Reviews from

They Are But Tools

Politicians deserve not your allegiance - they work FOR you!

14 total reviews 
Comment from poetwatch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yvette, I must disagree with you. Politicians don't work for us... they work for the almighty dollar. They make promises they don't keep, but they keep the money they make. They will kiss your baby and steal your purse as they smile and shout, "Vote for Me!" This is a good entry for the 5-7-5 Contest.

 Comment Written 22-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2024
    Thank you for your review. Always appreciated.
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This 5-7-5, They Are But Tools, has the proper formatting and reminds us that these people we are fretting over are not kings or gods, but OUR representatives who answer to us.

 Comment Written 22-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2024
    Thank you for your review. Always appreciated.
Comment from Ricky1024
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This contest entry was well written rich in Theme and Imagery.
It also, read well and flowed well with no Grammar Issues.
Thanks for sharing this and good luck with your contest entry.
Doctor Ricky

 Comment Written 22-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2024
    Thank you for your review. Always appreciated.
Comment from Mrs. KT
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good morning, Yvette,
Your posting is brave.
Politicians, for the most part, disgust me. And they most certainly do not define who I am!
One nit: concious (conscious)

Best wishes,

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2024
    Amen, Sister! (and thanx for the nit)...
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jumping in the deep in already, I see. Warning: it has gotten really bad on here, and the political divide widens by the day.

But We the People have serious problems. Israel just stuck back at Iran on a nuclear energy mountain. And here we are, slinging mud daily at the old president instead of holding the new one accountable--for anything. Work for us? They should but for the most part they don't. I really wonder who is really in the White House. You understand this patriots concern. God help us!

Typo: conscious.

Well penned with a great message inside.

Sending you my best today as always, and my best for the vote.
Sal Xoxo

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2024
    The world is certainly balancing? teetering? on a pin top right now, my lady, and more questions exist than answers... Thank you for your review, my lady. Always appreciated.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So are bureaucrats tax funded servants, although they don't act like that. A difficult question, I managed to overcome party politics allegiance, mainly because it was traditional and generational, but I broke that chain, I tend to vote for the cross benches, because they keep government relatively honest, but lots of bribery goes on, it's the system that's sick, with withdrawal of accountability, there's a sense of hopelessness isn't there Yvette? A stream of consciousness. . But yours is a good suggestion, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2024
    Hopelessness indeed, sir -- and sheer frustration with demonstrated ignorance and 'fan boy' mentality... ugh!! Thank you for your review, Roy. Always appreciated.
reply by royowen on 23-Apr-2024
    Well done
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Contrary to their belief, but undeniably true! Our politicians are quick to attribute their beliefs to a great amorphous mass called 'the Australian people'

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2024
    Yep! Thank you for your review (and the catch!(. Always appreciated, sir.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am not sure everyone thinks that Politicians work for us as many of them abuse their position, but I liked your patriotic poem Yvonne, love Dolly x x x x

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2024
    Thank you for your review, Dolly. Always appreciated.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I totally agree and I like your reference to Machiavelli! The parties and their candidates do not define us. We need to stop making our political parties like our favorite football team and get all emotional about defending them!
Best wishes in the contest!

Your concious identity... (conscious)
Politicians - no matter they're affiliation (their)

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2024
    Thank you for your review and corrections, my lady. Always appreciated.
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So very true, though it is still mystifying, as we pay them and as you say they work for us, they still do not take any notice of us, and presume to tell us what to do, an excellent 5-7-5, very well written, best wishes for your contest****kahpot

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2024
    :-) :-) Thank you for your review. Always appreciated.