story was created with our own toy poodle in mind A friend takes him for a walk every day along with another canine friend. My husband does carry on about the 'romance'.
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
An excellent entry for the First Line Flash writing prompt. This was an awesome little story that tells things as they usually are between a dog and his owner on a cold, rainy day. They will usually always get their way, which is as it should be. Good luck.
reply by the author on 01-May-2024
An excellent entry for the First Line Flash writing prompt. This was an awesome little story that tells things as they usually are between a dog and his owner on a cold, rainy day. They will usually always get their way, which is as it should be. Good luck.
Comment Written 01-May-2024
reply by the author on 01-May-2024
Thanks, Marilyn. Yes dogs usually get their way.